Shorthorn Plus registration

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Well-known member
May 30, 2007
I have a heifer we are going to register shorthorn plus but trying to find out what percentage she can be. Her mom was 7/8 and sire was about 1/16 shorthorn. I figured she is 46.875% shorthorn. But when looking at the shorthorn website they can only be registered as 1/4, 5/16,3/8,7/16,1/2,and so on. The heifer falls between 7/16 and 1/2 what is the highest she could be registered as? Thanks


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2010
Pretty sure she will be a 7/16 Th's because they don't allow the sire to count since his percentage is so low. 


Well-known member
May 30, 2007
I think they don't allow the sire to be under 1/16. But I maybe wrong that is what I thought I read in the rules and regulations on the shorthorn association website.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
That deal can be kinda tricky. I have a jpj calf that I think will miss the red papered status by 1-32th's. Haven't sent it in yet.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
My understanding was either the cow or the bull had to be purebred...... ???


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Below is a copy of the ASA rules for registration. It looks to me like the 1/16 is not going to count.
Also here is the link to all the rules and regulations.

A. SHORTHORN REGISTRY: Shorthorn registration shall extend to and be available for
all Shorthorn animals (15/16 and higher in blood concentration) provided that:
1. Eligibility: Progeny are eligible if both the sire and the dam are correctly registered.
2. Color: The color shall be one of the following descriptions: red, red and white, red
with white marks, roan or white. An animal of any other color description shall not
be accepted for registration, except that a small black spot on the body or black nose
shall not bar an animal from registration if its breeding is otherwise pure.
3. Inspection: ASA representatives are authorized to inspect records and calves at
randomly selected herds at the direction of the ASA Board of Directors.
B. SHORTHORNPLUS REGISTRY: ShorthornPlus registration shall extend to and be
available for all Shorthorn animals (less than 15/16 in blood concentration) provided:
1. Eligibility: Initial entries into the ShorthornPlus Registry Program shall receive the
prefix AR prior to registration number. This prefix shall be assigned to all cattle of
the following percentages: 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16, and
7/8, except that cattle with black markings or coat color cannot exceed the 1/2
percentage designation.
2. Blood Concentration Levels: The following rules shall govern the determination of
the blood concentration levels:
a. Fractional Levels Used: A denominator of one-sixteenth shall be the smallest
fraction used in identifying percentage of Shorthorn blood concentration level
on the certificate of registry.
b. Smaller Fractional Levels: Animals falling in between the sixteenth
denominator in actual Shorthorn blood concentration shall be recorded at the
direction of the Blood Determination Chart.
3. Related Breed Entry: Other Shorthorns (i.e. Milking Shorthorns) shall enter the
American Shorthorn Association Herd Book at same level in which they are recorded
by their herd record. Registered Maine-Anjou (with a red color designation) shall
enter the American Shorthorn Association Herd Book at the 3/4 level. Maine-Anjou
shall receive the prefix MA prior to registration number. Effective August 1, 2008
Maine Anjou shall be considered ShorthornPlus and receive the AR prefix prior to
their registration number. Lincoln Reds shall enter the American Shorthorn
Association Herd Book at the 100% level.
4. Initial Entry Cattle: Progeny of and succeeding generations of other breeds shall be
subject to the same rules as cattle recorded in the American Shorthorn Association
Herd Record. Initial entry AI sires and donor dams are required to have a DNA
genotype and genetic defect status on file with ASA.
5. Genetic Recovery Cattle: Purebred, non-registered Shorthorn cattle with unknown
parentage, but which can be proven to be descendants of Shorthorn parents, can be
recorded in the American Shorthorn Association Herd Record at the 7/8 blood
concentration level upon inspection by ASA staff and payment of proper fees.
6. Other Regulations
a. Eligibility for Shows: ShorthornPlus and Durham Red animals are only
eligible to show at designated ShorthornPlus shows and are not eligible for
PACE points. Starting with the 2010/2011 show season, ShorthornPlus and
Durham Red animals are only eligible to show at designated ShorthornPlus
shows and are not eligible for PACE points. All ShorthornPlus animals must
be 50% Shorthorn blood concentration or higher (7/16 if dam or sire is purebred
15/16) to be eligible for ShorthornPlus shows.
b. A.I. Rules: All A.I. rules regulating the registry of progeny conceived through
A.I. in the American Shorthorn Association Herd Record shall also apply to all
cattle in the ShorthornPlus Registry.
c. Generation Skipping: No generation skipping allowed even if blood
concentration dictates a higher blood concentration level. (See the ASA Blood
Determination Chart.)
d. Herd Record Designation: All ShorthornPlus cattle which enter the American
Shorthorn Association Herd Record shall carry an asterisk in front of the
registration number. This will be permanent and will appear on the pedigree of
all progeny descending from ShorthornPlus parents. The asterisk will be
removed when a Shorthorn achieves 127/128 Shorthorn blood concentration
level. This blood level represents 99.22 percent purity. The asterisk will only be
removed on the individual achieving the 127/128 blood concentration level.
The asterisk will remain on all other ShorthornPlus ancestors in the four (4)
generation pedigree issued at the time of registration. Any AR-registered
animal appearing in the previous four (4) generations would disqualify the
animal from achieving this status.
e. Herd Book Acceptance Fee: When a Shorthorn (15/16 blood concentration
level or higher) is mated to a ShorthornPlus and the resulting progeny qualifies
for 15/16 status, the ASA will charge a Herd Book Acceptance Fee to move
from the ShorthornPlus Registry category to Shorthorn Registry category. The
Herd Book Acceptance fee shall be waived for all ASA members enrolled in
the Whole Herd Reporting (WHR) option.
1. Eligibility: For cattle to be eligible for the Bra-Horn ShorthornPlus Registry,
individuals must be 3/8 through 7/8 Shorthorn blood concentration level and the
balance of the blood concentration level be composed of Brahman or a Brahmaninfluenced
breeds. At the initial entry level (first cross), at least one parent must be
recorded with the ASA Shorthorn Registry or in the ASA ShorthornPlus Registry
program. Both males and females are eligible for registry. Cattle in the program that
have a solid black hair coat and/or black skin are eligible for registry at no higher
than 1/2 blood concentration level.
2. Other Rules: All other rules for registry and blood concentration level requirements
will be the same as the current guidelines for ShorthornPlus Registry.
1. Eligibility: For cattle to be eligible for the Durham Red Appendix Shorthorn
Registry, individuals must be 1/4 to 7/8 Shorthorn blood concentration level and the
balance of the blood concentration level be composed of Red Angus. At the initial
entry level (first cross), both parents must be registered with their respective breed
association (Shorthorn/Durham Red, or a 1A or 1B Red Angus). A ShorthornPlus
registry certificate will be issued in place of a Durham Red registry certificate until
the ASA receives a calving ease score, birth weight, weaning weight, yearling
weight, scrotal circumference and proof of genetic defect free status. Genetic defect
status can be proven by supplying ASA with a test result on the Durham Red animal
to be registered or providing a test result on the Shorthorn parent.
2. Other Rules: Durham Reds can show or sell at any event that allows ShorthornPlus
cattle. A Durham Red shall receive the prefix DR prior to registration number.


Well-known member
May 30, 2007
The bull is not registered in shorthorn association but is in the Maine he goes back to heat seeker that's why I was wondering if the calf can be registered anything higher then 7/16