Shorthorn Country Issues

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Active member
Jul 6, 2014
I am looking for old Shorthorn Country Magazines. I am not sure when the first was published but i would like to collect at least through 1990-2000. Any Issues I get I will most likely be digitizing what ever i can collect and If i can get permission from Shorthorn Country to make the old issues available online i will. If i can not i will send them as .pdf to any one who ask for them.

I will list any issues i can track down here and note when i get complete years. Any help in tracking them down would be greatly appreciate especially the earlier editions.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I think I probably would have most of the issues you are asking for. My collection goes back before Shorthorn Country when the Shorthorn World was the breed magazine. I would have most all the issues from the 60s on and quite a few from the 50s as well. I may be missing a few issues but most would be here. Right now, I am not interested in giving anyone any of my issues as I still use them quite often. I also have the Canadian herd books from 1876 until they ended publishing them in the late 50s.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
I would be interested in seeing those too. If you had that put together the 80s would be interesting too. I don't know when it switched from shorthorn world to shorthorn country. Does anybody know?


Active member
Jul 6, 2014
Shorthorn world went from either 1912 or 1919 all the way to 1975 or 76. So there seems to be an overlap in issues possibly. I am currently at ksu and they have most of the shorthorn world available by request from storage.

I may not be able to find anyone willing to give up issues but if I can borrow a year a week or so I would have enough free time to scan them in.


Ummmm. That would be unbelievably awesome if you did that! <rock>


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
I wish I could help you ! Grandma threw out early issues, our first registered shorthorn was in 1917. Agnes ( grandma) was the first Michigan Lassie President, when the National Lassie's  started in 1956. I know my Grandfather and great Uncle traveled to Chicago  ( International before Louisville) started in the early 30's.  We have herd sire issues starting in 40's and not every year. 

Gene McDonald told me once that Highland Farms, IL has every issue? Or try Leveldale Farms of IL ? Sounds like a huge project.  Some of the best cattlemen articles were written back then. Stangl Shorthorns, Dover Ranch to name a few.  I enjoy the pile we have and would not give or sell any of them. 


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Knox County Nebraska
Cornell has a library annex that is pretty much like the warehouse where the lost ark ended up in storage in the Indiana Jones movie. If you search the library holdings on line,it says they have 72 copies; volumes 11-33 and
34-60. The annex will send digital copies to any university, I think. Getting all these where we can study them would be so cool and I hope you can do it. Cornell also has the  Core Historical Literature of Agriculture collection, mostly old texts- lots of good stuff. I'd give a link but I'm too dumb to copy and paste with a smart phone.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2008
The Shorthorn association actually owns the Shorthorn World and Country and leases it to Cagwin.
Thanks to another of Ron Bolze's initiatives the ASA has a complete leather bound set.I think it would be a great thing to have these available to the breeders via the internet.Sue is correct in the fact that the articles in the older issues were of great value and timeless in their topics and content.There were more contributions by breeders and the ratio of print to advertising was close to even.
The magazines did overlap for a time.In the early 70's the Shorthorn World editorials and many articles submitted by breeders became quite critical of the ASA.This reflected a growing frustration by many breeders with an Association that appeared old and tired in an era of dynamic change and fundamentals in the beef industry.Some of the good old boys deals didn't help either. Rather than changing they started the Shorthorn Country and the small pie grew smaller and apparently the Association had deeper pockets and bought out what was left of the Shorthorn World.

M-n-M Cattle Company

Well-known member
May 4, 2009
I don't know what cost you are willing to put into this but I have purchased my dad several old copies off E-Bay. I think I paid around $5-10 for some of them. E-Bay has some pretty cool old Shorthorn pieces. I have purchased several film strips from the early 1900's that we have had developed and the pics are amazing!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2013
Colorado State University and Utah State University have a significant collection of Shorthorn literature that  you could probably obtain through an inter-library loan. 
This is a wonderful project you are undertaking.  Digital records of these important historical documents is essential because those of us who have paper copies find that they are rapidly deteriorating and within the next few years are in danger of being lost altogether.  I have a collection,  as well,  but would not be interested in trusting it's safety to the pubic delivery system.    Best wishes for your success in this.