My steer just went off feed and will only eat a little bit of each meal he doesnt have a temp. and he will only eat hay right now im worried cause my fair is in 20 days and he needs every day for finishing...any tricks to help him eat???
Is it really super hot where you are? If it is, put him under fans and wet him down! If you had more time, I would say you could use some feed additives, but the ones that I am familiar with can take around 30 days to work.
we had a steer recently that did the same thing. as bad as you may hate to, you need to pull the feed for at least a couple days. or just give him only what he will clean up. feed him all the hay he will eat and give him some appetite express paste for about five days.
Finishing ration raises internal core body temperature up. Do all the above to cool animal down. Feed smaller portions more times a day. Try feeding him at night when his body temperature is at its lowest.
im in colorado... and i am feeding him 3 times a day early morning when its cool a lunch feeding and late at night around like 10 or 11 and i have 2 fans and a swamp cooler but im just not sure what else to do with him...:/ and i just fed him probios paste
Is he getting hay? Pull all grain, only allow oat/grass hay. Get roughages moving through his gut. Ley the grain move out. Keep him off grain for a couple days.... Then slowly go back. You may not be able to push him that hard. They really can't utilize all the grains like we really want them too. Good luck!
How about just trying to give him a different feed? He might just be fed up with the one you are giving him now. (Pardon the pun) A change might get him going.
Feed him early morning and late evening, when it is cool, lunch if you have fans on him and he is cool. a little trick that has helped us is Maple Syrup not alot of it but put some on the feed and see how he likes it it gives the grain kinda a candied taste so they eat it better. GL
Little Heifer (angel)