JTM said:
I agree it would be nice to have an incentive but the testing more than pays for itself if you have the right genetics. If you have choice or prime and a yield grade 1 or 2 you will get the premiums that far outweigh the fee of collecting the data.
I'm not talking about feed lot testing, I'm talking about step #1: Reporting birthweights and weaning weights. This is the initial starting point and until the current process, where commercial cattlemen have to pay a per hd fee to enroll in the whr program, is amended to allow them to submit (at a minimum) bw and WW on SH sired cattle for free, then we will never be able to generate the volume of data that we need. Even I, in my idealistic youth

,am unwilling to pay to enroll my commercial cows in whr. I've had over 75 SH sired commercial calves in the last 2 years that I have bw and ww recorded on-- but in order for that data to have been submitted to the association, it would have cost me close to 1500 bucks in whr enrollment fees.
Don't get me wrong- I'm as big of a proponent of the WHR program for purebred cattle as anyone, but I feel like the cost to report SH sired calves out of commercial cows is disproportionate to A) the increase in animal value- because there is none. To me, a SH plus paper isn't worth the cost of the ink used to print it and B) the value of the data itself, if you can quantify that?
We have to eliminate any and all all barriers the commercial cattlemen might encounter that would prevent him from submitting performance documentation.
E3 Durhams said:
So we need to focus on convienience traits but not growth and carcass? We can use angus to attain that?
No no no no. Just no. A cow that's easy keeping with good udder, temperament and all that jazz but has calves with mediocre WW and YW and little ribeyes is useless to me. I think it must all be selected for.
I agree with you, Brock. We don't need to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I don't care how great the "Replacer" bull's convienience traits are... if he has a growth RATE that's below what I consider to be 'industry acceptable,' then, to me, he's of no use. 500lb calves are great if they're out of 1000lb cows; not so great if their dams are 1300+.