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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
TJ said:
Sturgis, KY...  IDK if Doc would be interested, but I'd guess that he's only about 2 - 2.5 hours away.   And I forgot to mention, it's only about an hour away from I-57 in Marion, IL.      

I would be interested in it , as long as I didn't have to trailer them up there on a Harley. LOL. :D


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
IMO, the quicker you can get PPL from SP that have been involved with or have a sale themselves involved with this project the better. There are sooo many things that need to be kicked around more than once for a sale like this to be successful for most involved parties. Too many to mention here, but for example, a April born calf to make a mid August sale is next to impossible. Not enough time to get it on feed and weaned and trucked to local and be in any kind of shape to bring good money. They just won't have the body condition to make that transition in general. If you could get Tony, DLD,Oakbar, RW,Common Sense,Freddy, and many more that have been involved in some sales input, it would be valuable. Jason needs to be involved from the get go, B/C if we're using SP as a common denominator, it can/could have big pros & cons for his web-site. Quality of calves will be very, very high on the list of priorities. If the calves aren't good enough the 1st year, forget yr 2 & 3. Just an old man's rambling. Great idea, I just think it may need to be reeled back in a little B4 the cart gets ahead of the horse too far. Brent


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
MYT Farms said:
OH Breeder said:
Quality screen- BUT who's standard's and who has the final say?
Well, I was gonna say mine, but that'd be a little one sided. :D How's 'bout havin' like Red, "Q", OFS, and them do it???

Quality screening will be the hardest part to conquer, however it is probably one of the most beneficial things to do. I would say that being "sifted out" of the sale should not eliminate someone from coming all together. Maybe we could also include a LOAD AND GO pen for some of the lesser grade calves. Have them pre priced and cap the top price, as to not overshadow any of the Actual Sale Calves.

As for determining the quality for the sale, it would be hard to look at each calf's picture at a point in time, then 3 weeks later look at another and try to figure out if they are on the same ball field. We need to have a comittee of 3 or 5 people that way there is not tie. Have a deadline when the prospective  entry pictures have to be turned in for evaluation. That way you have all of the calves right in front of you to compare. I personally may not like a calf individually but he or she may fall into the overall group very well. If we get 25 pictures turned in, the top 20 of the judges pics will be in the sale. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE LOAD AND GO PEN, for the calves who do not make the sift, for nobody knows how this will turn out until its over and you never know who is going to come and look and what they are willing to spend, a lesser quality calf should bring lesser money, but that does not always mean that someone is not looking for just that for a project.

I would be more than happy to serve on the selection committee, and would love to get that part organized. WELL HECK, there are so many parts of this sale I want to be involved in I may end up on every committee, is that possible??? (lol)

I also really like the idea of a live bid sale, any Auctioneers on here? I have been a ringmen before and I am sure we can get a few other who have experience.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
So many GOOD ideas.  I like the idea of a prospect show along with the sale.  I also like the load and go for the lesser calves.  If we would go with the show and sale, TJ's facility would be great.  I think first part of October would be better though for the timing. 

If we did private treaty at different locations, maybe the thing to do would be have them on the same weekend, internet bidding and have videos available of the calves at the other locations available for people to see at each location.  Just some more ideas!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i don't think the sale sift standards need to be the highest.  some people don't need $40,000 calves, or even $5,000 calves.  that said, one doesn't need sickle hocked tip rumped slab sided slick steers that are not dehorned either in poor health either.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
knabe said:
i don't think the sale sift standards need to be the highest.  some people don't need $40,000 calves, or even $5,000 calves.  that said, one doesn't need sickle hocked tip rumped slab sided slick steers that are not dehorned either in poor health either.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maybe part of the appeal is a semi informal cooperation sale.  another avenue might be to pay someone to sift the calves rather than a committee made up of SP members.  say like kirk, and he could market some of his video's.  you could have a clinic on photos, clipping, showing.  of course you could invite sullivans.  but probably one would start out with the planned out intention of getting better each year rather than trying to exceed expectations and then not do it by having expectations too high the first time.  one wouldn't want to have barn gossip take over which is usually just a function of expectation gap between parties.

don't limit it to steers.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
This could be a great idea. I can get my buddies arena for next to nothing if you guys think it could work. We are in Oklahoma 1/2 way between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. This arena is a 5 million dollar place. Full service resturant, heated, A/C, Big Ass fans, state of art decor. great pens and plenty of seating. We mainly run Cutting shows in the arena. 50 RV hookup, 3 stall barns (240 stalls). Anything I can do to help, let me know.


  • Arena_Front2.JPG
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OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
BRdoc said:
This could be a great idea. I can get my buddies arena for next to nothing if you guys think it could work. We are in Oklahoma 1/2 way between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. This arena is a 5 million dollar place. Full service resturant, heated, A/C, Big Ass fans, state of art decor. great pens and plenty of seating. We mainly run Cutting shows in the arena. 50 RV hookup, 3 stall barns (240 stalls). Anything I can do to help, let me know.

Which would bring us back to do...a no...anyways

WE could have a East and West sale. A group organize them collectively and then have two locations. Oklahoma is a ''fur peice" for us in Ohio and Pennsylvania, but Kentucky, Michigan or Indiana are not. With the right marketing, may want to hit up Brad Hook for advice, this could be very successful avenue for smaller breeders to get quality calves in the spotlight. I know our farm would take two of our best. Someone taking this all down? Do we have a scribe that is keeping track of ideas and can then post bulleted statements and go from there. Just a thought.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
I'm just thinking that looking at pictures isn't enough of a sift for a high quality sale, as has been suggested. JMO, I suppose, but we all run into a bunch of calves every year that really looked cool in the books and are just plain calves in person. Maybe a few regional reps could go out and do the sifting. Sort them into two groups like ones that should bring $3500 plus in a bid off and those $1500 - $3000 ones priced load and go in another pen. If you wanted this thing to take off, I wouldn't take cattle that were worth less than $1500 at all, and that might even be a little low. Yes, there is a market for $800 and $1000 calves, but I don't think it is at a big nationally advertised event.

Also wouldn't having 2 locations like one in central IA and one in central OH make good sense during the late summer/early fall pasture sale season? I would think the members here could probably come up 25 plus dang nice ones for each location, so that would involve more calves (and ppl) total with less travel. Then maybe a fall calvers event at a central location in TX or OK at an entirely different time of year.

I think something like Nelson's did last Labor Day would work well for this group, but the way to make that style of sale work best is to just send your calves to the sale location well ahead, have the person in charge totally manage the calves and the sale, send each consignor their checks, minus 20-30% fee.

Again, JMO, take it for what it is worth  :) Done right, this could really take off and be a big plus for buyers and sellers


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2008
9605 weston rd custar, ohio 43511
I would suggest that instead of pics being used for the sifting process, videos would be abetter way to go as a more 3 dimensional view, also the videos then could be used as part of the advertizement.
I like the east and west sale ideas  who knows where gas prices will be a year from now


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tipton, IA
Right on Throttle.    I think you need to have one cattle manager at each location  and they need a decent wage for their troubles.  The manager could be chief sorter.

A different angle is to do a "Pro Tour" style event.  where individual members of the planet subscribe to the Planet Tour sale. Budget costs for adverising, hosting, etc and divide by number of participants.  Choose a common weekend and everyone just manages their own cattle on their own  farm.  If you are small and want to buddy up with another planet dweller that would be great.  This option would cut out commission, worries about others handling your cattle, bad checks, etc.  That way we could advertise as a group and eliminate the cattle handling, timing, distance issues.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I think that the 2 sale idea is good, one in the KS, OK, MO, NE, IA area and one in the OH, PE,MI, IL, IN area.  Then you could contact a sale manager to go and look at some of the animals in the sale.  I would also think that if you are trying to put on a major sell, then you should do a auction not a bid off.  JMO


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
ShowmanQ said:
MYT Farms said:
OH Breeder said:
Quality screen- BUT who's standard's and who has the final say?
Well, I was gonna say mine, but that'd be a little one sided. :D How's 'bout havin' like Red, "Q", OFS, and them do it???

Quality screening will be the hardest part to conquer, however it is probably one of the most beneficial things to do. I would say that being "sifted out" of the sale should not eliminate someone from coming all together. Maybe we could also include a LOAD AND GO pen for some of the lesser grade calves. Have them pre priced and cap the top price, as to not overshadow any of the Actual Sale Calves.

As for determining the quality for the sale, it would be hard to look at each calf's picture at a point in time, then 3 weeks later look at another and try to figure out if they are on the same ball field. We need to have a comittee of 3 or 5 people that way there is not tie. Have a deadline when the prospective  entry pictures have to be turned in for evaluation. That way you have all of the calves right in front of you to compare. I personally may not like a calf individually but he or she may fall into the overall group very well. If we get 25 pictures turned in, the top 20 of the judges pics will be in the sale. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE LOAD AND GO PEN, for the calves who do not make the sift, for nobody knows how this will turn out until its over and you never know who is going to come and look and what they are willing to spend, a lesser quality calf should bring lesser money, but that does not always mean that someone is not looking for just that for a project.

I would be more than happy to serve on the selection committee, and would love to get that part organized. WELL HECK, there are so many parts of this sale I want to be involved in I may end up on every committee, is that possible??? (lol)

I also really like the idea of a live bid sale, any Auctioneers on here? I have been a ringmen before and I am sure we can get a few other who have experience.

If you should decide to have an auction, you need to make sure you have an auctioneer that is liscenced in the state in which the sale is conducted. Every state has its own rules and regulations that must be followed. Most states East of the Mississippi require specific liscencing as well as Texas. If you have one in Iowa - there are several fair grounds that can be leased for not much money as well as a few private facilities. RW


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
I can either give some webspace to keep the ideas or I can open another board so all the information can be kept in 1 place regarding the sale.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
Hillsboro, TX
How about a sale In oklahoma this spring for the fall calvers, and then see what works and doesnt work for the sale next fall for the folks up north? I do like the load and go sale idea to go along with the bid off. Not every one is going to be able to buy high dollar steers, This doesnt have to be a Sullivans sale. I think if you had a small group of 1000ish priced calves for a load and go, and then a 1500-3500 group(being the largest group and then a higher end part of the sale?

I like  Davis shorthorns idea about having one sale in the KS, OK, MO, NE, IA area and one in the OH, PE,MI, IL, IN area in the fall.

inthebarnagain said:
If we did private treaty at different locations, maybe the thing to do would be have them on the same weekend, internet bidding and have videos available of the calves at the other locations available for people to see at each location.  Just some more ideas!
I like that idea also if we decided to go that route.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
added forum for everyone to bounce ideas, place to put polls, signups, etc.  That way useful posts do not get buried on front page.  I will leave this thread on big show main forum, but will duplicate it over to new forum.