Smokin Joe or Gigolo Joe?

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
I've decided to use one of these bulls for some heifers.  I want clean, very low bw, and preferably purebred main but high percentage is ok.  Which one of these would y'all recommend or any alternatives?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
I'm waiting on some guccis this spring.  I'll add that I want to stick with abs bulls because I have a deal for no shipping and a 10% discount on this next order.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Flacowman, they both are about the smae in birth weight. Smokin Jow had a birth weight of 85 and Gigelo Joe had an 86lb birth weight. Smoking Joe had been used to breed over 300 head of angus cows which had an average of 73 lbs which your heifer should be able to handle. The other thing that is good about Smokin Jow is that he is out of Ali which you don't get any easier calving than he does. They both have a 3 star calving rate which there are easier calving bulls out there but I think with observation around when the calf is due, I think you can get by with ethier one. As far as the bulls go, I personally like Gigalo Joe a little better, he has a cleaner front end and has better depth of rib. Both have good hair and both have a nice rear. The good think if it matters to you is that Smoking Joe is Homo black, so you will get a black calf out of him. Gigalo Joe is not rate Homo black so you could get some white on the calf with him. I think they will both be about the same as rate of growth goes. Both are purbread Maine, Just some food for thought.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
If you want a sure fire heifer bull go Gigolo Joe.  I know Smokin Joe is advertised as a heifer bull, but I have heard of some bad situations with him.  None personally, but that is what I've heard.  I've used Gigolo Joe quiet a bit and had not one calving problem, plus the calves get up and are very vigorous

spencer f.

Well-known member
May 29, 2009
if you just want to get the first calf on the ground and going right away then you should go with TLM Bouncer, he has the breeds lowest bw epd by atleast two points and his calve still grow. if you don't want him money man is another proven caving ease sire


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
Majors money man is a proven maine .we have used him on our heifers for several years now without the first problem they come small lots of vigor and have made some real replacemnts.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Majors Money Man would be my first pick too, but out of the two he had mentioned I'd go Gigolo Joe


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Remember he did say that he was kind of locked to ABS bulls on this deal. Of the 2, I would have to use Gig Joe. We have used him a little and have had the pullers on a couple, but we have been breeding clubbie for some time. We've had chains on Money Man calves, Lengend calves, Grizzley calves, and I could go on. I don't know if there would be a bull used on heifers here that we wouldn't have to get the chains out for to be honest.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Waterville, Iowa
Calving ease is half the maternal side too. My only thought was reading this post is why are we using chains to get calves out of beef cows? Aren't beef cows supposed to be bred to lay down calve lick it off feed it for 205 days and bring back a profit? I understand these clubby calves are a little bit differnt and I am a young guy but I hate to see the beef industry turned into a bunch of cows that need babysitting, not the way it is suppose to be.  Cows around my place  needs attention someone else can give it to her, she ain't worth my short time on this planet.
Breed according to your cows and focus on the maternal side, anyone has the ability to use AI bulls so make sure the cow is up to the task of handling the bull.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
Till, the heifers are in good shape with good breeding, but I wanted to get a Maine type bull on them and low birthweight there is a little bit limited.  Some breeds are notorious for calving problems and my simangus heifers are not those breeds, but I would like to be as safe as possible while meeting my specific goals for this group of heifers.  I do agree with you about pulling calves but sometimes !#@$ happens ya know?  I do agree that clubby breeding is really starting to get away from any definition of ideal beef cattle, that's why we run a maternal herd and stay away from clubby bulls except for a few claves for the kids to show.  The show industry has become a niche market that I would one day like to see come back towards real cowherds.  Until then those of us who ranch for a living will either have to buy calves for shows or devote a few females with less than ideal epd's or whatever your herd criteria are to producing impractical cattle.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
Toms Brook, VA
I bred a heifer to Smokin Joe a couple years ago and got a calf about 80# unassisted. I kept her as a replacement heifer. Was very happy with her, but one thing you need to consider is the BWs on the heifer's side too. I have heard some people say they bred some heifers to him and the calves were a little big for their liking. 

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
"you need to consider is the BWs on the heifer's side too."   

You have a key to the equation here.  Good input.

I like both bulls but have not used them on heifers.  I have used Gucci on heifers and am well pleased.  The best bull I ever used on heifers was Ali.  The best calves out of heifers SO FAR is Gucci.