I'll give you $2,500 for her. I may be critical of my heifers, and maybe this is just the pics, but if I am going to spend 10 plus on one, which I seem to do every year, they better be a good one that can do some winning or make an awesome momma. This girl looks nice enough bodied for a 10,000 dollar one, but she seemed a little down-ward sloping from her hip, toes out her left rear leg in both pics, could be a little straight off her rear legs also, and maybe is pinched in her heart just a touch. She does have awesome extension through her front and sure is eye appealing in her make up but I know I am being real critical here, and most of the flaws may be because the pictures do not do these girls justice but she is a pretty nice female that could be in the hunt come late spring-early summer if she got in the right hands and someone did some homework with her. just my opinion.