Steer weigh In- when do you have it

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
I was just curious from different parts of the country when or if you all weigh in steers or market heifers, here in Iowa we usually weigh in the last weekend of December
and also nose print and pull DNA for those that are going on to the State Fair, Aksarben - I was wondering if we are the only state that does this or do others????
I know that other forms for DNA are coming for Iowa too in the near future.  Also do you have Rate of Gain at your county or state fairs????


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
We have our first weigh-ins in Aug and Sept. One of our fairs does DNA plus photographs of steer and exhibitor. All the fairs we show have a  rate of gain contest. Fair season starts Jan and ends in March.

dutch pride

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
SW Michigan
Our weigh in / tag in is is third Sat. in March, County fair is third week in Aug. We can tag in two steers but show only one. We do rate of gain as well but not to big a deal. Best steers rarely win this. Usually some big frame 1400# plus steer.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
We weigh in is in April and they get an ear tag (as many as you want), steers for State Fair and Wichita have nose prints done at that time.  County fair is 2nd week in Aug, state is 2nd weekend in Sept.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
You can weigh in as many was you want?? Wow that is different, we limit calves, lambs and pigs


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
Explain the nose print thing please, ive never heard of it :)))! We dont do that or DNA. The first steer weigh in is county. They havent set a date yet but has always been the second or third saturday of febuary (like the 17th or 18th) but last year they changed it to march 3rd. Now the fair is starting later this year so weigh in is still up in the air, i think we will pretty much know tommarow after my bros 4-H meeting. The western idaho state fair weigh in is the next weekend. At both animals are wormed and vaccinated if you want and as of last year NAIS tags are put in. The problem is about half the sheep ripped them out, steers did okay keeping them in though


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
Kansas, we weigh in the first of march and can weigh in as many as you want.  we do nose print cards when we decide we are taking them to the state fair, and it has to be before the deadline :'( We also have one of the top three sales in kansas


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
In NC we weigh in steers only in May. We don't have rait of gain but we do have a carcass contest but it is not graded like most. Steer that generates the most value wins instead of calf with best index. Our State Fair uses eid tags, photographs calf on profile and on belly and then they take dna samples. The only place that we sell is State Fair so that is the only place we have to check calves in for tagging.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
Well for noseprint and DNA those of us that do it we attended a class on how to properly do DNA- for Tailhair you need to make sure you get the white roots, and for the noseprint
we wipe the nose dry, rub a blank ink pad on the nose, and then use a noseprint card and start from top of the nose to bottom and roll carefully the noseprint, we usually
dont have any come back after they are examined.  Its kinda time consuming but if it stops people from switching tags then it all worth it. It all has alot of paperwork but
as I said well worth it. It costs a little bit more if you dna, but only state and aksarben steers have to be dna-ed the county fair steers dont have to be.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
middle of december-first full week of august-yes we have an ADG contset-ohio- tag 2- show 1, 1 market animal to sale unlike our neibhoring countys  :-\  :mad:


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Here in Oklahoma, we nominate in mid-October for the OK Youth Expo in mid-March. The ag teachers and county agents are responsible for overseeing this process for the exhibitors under their jurisdiction. Each nomination consists of a nose print, DNA sample (hair pulled out, supposed to be at least 60 hairs, most take it from the tail (but not the switch)), and two photo's clearly showing the calf and exhibitor together, one head shot, and one side view. Official eartags are to be put in at this time. We send in the information required by the state breed association for classification, their representatives are given this info and allowed to review the pics, and this constitutes the classification process. If more than one eligible exhibitor resides in the same household, the other exhibitor's name(s) may be listed on the outside of the envelope, and any of them will be eligible to show the steer. This allows a family to nominate an extra animal(s) in case something happens to one of them, or to allow a family to wait 'til they enter at the show to decide which exhibitor shows which animal. Once an animal is entered in an exhibitors name (in February) and that exhibitor becomes ineligible, that particular animal becomes ineligible, so that the ineligibility rules can't be by-passed. If, for example, 3 siblings have 5 steers properly nominated and entered, and all 3 are eligible at show time, any one of them may show any 1 or 2 of the steers. The same family nomination rule applies to all species of market animals. An exhibitor may nominate as many animals as they wish (I'm pretty sure) but may show a maximum of 2 steers and/or 3 each hogs, lambs or goats. An exhibitor is only allowed one animal in the premium sale (maybe with the exception of multiple grands/reserves).

This, or weigh in for our county performance contest (which happens about the same time, and consists of a weigh in and a tattoo in the steers ear) qualify a steer for the county show/premium sale, which is around the 1st of March. The same numbers limits apply as OKC.

For the Tulsa State Fair (which is in early October) there are two locations (sale barns) where the steers have to be taken on particular days (in early May). They're weighed, tagged, nose printed and DNA collected (sometimes hair, sometimes blood) and representatives from the state breed associations are on hand to classify. I don't think Tulsa has the family nomination option. Again I believe there's no limit on nominations, and an exhibitor can show up to 3 market animals of each specie, but can only sell one animal.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
We weigh in the first weekend in Feb.  Fair is 3rd week of July.  They started retinal scanning a couple of years ago.  You can register up to 6 steers/and 6 heifers, this is statewide. We use to do noseprinting.  To those of you that have not noseprinted it like a fingerprint.  We do rate of gain.  The day you check in at the county fair you have the option to do an ultrasound for the carcass contest.  We always opt for that it is good info to have.  They also ear tag the steers and crossbred heifers.

Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
Our SE Missouri district fair steer weigh-in is in March. There's a county fair that weighs in there too but you have to be from that county to show a steer (but anyone from MO can show heifers there  ;D). And the actual fairs are in September. The district one week and the county the next week.

There's a prospect show we can attend and weigh them in again but we don't have to go there.

We can weigh as many steers as we want to but it costs a little bit of money per head but we can only sell one of them but can show 2 of them.

I don't think barrows and market lambs are weighed in until late in the summer.  ??? And you can sell 2 of those.

We don't do any DNA things. They just put in those kind of ear tags that can't be put back in if you cut then out (if there is a way to put them back in, I don't know about it anyway lol)

We have rate of gain. I think first place gets a rossete. There's usually one that gains 4-5 per day.

And our steers have to weigh over 1,000 lbs at the fair if you want to show or sell them. And every breed shows together on steers so some breeds have a disadvantage.

We used to have the ultrasound to evaulate their carcass but they didn't have it last year because some people didn't like it.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
We weigh in February 2. Fair is first weekend in August. Here is south central Kansas and like Jill we tag and nose print. You can tag as many as you want but can only take 5 beef animals (Market & Breeding) to the fair.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
justamom said:
You can weigh in as many was you want?? Wow that is different, we limit calves, lambs and pigs
You can tag as many as you want, you can only take 2 market animals in each species to each contest.  We don't have a breeding limit. We are in Kansas


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
we live in Ohio and in our county we tag in the last Saturday of December for steers...we do noseprint for state can noseprint any that you think you might take to can tag in as many as you like but only are allowed two market animals....and yes we have rate of gain.....we then have or beef feeder tag in in June can only take on feeder to the fair if i am not mistaken...

but once you turn 14...the only way to take a beef feeder is to bring a market steer.....

we do have a breeding show and you are not limited on how many breeding animals you our county fair we have a 4h breeding show and an open breeding show for we usually have both 4h breeding for the girls and then my son gets to take a heifer to show so he doesn't feel left out.....
