steer questions

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
Show Dad said:
R - You'll do fine as long as you don't over spend on feed and with a Lim-flex you don't need to.

ITK, Jill & CAB - Thanks you guys really show the good people you are by you answers.

What makes it nice is that they are good enough that i can show them at jackpots too.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
I bet they would taste great but im gonna sell them at the two fairs and by more cattle ;D. Last years steer tasted GREAT though!!! I cant wait to start showing again, im sooooooo excited  ;D ;D (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) ;D ;D


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
TottenClubCalves said:
AAOK said:

DLD knows a little about how our operation was set up as our Girls were still showing.  We bred for heifers and showed mostly heifers.  We did sell quite a few into our own County.  Whatever we had on the ground or in the barn was always for sale.  If one picked by a buyer was already in the show string, or picked by one of the girls to be their next calf, these calves were priced higher than the other calves.  I'll never forget our Spring Show in 1996.  My younger daughter had a 20 month old heifer whcih had won several breed championships, and the previous Summer had been selected Res. Champ. Bred and Owned female at the National Junior Maine-Anjou show.  Our older daughter had shown a younger heifer at the Jr Nat'l that also won her class and division.  We sold this calf in the Fall to some local folks for $1500.  To get to the point, the heifer we sold knocked my younger daughter out of the Sale as Breed Champion.  We had expected the older (and much better) heifer to be selected as the Grand Champion female.  I've heard similar stories from many other breeders whose sales philosophy was the same as ours.  There is no calf unbeatable at any show, depending on who is Judging!

This County of Ruchian, WOW, what prices for steers.  They're comparable with Okla. City!  I can't see why everyone wouldn't be hunting down the best calf in the U. S. of A.  All of us small, unknown, anti-consignment breeders know that many of the very best Show Calves NEVER get fed, fit, groomed or exhibited anywhere near their potential.  If Show Dad really lays the rubber on the road , he has probably found some of those $10,000 calves for $2500.   

Yeah my new heifer I got from jason jensen didn't look like a real big heifer in the pictures but when I got her she was amazing. feminine but thick at the same time. She's like a mack truck in the back and a sleek sports car in the front.  ;D for the price I got her for is amazing. Theres a cuople people down her that pay anywhere from 2000-4000 dollars for these show heifers and for 1800 I got an unbelievable heifer at an awesome price. It pays to meet good people that aren't trying to rip people of just make sure kids can compete. If your ever in the market for a nice heifer or steer that can compete contact Jason Jensen he's an honest guy with a great heart and a passion for the industry.

i will say that you did get a good deal for your jensen heifer but i where have you hear someone paying 4000 dollars for a heifer.....the most i have heard and paid myself is 3000 for a heifer and that is plenty to swipe the floor in florida a couple times......but like jasen jensen Mr. Chattin is a very straight forward guy and always does right by the kids he sells steer to in florida, after traveling and feed he doesnt make 50 bucks if that because he does it for the kids......strawroanlova wants to keep his steer which is good b/c he can make money with the blue roan........but if he seriously wants to compete even at jackpots he should go with the other steer......but my first steer was 800 dollars and not that good but i turned it into a good one and won GC at our county you never know.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
There have been heifers in Florida that people have paid $4000 for . There use to be a family from Arcadia that we use to show against and I know they did. It was on the breeders web site I wish I could remeber the website. Go to the sales in AL. the first group of heifers through the sale the bidding starts at $5000.  and their prices stay high until it at least half way through. Most of those go to Ga. It can get crazy at these sales.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Hey Totten Club calves, has your new heifer started to depreciate already? I thought that you posted up that she was a $2000 dollar deal. LOL It's like buying a car, buyer beware.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
CAB said:
IMO, questions asked are the perfect time to teach. They are actually saying, hey I'm ready to listen here for a second, if you have a minute, please.

one of the more insightful things ever said on this forum.  it's amazing how hard it is to a. not go on and on after a question, and b. not go on and on before one.  i guess i'm obviously the worst.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2007
yeah I was supposed to pay 2000 but something went wrong with the shipping payment and instead of me paying half which was 200 he paid for it so I only paid 1800 which is even a better deal.