We're from Indiana, but have sold some goats to Iowa over the years, so take this for what it's worth. Smith's have some pretty powerful bucks, but I haven't been able to make it through their stuff when we are out there. The pictures always look like they can get the job done, and look at their results. There are quite a few good breeders in Iowa, and more in Illinois depending on where you're at and how far you want to drive, and some really stout breeding programs in Indiana. Obviously Texas has some great ones that run deep, but visit your banker first in most cases. If you're looking for this show season, you have started a tad on the late side, but there are still some good ones out there. As for price, you can spend as much as you like. Right now there is a Breedersworld Online sale with Kedrick Miller's late ET wethers, so take a peek at those to see the quality and what they go for.
As for feeding, goats feed about about as well as hogs do alone. That being said, you can buy one good show goat and a scrub goat from the sale barn to be his buddy. You'll need to feed them separately anyway, but he will need a buddy. Feed a good goat feed (we like Honor N-timidator), a good supplement (Grand Goat is good in our experience), and you MUST have a good exercise program. From there it is mostly personal preference and choices.