Ruebush, i agree, although experience tells me your opinion will not be a popular one.
Are horns Trump heavy? some. I dont think any worse than we were heavy Dividend or any of the other "greatest of all time" sires and trends. It seems to me that from every trend that stagnated an oportunity was created for someone, or multiple breeders, with different genetics to have a profound impact on breed improvement (if not improvement at least alteration. Never did see the point of Ayatollah).
Rocker Bros were some people doing their thing and selling to their happy clients for decades before they were "discovered". Haumonts with the beefy milkers, Aldens with the pretty crossbred cattle from Ireland, Grahams with their bull battery, Cedar Curve, KaBa ranch, Steinke.
You can lead or you can follow or you can walk your own path. The followers never lead, they just pay the leaders bills, while those that stuck to their own path often times find themselves in the lead.
Nothing new.
Once upon a time if you didnt have a bull imported from Scotland sired by a Bapton whatever you werent cutting edge. Then All Irish. (I never understood why riding in a boat was the determinate factor of a bulls quality) Milkers, Maines, all had individuals that were fine beasts that made shorthorns better. Unfortunately as with any trend it invariably goes overboard.
The "milking shorthorns" of haumonts were beefier than most beef shorthorns today. Ayatollah and his ilk? no. Cunia may be the only bull in heaven. He helped everything. Red Alert? no. Dividend? Improver (even with the luggage) sure.
trump will be old news one of these days. Probably pretty soon actually, mostly because "SOME PEOPLE" find Trump lineage harder keeping than a Johnes infested Jersey with hardware.