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OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio

Can Macho be used on heifers?



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
The link doesn't work, but thanks.  What are bw like out of him and what does he work on.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
He works great on angus based females from what I've seen. Can also be used on clubby females. And yes he can be used on heifers. Don't know exact bw's but would guess in the 80 range. The ones I've seen were low according to owners.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Hey KDSC - maybe I missed it in this long thread but what is the TH and PHA status on your heifer??? Now while I certainly wouldn't use a carrier bull on any of my cows or heifers (my choice) I would NEVER use a carrier bull on an animal of unknown status - just look at the PHA video if you have any questions.

Maines (clean BTW) - for heifers Money Man, Witch Doctor, WD 40
Shorthorns - can't beat Gizmo - yes red I have a Gizmo heifer and after 12 good calves from the big red cow - I have found the Golden ticket!!

I sure wouldn't used Eskimo Joe (PHAC) and if I recall Warhorse is a double carrier - and I wouldn't use Kool cause I don't want a double carrier - I think breeding carrier genetics is limiting your marketing...

I agree with shortyisqueen in that you might get more consistency with a Maine

I think the goal should be a live calf and a live heifer - and even if you do everything right you can get into a sticky wicket - I pulled a pretty big boned (not huge calf) from my kick a** fabulous THF PHAF heifer bred to the Maine calving ease bull Midas Thurs pm in the -20 degree weather with a 50 mph wind and after the calf here came the uterus - heifer seems to be recovering, calf has spent most of his life in the warmer - I think he is pretty nice - but the best laid plans oft go wacky...ya never know  ;)


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
Hey Dl thanks for the response, we are having blood drawn, in about a week, to get them tested, so I will know then...
I think i have decide to breed her to a PB maine, like Hard core or money man :'(


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I like both of those bulls, if you really want calving ease I would stick with Money Man.  We have a a couple of Hard Cores and had really good luck, but he has been all over the board, most are small, but I have heard of some big ones.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
KDSC said:
Hey Dl thanks for the response, we are having blood drawn, in about a week, to get them tested, so I will know then...
I think i have decide to breed her to a PB maine, like Hard core or money man :'(

Remember too the heifer will play a role in the BW - I have had a number of DF Midas calves - all small and all with decent bone - thie one I had Thursday 97 lbs out of a 1500 lb heifer has more bone than I have ever seen on a calf - not big hipped or big shouldered but I can't get my hands around his pasterns!! The heifer is big boned - likely a combo of the Magic from her dam - so keep your heifers conformation in mind.

Majors have a list of BS - all really small 60 to 75 poundish - I had 3 MM so far - a 97 pound female and and 86 pound bull BUT out of cows and the one ton red cow had a 90 pound Gizmo heifer - so the point I am trying to make is that it is not an exact science and you do the best you can - in MI we tend to have higher BW because the management is different than Kansas and Nebraska commercial herds...if you use EPDs the accuracy is improtant - I use them mostly for bulls I would not use for heifers. If you look at the bulls BW remember that sometimes there are twins so the 90 pound bull was really 180 of 2 bull or sometimes there were c-sections!) ...don't be afraid of calling the bull owner and talking to them. Taz might also be a good idea - certainly has some special genetics in his background - Magic and Cunia but he is only a halfblood. And of course the WItch Doctor is one of my all time favorites and I really think his females are special

the other thing I would recommend is having the heifer ultrasounded befoer 70 days so you can get a pretty exact calving date (if you only AI and have no bull this is irrelevant) - that way (if you know the exact date you can prevent the heifer from going over her due date...good luck and have fun with you choice!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
Thanks DL where can I find DF Midas???  After the end of July this heifer will be out in the pasture, maybe sooner, if the kids dont show her at the county fair. So I shouldnt have a problem with her getting to fat, or getting the calf to big inside her, and then About a week before she calves we will bring her up and all the other show heifers, so we can watch them better.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
This is the bull you're talking about using.  DF Midas put some nice females into the Maine breed, he is a 1981 model and if you can find semen it will be expensive.


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