Freight train let loose about 20 feet behind me the first trip I made to Denver. I hadn't even heard of him at that time. I jumped straight up in the air, to put it mildly. We later heard a rumor that he had been put in jail. Anybody know if that is true?
We showed at Louisville the second year of the North American. I've always been impressed with that place, mostly due to the efforts of Jack Ragsdale to make us feel welcome and insure we were taken care of. We make it back every year, whether we show or not. I missed the glory years of Chicago. We showed there the last year they held the International and I was very disappointed. The sizzling steak house was not impressive. I still respect the tradition of the Chicago show and am sorry I missed the best times. Kansas City was never my favorite place to go, though they've made many improvements over the past 40 years. The Golden Ox was one of my favorite places to eat. The most impressive strictly cattle event I ever attended was my first trip to Denver in the early 70's. Nothing like popping over the hill on the Interstate and seeing the mountains. The cat walk tour over the stockyards was simply amazing. I didn't think there were that many Herefords in the world. I haven't been to Denver for several years. I was planning to go this year, being a delegate to the national meeting. I greatly enjoy that, but we've got family committments that weekend, so I can't go. There are so many memories and stories, it could fill a book. One of my favorites is about the fellow who grabbed the security guard's hat, punched a hole in it, and threw his walkie talkie on the floor. He shall remain nameless for now. Anybody remember the dipping vats in Denver? Wasn't it Michigan State's Polled Hereford bull that didn't make it out of the vat alive?