My friend has had 2 calves killed and no one seems to know what is getting them, so I thought I would throw it out here to see if anyone has experienced the same.
1st calf - Born during night, found the next morning with no cow around. Had a opening between the navel and scrotum where all the guts had been eaten. No external scratches, bites, etc.
2nd calf - Born during day. Tagged, etc. following day, found dead with similar entry point as previous calf. Torn open between navel and scrotum. Anus also hollowed out. Did a rough autopsy and found the windpipe crushed and lots of blood clot injury internally in neck area. A few bites out of hip, but not eaten
A bordering neighbor had sheep several years ago and had similar kills and never did find out what the predator was.
Located in Midwest near a river.
Dogs? Seems like there would be more tracks and injury to calf
Coyotes? Again, seems like there would be more external injury and more muscle eaten
Badger? Not common around here but possible
Eagles? They are everywhere here, but do they kill in such a fashion
Any other ideas?
1st calf - Born during night, found the next morning with no cow around. Had a opening between the navel and scrotum where all the guts had been eaten. No external scratches, bites, etc.
2nd calf - Born during day. Tagged, etc. following day, found dead with similar entry point as previous calf. Torn open between navel and scrotum. Anus also hollowed out. Did a rough autopsy and found the windpipe crushed and lots of blood clot injury internally in neck area. A few bites out of hip, but not eaten
A bordering neighbor had sheep several years ago and had similar kills and never did find out what the predator was.
Located in Midwest near a river.
Dogs? Seems like there would be more tracks and injury to calf
Coyotes? Again, seems like there would be more external injury and more muscle eaten
Badger? Not common around here but possible
Eagles? They are everywhere here, but do they kill in such a fashion
Any other ideas?