Yes the calf has spastic paresis and I believe the calf is in pain or at least uncomfortable so you need to make a decision rapidly as to not let the calf suffer unnecessarily
Spastic paresis (AKA Elso Heel) is a genetic disorder of multiple breeds first described in Holsteins (off spring of Elso, hence the name). The genetics are not yet understood but there appears to be incomplete penatrance or epigenetic effects as the manifestations are varied in severity and onset - it can appear to begin as early as a month or much older, rarely in adults. It involves the nerves of the hindleg causing tightening of the gastrocs tendon (that is at the hock) resulting is straightening of the leg. The calf will walk on his tip toes, shift weight on his legs, cross his rear legs and swing out his rear legs when walking - they are often wide based in the front (tripod like) to help balance and they may use their tail for balance
If the calf is with his peers he will often lie down when they are up and grazing, he will appear straight early on. There is no cure and he will only get worse - if you are inclined Dr Beever is collecting samples to try to identify the genes involved in spastic paresis - PM me for more info
sorry about your calf - this is a real nasty disorder