I liked the show. It has lots of potential. I thought the panel was very helpful and knowledgeable. I would like to see maybe in the barn demonstrations tidbits so kids can actually see not just hear what the panelist is talking about. The call in questions were a wreck. Bad sound, muffled, couldn't understand the callers. Some callers had too basic of a question that a general livestock leader could of answered. I believe that with a set amount of time, more challenging more advance questions should have been asked. Calls obviously have to be screened. On caller called just to ask if panelist was single, another to compliment the host on his moustache, and another why his Angus wheeze when racing?? Time was wasted on these clowns. I liked though how the show being sponsored by the Angus association allowed for its junior members to email questions that I thought were very good. I thought those questions were exactly what the show and the panel was suppose to be about. Helping the show kids in the industry. I tivo the show. I will look forward to the next one. Hopefully they can build off this show experiences. I believe this show is very beneficial to the show industry.