I think you would like a Hard Core Calf. It will have eye appeal and milk. He will not increase the height but will make a calf thicker. Good Hair. Pretty good disposition. A bull that is not a popular bull, yet, but will produce milk, clean fronted calves and give a little extra frame is a bull called, Ramson. A 1996 bull that we have used on heifers and loved all his heifers is a bull named SAF Elmo, 229769. We are using Smokin Joe, 337244 for cows we hope to get heifers from this year. I have been told he will not clean up bad front ends but he will add milk and clean them up in other places. We are also using Triple X. He will add milk, calving ease, a little growth, and clean the fronts. I have not seen a calf from a bull called Clean Jeans but his EPD's and photo look good and I like his genetics. All of these bulls are clean...