Flacowman, they both are about the smae in birth weight. Smokin Jow had a birth weight of 85 and Gigelo Joe had an 86lb birth weight. Smoking Joe had been used to breed over 300 head of angus cows which had an average of 73 lbs which your heifer should be able to handle. The other thing that is good about Smokin Jow is that he is out of Ali which you don't get any easier calving than he does. They both have a 3 star calving rate which there are easier calving bulls out there but I think with observation around when the calf is due, I think you can get by with ethier one. As far as the bulls go, I personally like Gigalo Joe a little better, he has a cleaner front end and has better depth of rib. Both have good hair and both have a nice rear. The good think if it matters to you is that Smoking Joe is Homo black, so you will get a black calf out of him. Gigalo Joe is not rate Homo black so you could get some white on the calf with him. I think they will both be about the same as rate of growth goes. Both are purbread Maine, Just some food for thought.