Sting Ray

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
I bought a heifer last year and the guy I bought her from told me that her Dam is out of a Bull called Sting Ray. Her Dam is 17 years old now, So I know he must be an older bull. I have done a lot of research and cant find any info on him. There was a herd dispersal a few weeks ago that actually sold 2 straws of him, but I contacted the sale manager who never returned my call and the farm manager whos phone was disconnected so it lead me to a dead end. Does anyone have a clue what the Bull from the early 90's called sting Ray is? Thanks for any help


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Positive. Actually had 2 cows out of sugar ray a few years ago. Its not him. Its STING RAY


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Sizzler14 said:
I bought a heifer last year and the guy I bought her from told me that her Dam is out of a Bull called Sting Ray. Her Dam is 17 years old now, So I know he must be an older bull. I have done a lot of research and cant find any info on him. There was a herd dispersal a few weeks ago that actually sold 2 straws of him, but I contacted the sale manager who never returned my call and the farm manager whos phone was disconnected so it lead me to a dead end. Does anyone have a clue what the Bull from the early 90's called sting Ray is? Thanks for any help

There are a number of bulls with the name "Sting Ray" listed on the AMAA and ACA web site search - this bull, son of Sugar Ray, may be the one you are looking for


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Thank You DL! That just may be him! I know he wasnt a maine from what the guy has told me. He said he was a CHI. Thank You! If your ever in the NorthEast in my area Let me know and I will buy you dinner  <beer>