COMMERCIAL outfit here, so my weigh-in here will have no relevance to what you're doing, but I'll offer it up just in the event that someone who's production-oriented might read this thread.
We have used only solid red bulls, and mostly Waukaru sires, initially and principally because they were available from OriGen through my ABS rep - no shipping charges.
Base cowherd is mostly ~3/4AN-1/4SM, descended from my old haphazardly linebred Fleckvieh-influenced (sons & full sibs of ABR Sir Arnold G809) SimAngus herd.
Started out with Waukaru Gold Mine 2109, because of his high CED/low BW and all the horror stories we'd heard about Shorthorn BWs. Easy-calving - I'd use that bull on ANY heifer. Steers were good - really impressed on us that SH might also be a decent terminal cross... daughters are shaping up to be perhaps the best Shorthorn-cross cows in the herd... good dispositions, mostly good udders, producing nice calves.
Waukaru Gold Card 5042 - got used one season on mostly on low-end cows...I'm thinking that he didn't get a fair shake here; steers were average to good but out of less than stellar cows. The two Gold Card daughters retained are shaping up to be good cows. Will probably go back and use this bull again.
Waukaru Coppertop 464 - Steers were great! Comparable to any high WW epd Simmental-sired calves out of the same group of cows. Coppertop daughters just now really coming into production, but they look to be good, if a bit framier than the Gold Mines.
Waukaru Orion 2047 - Steers were the best we've ever raised. March-borns weaned in Sept at 697# on grass and dam's milk. First daughters will calve in a month or so.
Waukaru Patent 8161 - first calves here born this spring; they look great.
Rob Sneed '034' bull (RSDV 01 729 04 034) - steers were good; comparable to the Gold Mine calves born at the same time. Daughters are really nice, wish I'd bought more semen when it was available.
Captain Obvious 606S - only used a half-cane...steers were so-so; one daughter died of tetanus prior to weaning, other is on her second calf, a Patent daughter that looks good. The CO daughter is OK, but has a silhouette almost resembling a bison cow... not especially to my liking, but she's got a nice udder, raises good calves, and has done nothing to warrant going on the cull list.
All in all, we've been very pleased with the Shorthorn crosses, and while we initially went to Shorthorn sires to infuse some 'maternal' traits for retained heifers... I'm convinced that the right Shorthorn bulls have great merit for beef producers as a way to produce really good stocker/feeder calves, as well.
Shorthorns are a great 'product', and I tout them at every opportunity... but as long as what commercial producers see are flowery puffed/fluffed show winners with 100+lb BWs, I'm afraid y'all are still gonna continue to struggle to maintain or gain any market share in the commercial beef industry.