Smilin Bob

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Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
I think Smilin Bob will stouten them up, and from what I have seen they have been pretty consistently pretty, put together right, and sound, both heifers and steers.
But yes you still need a good cow.  Remember that half the genes come from the cow, so no matter how amazing the bull, you still need a good cow if you are going to raise show cattle.  Now I am not saying every cow needs to be a donor type, but she needs to be complete and free of many major holes.  If you have a cow that has a lot of areas that you are looking for a bull to fix, then you should probably be looking to replace that cow.

WJ Farms

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Better breed him to something that is long fronted cause he will make a chub neck on a calf if the cow is shorter necked


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
Carlson Cattle said:
what kinna cows does he work on does he add power??
I have never seen one poster ask the same question on here as much as you have. Instead of asking it every time, why don't you try reading some of the post and get your answers this way. If he is adding power, people will comment.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
showsteernc said:
Carlson Cattle said:
what kinna cows does he work on does he add power??

I hope your not an AG or 4-H leader with this kinda of comment to someone who is obviously young and curious about the cattle indusrty. ::)
I have never seen one poster ask the same question on here as much as you have. Instead of asking it every time, why don't you try reading some of the post and get your answers this way. If he is adding power, people will comment.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
rackranch said:
showsteernc said:
Carlson Cattle said:
what kinna cows does he work on does he add power??

I hope your not an AG or 4-H leader with this kinda of comment to someone who is obviously young and curious about the cattle indusrty. ::)
I have never seen one poster ask the same question on here as much as you have. Instead of asking it every time, why don't you try reading some of the post and get your answers this way. If he is adding power, people will comment.
Don't worry, I'm not. However, with that said, I think it is important to encourage young people to ask questions, but as I have grown up in the industry, I have found that sitting back and listening (or in this case watching), will get you the answers that you want in a way that comes across more true. My point here was to say that if you will just sit and watch the posts about others experience with breeding as the poster has referred to, then chances are you will see the truth about what you are looking for.
When you ask the same question about 10 times in a couple days span, people are going to just quickly address it rather than go into depth about their experience has been my experience.
Sorry for giving a young person advice on ways to learn that don't make them look uneducated in the process...........

Carlson Cattle

Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
srry im 13 and trying to figure this whole club calf thing out........................ 

WJ Farms

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Ok I understand that you are 13 but there are a lot of things your gonna have to figure out on your own. We can all tell you what kind of cows they work on because they might have worked that way for us. Doesnt mean they are gonna work that way for you. All of our cows our different and nothing is ever gonna work the same. But just some pointers that I would like to give you. Breed Club Calf bulls to Purebreds and by purebreds I mean charolais, angus and all other purebreds thats not including chi or maine. When you start breeding clubbys to clubbys you tend to get into a lot of structure problems. Like look at monopoly hes like more than half angus that is why he has been pretty consistent because he is mostly angus and there is always 2 sides to a pedigree so take that into consideration when selecting what bulls you are going to use. Not everyone is gonna agree with this but it is the way I look at things


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Carlson Cattle said:
srry im 13 and trying to figure this whole club calf thing out........................   

Don't apologize.  You owe nobody an apology.  Just keep asking questions.  I am 44 not 13, and I do the same thing.  And I have 13 year old twin boys that do the same thing.  And I have a 17 year old boy that does the same get the idea.

Two pieces of advice for you. 

Take a picture of 3 of your best cows.  They don't need to be the greatest pictures.  Just make sure they are side view pictures and make sure the cows head is UP.  When her head is up, she will have her weight distributed on her legs, her neck will be extended, and viewers will be able to see what kind of cow she is.  Start a post and ask everyone to look at your 3 favorite cows and ask what they think you should breed them to in order to produce club calves.  You will learn a lot by doing this, and you will hear from some of the best club calf producers on this site.

Second, just understand that everyone learns differently.  Some will say that if you shut up and read, you will learn.  I say that if you need to ask questions, then ask.  You will find someone that will respond to your questions. 