Here is my policy on breeding heifers - it has worked great for me and has been tweaked as more information becomes available
Do everything possible to minimize having a wreck - this means to me
1. using a known, proven calving ease bull with excellent EPDs and very high accuracy
2. not using new unproven bulls on heifers
3. having heifers in good condition (not fat) and approximately 70-80% of mature BW
4. pelvic measure heifers - if pelvic area is too small ---> gone
5. heifers get bred 2 times maximum AI - if they don't stick ---> gone
Breeding for maternal traits, fertility and "stickability AI" I have had very few heifers that do not stick AI the first time and only one that didn't stick after 2. Unlike Jill I have never had a "1st calf heifer doesn't have any milk, or won't claim the calf, or lays on it or some other stupid thing heifers tend to do" so I have no trouble using expensive calving ease semen on heifers.
While it has been suggested that you need to breed her to a bull you like, I would suggest you do your homework, research your pedigrees and make a decision based on knowledge - with the idea that your goal should be a live calf and a live heifer - a great dead calf out of a bull you really like and a crippled heifer from a bad calving isn't worth a hill of beans, no matter how much you liked the bull.