oakview said:We used Double Stuff, Double Vision, Double Down, and Double Trouble in the past, before we learned of the TH and PHA deal. Double Trouble and Double Vision worked the best for me, Double Down a close third, and we really never had good luck with Double Stuff. They were just small and hairy, not as much real muscle as the other bulls stamped their calves with. I think Double Trouble is the only one of the group THF, but he might be a PHA carrier. He downsized, but the calves still had some performance. The calves we had by him were strong topped and fancy.
earl said:Just had a Double Trouble born on the 12th. Came in at 93 lbs but with no problems out of a nice size cow. Super nice calf, lots of hair, large top and lots of bone. Very pleased just was hoping for a heifer.////could we see a picture sometime? O0
I have to agree with you about Fringe I really thought about using him but I already have some Double Trouble in the tank.mark tenenbaum said:Lucky Ralph-who is also pha-worked well for me-the cow needs to be somewhat steery though-have some KABA breeding(most shorthorns do these days). I think Free For All and Fringe will do as well on more types of cows. O0