Doc said:GB, I don't know where that came from!!garybob said:Doc, You never saw me post anything about those 3 cow-killers, either, did you?
To you & cwa both, if you don't like todays genetics that's fine. I just really wish that y'all wouldn't get on here & act like there isn't a bull or cow worth a D_ _ _, unless they are son or grandson of a bull from 1960 thru 1980. There are some durn good genetics out there today!! If those cattle had been perfect we would still be breeding cattle exactly like that. But instead we are striving to breed a better animal. I agree that some of those genetics will compliment our cattle today, but some of those genetics shouldn't be propagated just because they're 40 years old & still in your tank. I raise Shorthorns, have raised Shorthorns for 36 years & hope to raise them for another 36 years, so when y'all continue to beat that dead horse about how todays genetics are the ruin of the breed ,yea I kinda take it personal. To me we get more respect on this board from people who raise other breeds than a couple of guys who say they love Shorthorn cattle.JMO ;D
You are taking all of this the wrong way. There is no need to take any of this personal. All we are doing is voicing our difference of opinions on the matter. Don't we have a right to do so even if we do disagree with you and a few other breeders? Sorry that you are bothered by what all we had to say on the matter Doc, however at the same time we do have a right to our opinion, and if someone does not like what is going on with the breed, they do have a right to voice what they feel is wrong with it.
Let me ask you a question. Would you rather people sit back and not say anything and tell other breeders what they want to hear all of the time? My opinions and information is based on what I have learned from my mentors who are still active Shorthorn Breeders. These men are highly respected individuals. They are not just some "Lover of Shorthorns", these guys also raise and produce Shorthorn Cattle. Some of them have been raising Shorthorns since the 1940's, and are still raising them to this very day. I may not be an active breeder, and I don't claim to know everything about the breed either, however I have had some really good teachers and mentors (Active Shorthorn Breeders) who have taught me quiet a bit about Shorthorn Cattle here in the last 4 years. Some of these people you would probably know or have at least heard of. I can tell you that I have learned a lot more about the breed, and have gained a lot more knowledge here in the last 4 years than what I learned back when I was actively working with Shorthorn Cattle.
Apparently you also have not been reading all of the content in my posts. I did say in my last reply to you that there are "Some bulls" out there that I do like, and yes, there are some good Shorthorn cattle that are still out there. However, I'm not going to lie to you or anybody else when I say that most show animals (Club Calves) are not functional sound animals. I respect the fact that you have been raising Shorthorns for 36 years, and if you had read my last post to you I paid you a compliment about your bull "MH on Target", which is a newer bull of today. My main concern about the shorthorn breed is mainly these club calves that are post legged that do not milk. There are too many terminal animals out there and not enough maternal animals. Too many heifers that look like steers are being produced. However, if people want to continue raising those kinds of animals they have that right, however it's not benefiting the overall Shorthorn Breed IMO.
As far as your comment " If those cattle had been perfect we would still be breeding cattle exactly like that", well there still are some breeders out there that still raise cattle like that in case you did not know. Apparently today's cattle aren't perfect either considering that TH and PHA has become a problem in the last several years. Cattle that I am talking about did not have TH and PHA, and they weren't post legged and most of them were a lot more functional than a lot of today's newer Shorthorns are. Say what you want Doc, however once again I will remind you that I have talked to other Shorthorn Breeders who have been saying the same exact thing that I and GB have been saying all along. GB and I are not alone.
Plus you still have not answered my question: "Why can't the commercial and show people get on the same page and work together to benefit the overall Shorthorn Breed?"
"we get more respect on this board from people who raise other breeds than a couple of guys who say they love Shorthorn cattle."
Nobody is disrespecting you Doc or any other breeder on here. There were no direct attacks made on anyone. I cannot help if you are taking my opinions about "The Direction of the Shorthorn Breed" the wrong way. I have nothing against you as an individual or anyone else on here. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.