show steer has loose stools

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New member
Jul 15, 2015
We have had our steer since May he has had loose stools on and off since we've had him. He's on 18 lbs of full range show chow per day. He is gaining g an average of 2.65 lbs per day. We've given sulfa bolus a few times and it helps for a little while then he's at it again.  We were giving 16 Oz of power fuel per day but stopped it 5 days ago thinking it could be part of the problem. He was doing well until today and it started again. Had stool tested last week and it was good but I am still concerned. Any suggestions? He's eating grass hay,as well


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
Bridgeport, Tx
Add some fiber to his ration and give him probiotics regularly.  Cotton seed hulls or mix in another feed with higher fiber into his show feed ration.  It seems like one of our steers each year has this problem. 


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
Have ran into this issue.
Tried several things but the only thing that kept the calf solid was sulfur boluses.
Two of a morning and two of an evening.
Our calf was fine, all test came back clear and did not run a fever.
We quit worrying about the looseness and just fed him out. Ended up gaining over 3.25 lbs a day the month before fair on the way to a reserve grand champion finish.

We started the bolus regiment the week before the fair and ran it half way through the fair. Stopped on a Wednesday and he was still solid Saturday sale morning. 

You might consider grinding the bolus up and just adding them to the feed.
Older grass/rough hay may help as long as it's good and not moldy

Good luck