Shorthorn wins Canadian AllBreeds show

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
steerkid said:
justintime said:
The Canadian All Breeds show is one of the toughest in the country.

So of all the Canadian junior shows you have won Interbreed Supreme Champion at this was the easiest  :eek:
Maybe you could tell us about the ones that gave you the biggest challenge?


May 14, 2012
Okotoks, I wasn't belittling your win what so ever. A moderate heifer that has some look with a big stout bull calf beside her will hunt anywhere in Canada, there's no denying that. With that being said, glorifying this show doesn't do a whole lot to put Canada on the map in terms of show cattle. I mean, just the presentation of the cattle alone would lead me to believe..."No one takes this show seriously, they couldn't even take the time to pull a leg." However, after watching the CWA horn show last year I wouldn't expect for a whole lot of them to be dialled right in. I saw one string come through the ring presented half way decent, and big surprise they were from Ontario. I guess what I'm saying is that your toughest junior shows, and most professional are in the east in my opinion. I would say that your eastern canadian open shows have better presented cattle as well. No, I haven't won this particular show, and don't ever see myself attending. What I'm saying is, show this picture to some jock in the midwest and try to not get laughed at by saying this is one of the most competitive shows in all of Canada.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
steerkid said:
Okotoks, I wasn't belittling your win what so ever. A moderate heifer that has some look with a big stout bull calf beside her will hunt anywhere in Canada, there's no denying that. With that being said, glorifying this show doesn't do a whole lot to put Canada on the map in terms of show cattle. I mean, just the presentation of the cattle alone would lead me to believe..."No one takes this show seriously, they couldn't even take the time to pull a leg." However, after watching the CWA horn show last year I wouldn't expect for a whole lot of them to be dialled right in. I saw one string come through the ring presented half way decent, and big surprise they were from Ontario. I guess what I'm saying is that your toughest junior shows, and most professional are in the east in my opinion. I would say that your eastern canadian open shows have better presented cattle as well. No, I haven't won this particular show, and don't ever see myself attending. What I'm saying is, show this picture to some jock in the midwest and try to not get laughed at by saying this is one of the most competitive shows in all of Canada.

I would say that the quality of a show doesn't hinge on the amount of leg hair that has been pulled.  I would say that the over all quality of cattle is higher in Western Canada over Eastern Canada just due to the sheer volume to pick from in Western Canada.  This pair looks very good in the picture and I think its a step in the right direction for the short horn breed as far as some moderation. 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
Sask, Canada
steerkid said:
Okotoks, I wasn't belittling your win what so ever. A moderate heifer that has some look with a big stout bull calf beside her will hunt anywhere in Canada, there's no denying that. With that being said, glorifying this show doesn't do a whole lot to put Canada on the map in terms of show cattle. I mean, just the presentation of the cattle alone would lead me to believe..."No one takes this show seriously, they couldn't even take the time to pull a leg." However, after watching the CWA horn show last year I wouldn't expect for a whole lot of them to be dialled right in. I saw one string come through the ring presented half way decent, and big surprise they were from Ontario. I guess what I'm saying is that your toughest junior shows, and most professional are in the east in my opinion. I would say that your eastern canadian open shows have better presented cattle as well. No, I haven't won this particular show, and don't ever see myself attending. What I'm saying is, show this picture to some jock in the midwest and try to not get laughed at by saying this is one of the most competitive shows in all of Canada.
First of all a BIG CONGRATS to the breeders and owners of this pair!! They should be proud of the cattle and their accomplishment!!!
I think that one difference here might be that more of the kids fit or ARE ALLOWED to fit their own cattle?  If i am wrong, I apologize.  We were not there or have not seen other pics from the show but not sure what fitting has to do with the quality of livestock there. We like to see cattle fit before they hit the ring, but can also see a good one in the pasture.  Our daughter is 13 and she is learning to do by doing, and their is a big improvement every year and how else will she learn?
As far as you only considering there to have been 1 string of cattle that were presented "HALF DECENT",  I beg to differ.  I think a lot will agree there is a big difference between what you call "HALF DECENT", and how a lot of the cattle looked. You are correct that they were not all "DIALED RIGHT IN" including our string, but were more than half decent.  If your coming to agribition send us some pics of your work because we are still looking for another show day fitter!


May 14, 2012
TPX, i would agree with you in saying this is a pretty good female in terms of moderation for the shorthorn breed in western canada. I agree there are far more numbers in the west, but since when does quantity = quality??? Furthermore, I wasn't even speaking to quality of cattle, only presentation.
and to Hilltop, in Ontario kids have to fit their own cattle just the same at the majority of junior shows so there's no difference there whatsoever, but whether it be junior or open to jackpot and breed shows, I feel as though presentation is far superior in the east, with the obvious exception of some of the top crews like Soo line and Serhienko, Michelson, Harvie, etc, who all have respect east to west,  and north to south. I totally agree that you have to see one that's right on track in terms of feed and management, as well as the green calf that's kickin it on pasture with no management, and any real cattleman can. On the note of the shorthorn show at cwa's presentation, I guess I would have been expecting too much coming right out of the barns at NAILE then seeing the gap in terms of professionalism and just overall quality, so in comparison of the two... wait there is no comparison. And no, I don't think i will be at agribition this year or for a number of years to come but I'm sure that young gun out of quebec can get them honed in on show day for you.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
I think if they put sparkles in the pairs hair, they would be pretty hard to beat down east.  :)