Red, allot of the indoor baits make the animals dehydrate, drives them to water, but it also make them dry up very fast, little or no smell. Take a 1.5" PVC "T" add 6" of pipe to each part of the "T" put it along a wall in an area that mice are known to be, mice will go into the "T" to eat the poisen but the larger( Cats and Dogs) animals cant get to it. You might get a whiff of the dead smell for a day, but no more mice. Use this method for squirrels and rats just use bigger pipe.
Had a big rat problem in the barn, set out the pellet bait that come in small boxes, put under the grain pallets and hay pallets, rats would throw the box out once it was empty, would put a second box back under, never got that one back, rats are gone. If you have a small problem traps are good if it is a little bigger problem the bait works batter.
Glue traps side story Cousin set them out around the outside of her house to catch a rat see had seen, husband went to check the trap next evening, trap was gone. Looks around the house, finds a barn owl stuck in the trap with the rat, owl goes to rescue center, is OK, uses bar bait know.