Well anyway, the DRC female in the picture seems very similar in type to Red Bulls heifers. Looks like DRC breeds true.
If we want to get across the idea that a Shorthorn Cross F1 female will make a great replacement in ,for example, commercial Angus breeds of Black or Red, the results will have to be consistent and impressive to the Angus owner. With the right kind of Shorthorn genetics, and they are out there, this can be accomplished.
If the national herd is at a low in numbers and there is a good market for replacement females, it seems like this would be a good time to get Shorthorns back into mainstream commercial herds. Angus genetics are having a hard time with an accumulation of recessive genes and many commercial breeders are looking beyond Angus. I see it around here--5 years ago people thought I was dumb for getting a Shorthorn bull, now they want to know what would be a good Shorthorn to buy semen on. They have used Capiche and like the calves, but they are too moderate for the packers. It's been nice for me to buy the Capiche heifers that flunked the commercial weaning weight minimum because they work well for forage only, but the folks who are being pressed by the packers for 800 lb hanging weights need something different. The only thing stopping them around here is that they can't get the kind of Shorthorn bull they need from ABS or Genex. I just looked at the 2014 ABS catalog and I didn't see any commercial Shorthorns bulls in there. I did notice that the Red Angus and Hereford sections were bigger than they used to be.
If the F1 Shorthorn cows get to working in commercial herds, they will prove themselves. We know this. Sooner or later, some operations will choose to breed them back to Shorthorn instead of Angus and the feedlots will again start pay extra for frosted calves. My own hope is that we will stop hiding Shorthorn under black and start using roan bulls that make the Shorthorn x calves easy to spot, instead of camouflaged as black. Even so, in years to come, Red could be the new Black if Shorthorn would work on commercial viability.