Sire to daughter line breeding

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
What's everyone thoughts on possibly doing that? Too close? Extra consistency going down the road genetics wise? Good idea/bad idea?

Buddy of mine is asking- he's working on a purebred cow base and we do it with our commercial females a lot but never messed with purebreds that way so I guess I can speak and say we personally have had good experiences with it. He is a member I'm sure will chime in later but is on the road away from a computer and wanted me to ask what is the planets take on that. 


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
I really like a uniform  herd whether your 10 or 10,000 head .  The purebred group you might try  brother x sister mating  vs. sire x daughter?  I have used sire x daugther in the % group and loved it...gave up a little growth in sire x daugther in the purebred group?  Currently using the brother x sister on both groups.
We flushed to a "linebred bull" to a "linebred outcross female" and from the photos all 6 ET's are peas in a pod. There is a little difference in weight ( difference in Recip mother's milk) but the muscle shape, depth of rib and uniformity are what we hoped for in this mating.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
breed the best you have, to the best you have-- look at the pedigrees later

Look at the pedigrees now.

Breed half sibs with the two that are different either compliment each other or are the same type.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
Old base SimAngus herd here was pretty tightly linebred for 15 years (read: minimal management - though I was selectively choosing the homebred bulls that were kept.)  Had more than a few sire-daughter matings, and some of those were equally as tightly bred for a generation or two before that.  Started seeing what I interpreted as inbreeding suppression - issues with fertility, disposition, etc.
Gave it up, went in another direction.

That said, I don't shy away from sire-daughter matings, as we're a small (75 cow) commercial herd. Have one S/D heifer that looks like she's gonna be a dandy cow - and will probably have several grandsire/granddaughter matings coming in next spring's calf crop.

I think it's just about as much a genetic crapshoot - roll the dice and take your chances - as selecting an unrelated sire - some of 'em work well, some don't.  All in all, the daughters of the walking Angus sire here - now 9 yrs old - are a notch above those of any other Angus sire we've used AI in the past 7 years.

DCC show cattle

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
Caldwell, Tx
Hey guys I was wondering on this an had Braden ask. The cattle in question is of the Charolais breed. I have this specific donor that has started to really produce and there is very limited semen on her sire but enough that I would be fine ai-ing a couple with it before flushing. I appreciate the replies. It looks like after her flush this fall we will be breeding we that way to try it out.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2013
Irma, AB, Canada
My experience with Sire/Daughter matings isn't a very good one... not as far as performance anyway. I really noticed the bone in the cattle went down when that happened. The produced calf looked just fine... not lacking, but it was probably a good 100lbs lighter at weaning than that cow had ever weaned off. That was kind of an oops, but none the less I can't say I personally would try that again, but by the sounds of it some people have had luck with it.