Here's a few thoughts....
First, shorthorn plus is just plain awful. First thing that crossed my mind was "gee, a commercial shorthorn is BETTER (plus) than a "purebred". Whoever thought of that sure wasn't thinking!!
Second, I agree with a thought from above (maybe itk), that there is no purebred breed anymore. Genetic selection works only so fast and angus getting super frame-y in a few short years along with white udders didn't happen because of "selection". Nor did the maines and simmies get black due to "genetic selection". Its pretty sad when you have to look at the sign to see what breed it is, or worse, call the number in the ad to see what breed the picture is suppose to be.
Third, My brain is foggy on this but, the limis have a Fullblood, purebred, and so on....I think that is good. The full french limis had a bad attitude, but you sure wouldn't confuse them for some other sireeee~!
Fourth, You mention the word heterosis to the typical bull/heifer buyer, and they look like your speaking ancient greek. But after explaining, and maybe proving, what it is, most will go for that "purebred" bull.
Fifth, most bull/heifer buyers don't give a darn about registration papers, as long as they trust the pedigree you tell them. My cattle are "registered". Meaning, I can give you at least 3 generations on both sides of the pedigree AND performance data. And it is even on my computer!!! I have a good reputation, so people trust what I tell them and realize of piece of paper means nothing to them.
Sixth, I still have a huge gripe with the angus assoc. Seems like they just don't give a darn about registering cattle from "little guys". I am hoping I will have better luck with the limi far they have been great!
Seventh, Maybe all the breeds should just combined and make "The Amercian Black cattle Assoc" and "The Amercian Red cattle assoc." That way, color would be the only consideration, and the purebred would be equal to the crossbreds and no one would be paid too much money to come up with silly crossbred breeding names.
Eighth, Every breed has a place in the industry. Yep, even the Dexters, even the longhorns (like the one in the classifieds

). As well as the belted galloways, limis, maines, shorties, angus, charlies (sorry can't spell!), correntias, beefmaster, braunvieh, gelvieh, etc. But if we continue to crossbred, the differences will disappear and so will the breeds.
Ninth, It is ok to have diversification within a breed. Clubbie shorties, and breeding shorties. That is ok, but lets not confuse the two.....heck, do we want to turn into the hog industry?????
Tenth, Do what works for you, and let your neighbor do what works for them. We can all get along if we both are honest.
I will now climb off my soap box and take some aspirin....I have a headache!! (clapping)