Showing cattle at a young age

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
SW Michigan
I am looking for testimonials from 4-H members / families on the benefits of showing cattle a young age. We are trying to get our county to change the minimun age from 12 to 9 for showing steers at our county fairs. The biggest reason for not making this change is a perceived safety concern. We feel it should be up to the family as to whether their child and their steer is safe and not the county 4-H council to dictate.
Please respond or send me a PM if you are willing to share.

Thanks  DLZ


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
Elm CreeK,MB
Here in Manitoba 4-H allows kids to show at age 8.  As well our local fair board encourages younger kids to show by offering a pee-wee showmanship class for kids under age 8.  My oldest daughter started showing at age 4 and my youngest at 3.  There  is no doubt that the families need to make the decision as to when the kids and cattle are ready to go to town.  The same year I let my 3 year old show a steer I sent a 17 year old 4-H member home with his steer because it wasn't safe.

I am going to try to post a couple pictures of my kids at the fair this past July.  Please contact me if you have questions.


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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
United States-Illinois
At my county, we can show as a 4-h'er at the age of nine. But my little cousin has been working with cattle since she was old enough to walk. She is 2 and is excited to be able to show next summer. 12 is awful high and i don't think there is any safty hazard just as long as the kid knows what their doing and wants to do it.

The Show

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
In Texas it's 3rd grade or 9 y.o. whichever comes first, and most small jackpot shows don't care.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Our state (OK) shows require that exhibitors be at least nine years old.  So does our county in the spring (for the premium sale), but our county and district fall fairs just require they be in school, which now could be as young as 4 (pre-K).  My oldest started at age 5, the younger ones at 8, and haven't had any problems (the one in my avatar pic was 9 at the time).  I see alot more dangerous situations with the older kids than the young ones - I believe that's because the parents (or whoever's helping them) make sure that the little ones cattle are gentle and that the kids spend alot of time working and practicing with them.  Another point you might make is that most other shows, including breed association sponsored junior shows allow kids to show at a much younger age than 12 - it puts your kids at a disadvantage if they go elsewhere and have to compete against kids the same age with much more experience.  There are lots of 12 year olds that are already very accomplished showmen.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2008
Peterson, MN
I Minnesota you must complete 3rd grade to show at county fair and 6th grade to go to the 4-H show at state fair.  This seams fine.  But when our daughter hit the ring for her first county fair she four seasons of jackpot shows behind her and probably 100 trips into the ring.  Many of our jackpot shows encourage younger exhibitors and don't mind if someone older goes in the ring with them to help out.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2008
Peterson, MN
Here was one of our daughters first shows just out of kindergarten.  She had a fall pb Charolais heifer that was the perfect calf for a young person.



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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2010
Saluda, S.C.
we have novice showmanship for 6 & under that is not placed, all are winners, the older ones are all placed, this year at our state fair, the grand champion simmental, both open & junior shows was shown by a 5 yr old!! we love our little ones & try to keep them interested for their lifetime


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
I think a kid should show when they are old enough to want to (tell Mom and Dad) that they are ready) and show and have the responsibility required in tending to the animal.  (feeding and caretaking at least most of the time... not just showing come show time).  When I was a kid it was 9 I think.  Personally I think about 9 is the right age...  or old enough to handle whatever animal they choose.  Younger than that I think maybe rabbits, chickens, goats or sheep... but cattle really need a kid at least old enough to hold there head up.  Cattle require strength, work, and ability to do so, younger than 9 for cattle I think may be too young.  IMO


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
If you leave this up the families to decide be prepared for at least 1 ir 2 children to bring unruley steers to fair to be shown by a young child.  First year members(age 8-9) can bring steers to our county fair.  It is so hard to watch when the steer drags the child around the arena and the Dad has a hard time even leading it.  This is a very small percentage but it leaves a lasting impression.  I would love to see the beef committee stand up and tell the parents the calf is a hazard to not only thier child but to every child in the arena.  Son started showing at 8 with the sweetest heifer we could find.  Not a 1 st place animal but one HE could bathe, HE could lead and HE could show.  That is what she taught him.  ANd now our calves are broke.  What we sell is broke.  I would say of you want this to pass the animal must be broke for that chid to lead it to the pen.  NO ONE at our fair has the kahunas to tell the 3 guys trying to get the steer to the pen to turn around and take it home.  So don't leave this up the the family.  Make clear rules about how the animal gets off the truck to barn to the weigh chute and if that animal is not deemed safe, the child may sell it but it will not enter the show pen.  This is about SAFETY not about getting the kids in any danger from a steer that is not broke,  To me it's like putting your kid in a car without brakes.  What parent would do THAT?!?


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
My first year of 4-h with a steer was not pretty. I was drug around, my grandpa was on the halter during the show etc.  Frankly I'm glad my world was "rocked" early in life and at age 9 . It made me a better person, I worked with all of the animals more from that day forward.

Life is not perfect.  I guess learning to work harder at age 9 is ok with me.
I would post a picture but my mom made me wear Plaid pants, bell bottoms and well you know the whole very late 70's look  ;)


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
We have Peewee classes at our local shows that alows young kids (4yr olds even) show with their parent and eather a calf or vary calm, animal.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2009
Edwardsburg, Mi
Tell your fair people to go a couple of counties south to Berrien county. They start at I believe six. Our county starts at nine. If the calves are worked with they should have no problem. We have more problems with the older kids that don't put the time in.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
Rockville Indiana
Here in Indiana it is now third grade. It is more of calm calf than that age gap because I have seen seniors not handle calves
any better , just got them up2-3 weeks before show.It is more of matching cattle to the kids.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
our county requires the 4H and FFA leaders to check the steer and kid. prior to fair if they cannt walk them safely and have good control they dont come. on the other hand ive seen calves that are perfect gentlemen at home,  because of the time in confinement get very pushy and unrulely at fair the day of the show. our kids show at 8 by jan 1. IMO the lambs are one of the most dificult for youngster to show. and goats are just as bad as steers. we have several skying lessons each year at fair. LOL


Active member
Apr 11, 2010
Our county fair (North Central Ohio) is 8 and 3rd grade.  However, my son has been showing since he was 5 as of Jan. 1 (he is now 7) and cannot wait to hit the show ring at the County Fair.  But safety has to come first - we make sure both kids' calves are super quiet and calm or they don't show - they have plenty of years left to show.  I do think that safety needs to be the #1 priority - at our fair we've seen our fair share of unruly calves - it's not worth someone getting hurt. 