Show ring hand shakes

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common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
I have talked to several judges kids and showmanship and I thought it was really interesting that they were all troubled about handshakes.  They said that they wished there was a better way to deal with it.  It's very polite that most people walk up to the judge with their calf to thank them and give them a hand shake but that it is very disruptive to their concentration while they are trying to give oral reasons for the class.  I always enjoy seeing the kids be so polite but I had never really thought about what it would be like to be the judge standing out there in the middle of the ring trying to talk a class and having to stop after each calf and shake someones hand.  I just thought this would be a good topic for conversation and that perhaps somebody could come up with a great alternative.  I had thought about just nodding and saying thank you but you would still be interupting the judge while he is talking.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
We have always had the kids thank the judge either between heifer and steers or at the end of the show.  I don't like the thank you in the middle of a class, just personal preference, always seemed like a big brown nose thing more for show more than an actual thank you.

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
When everyone used to wear cowboy hats they could just tip their hat and nod but those days are gone!  LOL!  Actually, that was really before my time. (lol)

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
most judges that are worth their pay can effectively talk the class looking the other way while shaking hands and getting ready to take a bite of their hamburger.  

if it is easy and convenient to shake the judge's hand, i say go for it.  i say never get in a line for the handshake in class; that will slow things down way to much.  under most circumstances, a 30 ft. walk across the ring for the hand shake doesn't make sense.  for me, the exception to that is a champion drive in which you have been very competitive or just won.

while making eye contact, an acknowledging nod and mouthing thank you is quite effective and more efficient than a hand shake that consumes valuable time.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
We always find shaking the judges hand in the ring a matter of convenience. If it is where you can walk by and shake with out disruption then OK if not then a nod and a thank you followed by a thank you with a handshake after the show.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Great topic!  I used to think it was a great idea to shake the judges hand, but that was back when maybe the top two in a class and the champions would do it.  From there it snowballed into every exhibitor in the class doing it and I think that gets to be a huge distraction.  It's hard to keep track of which calf the judge is talking reasons on, when there's 5 calves milling around while the kids try to get their turn shaking hands.  I've also heard several judges comment that they'd rather NOT shake hands except for maybe the champions, they too thought it was distracting to the show.  It also makes it hard for the little fella's that have a hard enough time controlling a calf AND a show stick, to have to try to clear a hand for a handshakes.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I've always thought handshakes are kind of silly.  But....

At my son's first show his heifer was selected for Reserve Breed Champion.  The judge walked up to him to shake his hand.  My 8-year old son high fives him.  My initial reaction was embarassment, but then I just started laughing my head off (the judge did too).  He was genuinely that happy. 

Handshakes are fine as long as they aren't contrived.  If you walk right by the judge, go ahead.  But don't take your calf clear across the ring to do it and slow down the entry of the next class.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
I would say when you grand or res most definatly shake his hand. OR if the judge gave you a great complement then i would also go shake his hand. but other then then i would say it can wait until after the hsow


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
I have seen the judges around here do this a lot: They will give reasons or at least partial reasons on part of the class, before placing the class. They will talk about what seperated the top and bottom of the class and what seperated his grand and reserve(first and second place) then say i am going to go out and select your reserve and grand champion and he will walk out to where ever they are standing in line (not necessarilly at the front of the line) and shake their hands and i have seen them slap the calf on the rump as well.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Renegade, what you describe is common everywhere in championship drives, and some judges do it here in smaller shows, too. It's not real practical in bigger classes, though I've seen judges leave a close top 2 -5 unplaced 'til they talked them - it kind of slows thing down, but it's a good way to recognize a really competitive group of animals.

As far as handshakes, I tell my kids to shake hands in the ring if and when the judge offers, otherwise save it for after the show or sometime when there's a break in the action. I do try to make sure they do so then, though.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
I have never heard a judge complain because young people are appreciative and professional before.  :'(

This is and has been a very common practice out here to make sure the showman thanks the judge when the opportunity presents itself.  How nice to have this issue be a problem.  It would concern me more if none of the young people offered up their thanks to the judge!

On the flip side, lets be sure we get the kind of judges that are flexible and love kids!.  Here is a troubling one for you.....there is a South Devon breeder from Minnesota that gets a lot of judging jobs.  Not real kid friendly.  In the final drive I have seen him go up to a young person with his hand out like he is going to pick them for champ, then makes a "pistol" out of his hand, makes  a wink, says "gotcha", and then goes over to shake someone else's hand.  Needless to say, the young person who got the "gotcha" was crushed.

Moral of the story, lets keep the handshake what it is.....and sign of respect, gratitude and honor.  Sermon over.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
My daughter is young...and her heifer was ssssllllllllooooooooowwwwww....she made it a rule to find him or her afterwards and shake there hand when her had more time.  She even took the opportunity to ask him what he meant by his reasons once.  I never heard of what he was talking about either.  He came over and showed her...I didn't agree with him but at least he took the time to explain, and complimented her for caring to find out what he meant.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
I wish i could think of someway to shake there hand b4 or after they walk up to ask questions but it just doesnt seem like a good idea or possible without putting down the show stick/slowing the judge down... neither seems like a good thing, oh well.


Sep 29, 2007
Alberta, Canada
I know that in the all the Canadian shows that I have been to (that is where I am from) we don't give the judge a handshake during the show. I have to agree that it is very disruptive and almost rude, although the kid's have no intention of being rude. I would have to say that the best way to remedy this would have to be to talk to the judge after the show and thank him and whatnot.

However for showmanship I often shake the hand of my "opponent" in the ring after the placings are announced.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
For my area (new england) most of us thank the judge after the show, have a nice conversation and then go on our marry way. Why do we choose the end of the show? Most of the time the judge wants to know where the best place to find some food is. As far as ring edicet, the top placing individuals tend to shake hands.