I have two first calf Lucky Man (simmangus) heifers that are bred for November In Focus calves right now. They are very broody girls! Definitely not the fanciest in terms of show ring eye appeal but I have some high hopes for these ladies in my herd. They are very easy fleshing; perhaps too easy, even just being on grass all spring and summer I'm worried they are too heavy and I have been keeping them on limited pasture. My biggest problem is finding someone with experience with these calves to help decide which Simmental bull to breed them back to. I'm thinking about going with Mo Better but haven't fully decided yet.
Sorry about the quality of the attached picutres, I took them with my cell phone the day I brought the girls home early this spring and they hadn't shed out yet very well yet. If you are interested, I can get some better pictures of them tonight after work.