Socialism vs capitalism?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
i'm voting ron paul or bob barr.  the winners and losers parties, which are really one party, called the democracy party, must go.  i've never seen so many people with their hand out.  it used to just be the losers .  now, it seems there are more winning  people with there hand out than there are losers.
sorry knabe....couldn't resist....
attention:...this edited post represents only satirical by no means reflects the opinions of any person/persons/ or organizations..jbarl     :D


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
pretty good jbarl.

in the end, losing is losing.  it's just sad when you (not you)force others to absorb your losses.  i do agree we are moving towards too much democracy.  the "winning" people are just entrenched losers.  delaying their reallocation from buggy whip maker (ride the whip) funny money creator, to asset utilizer is a shame.  touche' on the losers. ;D

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
We are paying for to much government regulation of the human condition. Tax the rich to defeat poverty (hasn't worked). Give to the poor to buy a house to defeat poverty (is melting down as we speak). Give to the about to be poor so we can defeat poverty (just voted down). Humans will be humans. Some winners some losers. When are we going to figure that out?

Dow down 750 is capitalism at work. Bailout is socialism that won't work. Why are things bad? Because we the people voted in self serving representatives that we thought would give us the most. The result: they are now taking the most from us.

But with all that said this country is the most benevolent country on the face of the Earth. Until we tax that too!

I believe in the people of this great nation but we must get involved, pay attention and get back to leaving this country better off for our kids and grandkids. Our generation, like generations before, has a great calling and destiny to fulfill. No it's not a call to defeat some great military power or dictator. But our struggle is against ourselves. We must throw off this creeping socialism by making solvent the social security system (most likely by limiting benefits), paying off the national debt (most likely by shrinking the federal government) and educating our fellow citizens on how to live in a free market economy. This is our duty, one which has been thrust upon us. Will we rise to the challenge or try to pass it off to some one else? But we must stand together to rid ourselves of mediocracy by demanding excellence in ourselves, our community and our leaders.

That is all.......


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
knabe said:
i'm voting ron paul or bob barr.  the republican and democratic parties, which are really one party, called the subsidy party, must go.  i've never seen so many people with their hand out.  it used to just be the poor.  now, it seems there are more rich people with there hand out than there are poor.


I agree with you Knabe, however, I live in a critical battleground state (OH) and I don't want to see Obama win, so I will be voting for McCain/Palin.  Ron Paul is a little out there for me.  If he were for the war on terror I woudn't have such a hard time.  But there is no way in heak he will get in and I don't want to waste my vote and help hand Obama the election.  Your state is not such a critical state and I would probably do the same in your shoes, mostly to make the same point you are.

Like you guys are saying, we vote these people in to speak our voice and they turn around a do whatever will get them elected again and make their bank account fatter.  I have sent letters and e mails to my reps and it is like they don't even care what I have to say.  I get the most rediculous replys!  I is not only frustrating, but a bit overwelming.  This is my (our) country and I dont' even get a voice in it.  Does anyone else feel that way?  I don't know what to do.  I want to go to washington and shake a few people!


Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
We didn't get into this mess overnight so there is no quick fix. But if we stick to it we can affect positive change in a decade or two. Sound monotonous but do able.

A good example is the House Republicans. They stood up to great media and political pressure because of the phone calls from the people. They should be congratulated. I like the loan program (market based solution) they are touting. That would keep the taxpayers from paying the bill. But watch Pelosi push a more socialist solution later this week. By the way she didn't listen to phone calls running 2 to 1 against the plan. She needs voted out.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
SD said:
A good example is the House Republicans. They stood up to great media and political pressure because of the phone calls from the people. They should be congratulated. I like the loan program (market based solution) they are touting. That would keep the taxpayers from paying the bill. But watch Pelosi push a more socialist solution later this week. By the way she didn't listen to phone calls running 2 to 1 against the plan. She needs voted out.

interestingly, boehner and tancredo voted for the bill which included handouts to la raza and acorn.  what does giving money to community organization groups who place pressure on gov't to continue the mess that got us here in the first place solve?    i can't believe pelosi can't get the message.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Over two centuries ago economists, led by Adam Smith, answered an age-old question at the heart of economics. How should we organize an economy so that individuals will combine resources in the most efficient way possible to produce things that other people want? Classical economists believed that individuals would combine resources in the most efficient way possible to produce things that other people want so long as they had the right environment. That environment consists of making sure people have just four things—low tax rates, free markets, protection of property rights and a stable currency.

These four classical principles formed the basis for the establishment of the US economy. Guided by these principles, the US went on to become the most productive, most powerful economy in the world. In the early 1980s Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping made sure that all of China’s policymakers were thoroughly familiar with the ideas of the classical economists. He said that by following the classical principles China would become the most powerful economy in the world. Twelve years ago, China passed Japan to become the second most powerful economy. Given current trajectories, China will pass the US and fulfill their former leader’s vision within the next five years.

Classical economic principles are universal. They have widespread popular support. In any country, at any point in time, when policymakers have moved policies in the direction of these principles there has been an improvement in economic conditions. In contrast, whenever policies moved away from these principles, there have been disappointing outcomes. As the election approaches, it’s important to understand how the Presidential candidates view classical principles and the extent to which they are likely to rely on them in setting policy.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
great reference on Deng, SD

this is decently done, though a little loose with the facts.

also, remember, obama got the federal motor voter bill passed where all you need is a drivers license to get registered, regardless of whether you are a citizen or not.

Americans are guaranteed they can vote in secret free from pressure and free from having their vote displaced by someone who is not a citizen.  thank obama and the democratic party for continued erosion of representative government, where non-citizens need representation, and americans don't.  congress, in my mind, no longer represents citizens, but represents corporations and illegals and lawlessness.