suggestions- mouse in the house!

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
I have used the indoor bait bars for over a year now and no mice and I have never had them die in the house and smell.  I had a horrible mouse problem till I started using these bars.  I was also worried about them dying and smelling but I never had that problem, I really think that is your best bet!!  Good luck!!


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
Our "Killer Kitty" Calico likes to drag them in the house to play with them and of course she is TOO GOOD to eat the mouse so after play time (torture) is over and she is bored it gets let go.  Then I have to trap the darn things.  :eek:


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
my sister had cats that would bring them to their bed when they were sleeping at night. Can you imagine wasking up & find that you've rolled over on a mouse?  :p



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
linnettejane said:
have used the glue boards, but found that just one generally doesnt work, i put out 4 in a square shape in a corner with food in the corner, so they are forced to try and walk across them to get to the food...when i would just use one, they would somehow manage to get the food off without getting stuck or take off with the one board...this way, they get stuck on at least two boards and they cant carry them off...

but we have an inside cat now and havent had a mouse that i have seen in over a year...

I use the glue traps the exact same way.  Never found anything that works better.

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
I am sorry. I can't resist.  I have pent up mouse anxieties.  Try crossing a house mouse "situation" with an 18-year-old daughter that is a self proclaimed mouse rights activist and sticky traps.  Each one alone spells nothing but trouble but then throw them all together and you have a full time job for a therapist. 

Ever since a mouse crawled across my face while I was sleeping one night there has been a zero tolerance rule in my house.  Imagine a crazed woman at midnight in the aisles of the 24-hour grocery buying every trap they had, setting them all (approx. 30) and putting them on cookie trays and sliding them under my bed. Well, a few weeks ago when I actually found one in my DISHWASHER  so I threw down the guantlet!!!  I tried to appease my daughter by trying the "live" traps first but the beasts were too small to set them off so I used the sticky traps.  My kids had the ominous job of checking the "trap line" while I was in Denver.  BIG MISTAKE!  Finding a live one stuck down was more than my daughter could handle.  She flipped.

So where does the therapist come in?  Well, after my return from Denver and a LONG line of questioning my daughter finally agreed through many tears and acusations that I could use the sticky traps if we disposed of them immediately and HUMANELY.  When I asked what would be an acceptable means she looked me straight in the eye, with all sincerity and said, "Let Spencer shoot them!".  Do you have ANY idea how hard it was not to burst out laughing?!? All I could envision was my son, Spencer, loading that mouse in his clay pidgeon launcher, flinging out towards the horizon sticky trap and all,  and blowing it to smitherines with his shotgun.  That little mouse couldn't weigh two ounces! 

I guess we all have a different definition for "humane". So here's my suggestion.  A bottle of wine and some cheese.  Sometimes it's all about compromise.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
oh Juli, I can just see you freaking out that night!!! If that happened to me I'd be in the pych ward!



Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I've got a better story.  When I was going to community college i had a rat that took up residence in my car(a POS that i just used to drive back and forth to school).  Anyways i saw the mcdonalds bags moving on the passenger floor one morning and it didn't take me long to figure out what it was...  He would chew the foam out of the seats and i just could not get him to leave.

So every day I would drive to school with my jeans tucked into my socks, I did not need a rat up my pantleg while driving 80mph on I-80 if ya know what I mean.  I finally set about halfa dozen #1.5 coil springs throughout my car (these are the traps that I used for coon and fox) i was confident they would handle my rat.  It took about a week until one night i was walking out to check on pigs or something and as I walked past my car I heard a trap snap and then i heard a pissed off rat making some noise that pissed off rats make.  I opened the trunk and grabbed the trap chain and then let the dogs take care of the rat.  Moral of the story.  Don't haul cattle feed in the trunk of a car, apparently a bag had broke and the little bit of corn, oats and mollases that was in there was enough to keep him from leaving...


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
we used to find little piles of dog food in strange places. They were in a tool chest, in a bag of potting soil & on the ledge of our Tahoe's rear door. I know the heeler wasn't that talented so it had to be mice stocking up!



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Juli - you just invented a new sport - skeet shooting mice.  Sounds like way too much fun.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
Juli, I can see my 14 year old daughter having the exact same reaction with the same not so practical reasoning. :D

Ever tried to stuff a cat inside a barrel of grain that also included a Long Tailed Rat.

All four paws stretched to all sides of the barrel.  Needless to say the cat DID NOT KILL THE RAT.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Red, allot of the indoor baits make the animals dehydrate, drives them to water, but it also make them dry up very fast, little or no smell. Take a 1.5" PVC "T" add 6" of pipe to each part of the "T" put it along a wall in an area that mice are known to be, mice will go into the "T" to eat the poisen but the larger( Cats and Dogs) animals cant get to it. You might get  a whiff of the dead smell for a day, but no more mice. Use this method for squirrels and rats just use bigger pipe.
Had a big rat problem in the barn, set out the pellet bait that come in small boxes, put under the grain pallets and hay pallets, rats would throw the box out once it was empty, would put a second box back under, never got that one back, rats are gone. If you have a small problem traps are good if it is a little bigger problem the bait works batter.

Glue traps side story Cousin set them out around the outside of her house to catch a rat see had seen, husband went to check the trap next evening, trap was gone. Looks around the house, finds a barn owl stuck in the trap with the rat, owl goes to rescue center, is OK, uses bar bait know.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
ill tell a tale on myself...i was about 8 and a half months pregnant and was having a very restless was about 330am and i got up to go to the bathroom...was sitting on the toilet when a little mouse ran underneath the bathroom door and right across my bare feet........i am scared to death of mice...and i let out the loudest scream my husband said he had ever heard...of course he thought i was screaming because i was in labor...after a few minutes i was able to calm myself down enough to tell him that no i wasnt in labor, it was just a mouse...