Hi! We have a 10 month old registered polled hereford bull calf we bought 4 months ago. We planned to show him and later replace our herd bull with him. Last week we noticed a lump close to his sheath/navel area. Today the vet confirmed that it was a hernia. He said we have an option of surgery to repair it but he won't do it until the weather is cooler. He also said he would not use this bull to breed due to some hernias being hereditary. Of course I'm wanting to save this guy as part of our show stock but I don't want him to suffer at all. Is he too old to cut and show as a steer? We've never ventured to the steer side of showing so I don't even know what to look for in a steer. Should we leave the hernia alone and send him to slaughter? How do you know if a hernia is hereditary or not. I contacted the seller and was told they've never had any issues with hernias and the dam and sire were both good. And since we just noticed it could it be possible that this just happened? Sorry for so many questions, we've not had to deal with anything like this so far and I have a little girl that's upset over losing a calf.