My Steerplanet addiction is fairly severe, but I have to admit that my addiction to cows in general has a much bigger hold of me. A while ago, my wife Chris, asked me how long I was planning to be keeping the cows. I told her that she might as well adjust her thoughts to having to disperse my cows when I am gone. I told her that I can't imagine not owning some cows, but I totally expect that the day will come when someone else may be feeding them. That process has aready started as I leased out some cows to another SP member a year ago now, and plan to lease out some more this fall again. There is no better medicine for me, than just driving out and checking pastures, and watching the calves grow and change.
Two years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a livestock convention where Edgar Philpott ( Butte Lee Shorthorns and Charolais was being awarded a Honour Scroll for his contributions to the industry. At the time Edgar was 93 years young. As I visited with him and congratulated him, he told me he had something he wanted to show me. He pulled a picture of a Charolais heifer out of his pocket and said" I think I might have found the next great one" " What do you think of her? He said he was trying to get her bought and was hopeful he could finalize the deal in the next few days. I kinda expect I might be doing the same thing.... but then, I better figure out how I am going to make it to 93 years old first!
A few people have told me that there is actually "life after cows." I'm not sure if I believe them or not. I expect it would be closer to an existance rather than life, in my case.