MYT Farms said:
OH Breeder said:
Quality screen- BUT who's standard's and who has the final say?
Well, I was gonna say mine, but that'd be a little one sided.

How's 'bout havin' like Red, "Q", OFS, and them do it???
Quality screening will be the hardest part to conquer, however it is probably one of the most beneficial things to do. I would say that being "sifted out" of the sale should not eliminate someone from coming all together. Maybe we could also include a LOAD AND GO pen for some of the lesser grade calves. Have them pre priced and cap the top price, as to not overshadow any of the Actual Sale Calves.
As for determining the quality for the sale, it would be hard to look at each calf's picture at a point in time, then 3 weeks later look at another and try to figure out if they are on the same ball field. We need to have a comittee of 3 or 5 people that way there is not tie. Have a deadline when the prospective entry pictures have to be turned in for evaluation. That way you have all of the calves right in front of you to compare. I personally may not like a calf individually but he or she may fall into the overall group very well. If we get 25 pictures turned in, the top 20 of the judges pics will be in the sale. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE LOAD AND GO PEN, for the calves who do not make the sift, for nobody knows how this will turn out until its over and you never know who is going to come and look and what they are willing to spend, a lesser quality calf should bring lesser money, but that does not always mean that someone is not looking for just that for a project.
I would be more than happy to serve on the selection committee, and would love to get that part organized. WELL HECK, there are so many parts of this sale I want to be involved in I may end up on every committee, is that possible??? (lol)
I also really like the idea of a live bid sale, any Auctioneers on here? I have been a ringmen before and I am sure we can get a few other who have experience.