I'm sampling a number of Shorthorn sires in my commercial operation - breeding them to high-percentage Angus cows, bred up from a Simmental/SimAngus base. Have been selecting Angus sires for a number of traits over the past 10 years, but particularly concentrating on 'carcass' - marbling/ribeye and tenderness (all Angus AI sires used in the past 5 years have had 5 or 6 of the GeneStar tenderness markers).
Will be using SH sires, sometime in the next year or two, on some pb Simmental females.
Not seeing much info from the Shorthorn breeders on genetic markers for tenderness, marbling, etc. - but Waukaru Coppertop 464 is becoming my main SH sire - top 1% for WW - plenty of growth, top 3% for $BMI - so his daughters oughta be good, and he's got, if I recall correctly, 4 of the 6 gene markers for tenderness and 3 of the 6 gene markers for marbling - so steers ought make for a good eating experience, and daughters should pass good carcass traits on to their terminal offspring.
Certainly would be interested in using Patent, if he's available for commercial use.
Farm manager(wife)'s principal emphasis is on WW; but I'm in charge of sire selection, and I take a more balanced approach - even though I'm primarily breeding mature cows to SH sires, I still want good CED/BW; need to be above breed average for WW & MCE; and, I'm looking hard at $BMI since I'm primarily using the SH sires to make SHxAN COWS that will be bred to black Simmental sires to produce terminal feeder calves.
Have used RS 034, Captain Obvious, Waukaru Goldmine, Waukaru Coppertop, Waukaru Gold Card, and will be using the Dover(DRC 101VM) bull some this coming season. Would be interested in seeing more scan and genetic testing info on Shorthorn sires - Sue's been good about sending me some scan data from time to time, but some of that info is not as readily available to commercial producers as it is for the readily available Angus sires.