Wow, everybody seems to be chasing their tail on this one and no one is getting any closer to changing anyone's minds about anything. Some may have even(unintentionally) caused hard feelings.
Here's how the simple Iowegian sees it:
1. As long as we have CAB commanding a premium in the U.S. market, the Shorthorn breed is fighting an uphill battle for more market share
2. If you don't pay close attention to detail, using Shorthorn bulls may cause BW & CE problems more quickly than a few of the other breeds 3. Shorthorns have many positive characteristics to offer the industry(maternal characteristics, fleshing ability, cutability)
4. Breeders are striving to correct any deficiencies(real or percieved) in the breed to satisfy commercial and show ring customers
5. Neither the show ring nor the commercial world should be a stand alone entity--in my opinion they are not mutually exclusive today
6. The Shorthorn breed has not done as good as some other breeds at measuring performance, etc. for the commercial industry
7. No one line of Shorthorn(or any other breed's)genetics can answer all needs for all cattlemen--you have to plan your matings
IMHO the rest is just semantics and opinion and if you want to spend a lot of time chasing your own or someone else's tail continue your debate. I guess I'm more interested in doing something that actually makes a difference---I'll study the genetics and performance of my herd and those of other breeders, encourage the board to emphasize commercial traits more through gathering performance data on our animals, and support the use of judges at our shows who emphasize both sides of the equation. This may be a "Pollyanna" way of looking at things, but if we don't make a personal commitment to move things in the desired direction we can't expect anyone else to do it for us. To quote one of my favorite perveyors of philosophy(Forrest Gump)"That's all I'm going to say about that!!"