mark tenenbaum
Well-known member
I saw Exclusive at Harold Hoskins in 1991 or 2-and he was the smoothest made bull I had ever seen-a shimmering shiny bull-extremely goodlooking, thick and beutifull fronted.-just stopped you in your tracks.And H'ed do it today. Harold bought him and then made him to be the "sire" of all the Vistas Sentra MA calves he produced. Like Exclusives Carrie-who then became Flashes 2075 (Flash was Vistas Sentra). However- Carries dam-an incredible white cow-was not related to 2975 at all-but sired by a Charolaus bull Harold called a Shorthorn, etc.Stone Cattle in Illinois (Llloyd Stone is realated to the Moores) were the only other people to use Exclusive that I remember-and they were very good-Id use him today. O0 O0