Sire Selection

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
The advantage of having a consistent herd of quality females is that you will catch the fashion on both the up and down, as it fluctuates around your consistent benchmark.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Your right, but then your always right, aren't you? I knew I'd get a rise out of you though.

At no point did I say club calf people did not want a consistant cow herd just the you breed the right bull to the right cow. It is much more of a matching game then your method, the goals for the calf are different.  Right or wrong that is the way it is.

As far as them looking alike, if you slowed down to read, It stated that a show ring of full of cattle (from the same program) should be tightly grouped, if you are reaching yours goals. This was not meant to be derogatory, it actually would show a measure of success in the program.

Your method works for your goals, AAOK's works for his, I just wonder why you have to tell everyone there wrong when they do not do it your way?

It is kind of like fishing, you may believe heavy tackle and big baits are the only way to go, I may believe finesse baits and light line work best, if we both catch fish, who's right.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
You're right, it is like fishing.  Some people will 'do it their way,' catch three fish, and be satisfied. Never once do those (type) individuals take take into consideration that if they would have altered their approach, they could have caught ten.

The saddest part is that you try to give me the credit for the philosophy.  You're so far removed from the fundamentals of cattle breeding you don't even recognize how amateur the approach you propose really is.



Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Was just an observation. Oh and don't worry I don't give you any credit, I figure you where taught one way and that is the only way to do it, kind of like they guy who only fishes one way and won't make adjustments, or change techniques.

I have spinning rods with 6 pound test and flipping sticks with 30, I'll adjust to the situation just fine.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
Now that was interesting!  The way I interpret these posts, I believe Ryan and I have the same philosophy, but have just stated our cases differently.

Dan; Breed the heritable traits needed to improve cow herd.

Ryan; AI this way, I see its purpose as being able to sample/incorporate bulls either 1)that you'd never be able to afford to purchase or B) that you want to test the bloodlines before purchasing.  Until you use a "herd bull" and start producing related progeny, you will  never get over the having to "breed the cow" stage and into a stage where you herd can make broad leaps in production.  The only way to reach the point where you can "breed the herd" is to first breed stability and consistency in the herd. 


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
AAOK said:
Ryan; AI this way, I see its purpose as being able to sample/incorporate bulls either 1)that you'd never be able to afford to purchase or B) that you want to test the bloodlines before purchasing.  Until you use a "herd bull" and start producing related progeny, you will  never get over the having to "breed the cow" stage and into a stage where you herd can make broad leaps in production.  The only way to reach the point where you can "breed the herd" is to first breed stability and consistency in the herd.  [/b][/color]
This sums it up beautifully!