Sullivan's Sale Results

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Well stated and it is great to be outstanding in a field of one.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
<beer> congrats Aj you have more championshiPs then me of course with that number of competition it's imposible to say if u earned it or not  ;D wonder if more pens were entered would you still have bragging rights?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
rarebirdz said:
<beer> congrats Aj you have more championshiPs then me of course with that number of competition it's imposible to say if u earned it or not  ;D wonder if more pens were entered would you still have bragging rights?

atleast he had the nuts to raise, feed, enter, and spend the time on them...

Congrats AJ, that's more work than almost the rest of the world commits to...  allowing one's self wide open to ridicule takes great talent.

standing first or last, doesn't matter...atleast you were there, and had the opportunity to win it all-- instead of sitting at home talking about how you would have smoked the playing field if you had went...

Life's rough when you only compare your cattle to the rest of them in the same pasture.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Shady Lane said:
To those of you who responded to my thread and gave the information I was looking for, thank you for your response.

  To those that  have gone off on an entirely unrelated tangent of nonsense and jealousy, please keep your oppinions to yourself and get a life. If a bull that sold in 2008 is such a hot button in your small worlds, I sugest you get a life. I would reccomend that if you spent as much time and effort improving your own cow herds, marketing your own cattle and worrying about your own affairs that you might be in a much better position overall as Cattleman.

All of this has been discussed previously at great length several times, do a search and you can find posts explaining all of this spanning 3 years.

Since I have all but forgotten about the modest financial cost of a $2,500 investment I would think that the rest of you could do the same?

Frankly I would have to say the purchase of a share inTimeline has been one of the better $2,500 investments I've made? Especially since I returned, MUCH more than this on the very first calf that hit the ground.

Naturally, since Timeline sold in a bull sale in CANADA he was sold in CANADIAN dollars, that would be the currency we use in Canada. Yes the exchange rate varries daily, I have forgotten what it was at the time of purchase since it was entirely irrelevant to the deal as all of the purchasers were Canadian.

In Canada, atleast with my accountant you just add up your total cattle purchases for the year and deduct that from your total cattle sales and adjust your inventories accordingly. You can either be on what is known as a Cash or an Accrual system.

As for Timeline's progeny, they have allready been well accepted and proven.

The current reigning National Champion Female is a Timeline daughter, does anything else really need to be said???

To add to that, Timeline progeny has sold near the top of multiple sales, both Daughters and Sons.

As well, a pen of primarily Timeline sons were the highest performing pen of bulls over all breeds in the Vermillion Bull Test at lakeland College.

There hasn't been a big pile of progeny registered, that is the whole point of forming a Syndicate, it makes the use exclusive. No semen is available for sale to the general public.
Sorry , I had no idea timeline had produced a canadian national champion. congrats! Salute progeny have sure made a huge path in the show ring both US and now Canada. great and congrats!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
This is what I know. JIT said time and again Timeline sold to a group of commercial cattle producers for 20k. Not once do I remember reading any registered breeders owned him. Then its a list with several registered breeders as owners. Im sure I will get flack from the goodie goodie police but as a outsider looking in, I wonder why somebody promotes a bull over and over again as a 20k bull when in fact it was a 17,500 bull. It brings several ethical questions to the table. JIT is always saying his integrity is his most treasured trait. OK, so why falsely promote a price? I really dont care but since everyone gets all roostered up about it, I thought I would go ahead and stir the pot as my per usual. Whats being lost in the cover up is the bull is actually doing some good. I am always thrilled to hear any shorthorn bull is doing people good.  Im glad the bull has made you money shady lane. I dont remember you ever once promoting him as a 20k bull.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
They're rounding to make it sound better...rounding to the nearest 10000. Sorry guys but if I spent that on a bull every stinking female would be getting papers and he would have a lot more calves than that and he would semen everywhere...ain't fair to him to not get to do his job butg on a few...if ya got something good market it and get every dime you can...but you've gotta be honest
Attn this is just a general statement

Shady Lane

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
Saskatchewan Canada

 Yes Timeline has done A LOT of good and is going to continue to do so, there is no doubt. I have a son here that is going to have a lot of friends.

I think you need to check your research though, the same list of owners has been published many, many times here on Steer Planet as well as print ads in Canada and The U.S.

 The purchase price is still the same as it always has and that's how thats calculated.

$20,000 divided by 8 partners = $2,500/each.

Justintime is one of the partners.

 This is how business is done.

I have never promoted him as a $20,000 bull because I frankly don't care if he cost $2,000 or $200,000

I got my use for $2,500 and made my money off of that.

 I see little point in promoting anything according to the purchase price. I see ads all of the time where somebody is toting a $50,000 this or a $100,000 that.

Who cares?

What does that information tell me?

What can that bull do for me? Somebody else got paid the $100k, how do I get my piece of the pie?

 I sell Ag Machinery as a means to generate the capital to buy and build my farm so hopefully someday I can live off the cows, if I promoted my products by how much they cost and bragged about how expensive they were I don't think my clientel would like it and I don't think it would help my business.

Ever notice how Sllivan's advertise their winners under $5,000? That seems like good business to me, let people know that you have a good product that can be affordable.

 Please loose your grip on the facination with the purchase price of my bull, it's irrelevant.

If you want to discuss him, discuss his merits or flaws as an individual breeding piece, I have no problem with that.

If you aren't paying the bill, don't worry about the price.



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
RidinHeifer said:
They're rounding to make it sound better...rounding to the nearest 10000. Sorry guys but if I spent that on a bull every stinking female would be getting papers and he would have a lot more calves than that and he would semen everywhere...ain't fair to him to not get to do his job butg on a few...if ya got something good market it and get every dime you can...but you've gotta be honest
Attn this is just a general statement

I have said more than enough on this subject, but again, I have to respond. Please go back and reread everything that has been posted on the Timeline topic. If you take the time to reread it you will see THAT I HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID that Timeline sold to a group of commerical producers. aj has said that numerous times and I have corrected him every time he said it. That is simply not true. I said that the group that bought him included one commerical producer. And that is totally the truth. When the bull walked into the sale ring, I had no idea what he was going to sell for. He sold for $20,000 and after the sale, everyone agreed that it should be split between the 8 partners. I maybe should have made it much clearer before the sale that I was retaining an equal interest, but I was not going to create an issue with a group that had just purchased the bull. In the end all it meant to me was that I paid commission on $2500 as I got the rest of the $2500 back when I got my sale proceeds. For the life of me, I just don't know what is so difficult to understand in this. As for promoting him as a $20,000 bull, I only mentioned this because that was what he sold for. I have never falsely promoted the sale price, as that was what he sold for. The contenting group bid $19,500 and the winning group bid $20,000.Sale commission was paid on $20,000 which was the exact selling price. Do I have to publish my sale returns on here to prove this?  Hopefully this will end this discussion as this has gone far past STUPID!

I have no idea why this has caused as much commotion on here. I have tried to explain this over and over, but I guess either I am not making it very clear or else some people refuse to understand what they read.
Timeline is the 4th hst priced animal I have ever sold. The highest priced animal was over twice this amount and no one has ever questioned that sale. The second high was also a bull that we sold privately. No one has ever questioned that sale even though it was over 30 years ago and the person who purchased him advertised what he paid for the bull. The 3rd highest priced animal was a female that sold in the early 80s and she went on to become a donor in the US and many thousand dollars of progeny were sold from her.

I have purhased two bulls myself for more than $20,000 and both were purchased over 20years ago, and to my knowledge no one has ever accused me of not paying that for them. They were good investments then and I would do it again if I saw opportunities to make money like they were. One of these bulls produed over $150,000 in semen sales, in his lifetime. The second bull had produced more semen sales that what I had paid for him before I had a calf on the ground for him.
As I have said many times on here, I don't know what is the big issue as there are lots and lots of animals each year that sell for more than this.I would expect most everyone on here as paid far more than this amount for a vehicle or a tractor. My herd bulls are my tractors and I am not afraid to invest good money in a good bull if I see an opportunity for the bull to make money and improve my herd. Maybe I should just sit back and bitch and moan about how bad life has been like so many like to do.
The cattle business has been my only business, and it provided me with my livlihood and it is just that... a business and I treat it like that.
I have said for many years, that the more I deal with people, the better I like cows. I am becoming convinced that this is very true when people continue to beat a dead horse on a topic that has been discussed far more than all the important topics have been . Now Please give it a rest !


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
justintime said:
RidinHeifer said:
They're rounding to make it sound better...rounding to the nearest 10000. Sorry guys but if I spent that on a bull every stinking female would be getting papers and he would have a lot more calves than that and he would semen everywhere...ain't fair to him to not get to do his job butg on a few...if ya got something good market it and get every dime you can...but you've gotta be honest
Attn this is just a general statement

I have said more than enough on this subject, but again, I have to respond. Please go back and reread everything that has been posted on the Timeline topic. If you take the time to reread it you will see THAT I HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID that Timeline sold to a group of commerical producers. aj has said that numerous times and I have corrected him every time he said it. That is simply not true. I said that the group that bought him included one commerical producer. And that is totally the truth. When the bull walked into the sale ring, I had no idea what he was going to sell for. He sold for $20,000 and after the sale, everyone agreed that it should be split between the 8 partners. I maybe should have made it much clearer before the sale that I was retaining an equal interest, but I was not going to create an issue with a group that had just purchased the bull. In the end all it meant to me was that I paid commission on $2500 as I got the rest of the $2500 back when I got my sale proceeds. For the life of me, I just don't know what is so difficult to understand in this. As for promoting him as a $20,000 bull, I only mentioned this because that was what he sold for. I have never falsely promoted the sale price, as that was what he sold for. The contenting group bid $19,500 and the winning group bid $20,000.Sale commission was paid on $20,000 which was the exact selling price. Do I have to publish my sale returns on here to prove this?  Hopefully this will end this discussion as this has gone far past STUPID!

I have no idea why this has caused as much commotion on here. I have tried to explain this over and over, but I guess either I am not making it very clear or else some people refuse to understand what they read.
Timeline is the 4th hst priced animal I have ever sold. The highest priced animal was over twice this amount and no one has ever questioned that sale. The second high was also a bull that we sold privately. No one has ever questioned that sale even though it was over 30 years ago and the person who purchased him advertised what he paid for the bull. The 3rd highest priced animal was a female that sold in the early 80s and she went on to become a donor in the US and many thousand dollars of progeny were sold from her.

I have purhased two bulls myself for more than $20,000 and both were purchased over 20years ago, and to my knowledge no one has ever accused me of not paying that for them. They were good investments then and I would do it again if I saw opportunities to make money like they were. One of these bulls produed over $150,000 in semen sales, in his lifetime. The second bull had produced more semen sales that what I had paid for him before I had a calf on the ground for him.
As I have said many times on here, I don't know what is the big issue as there are lots and lots of animals each year that sell for more than this.I would expect most everyone on here as paid far more than this amount for a vehicle or a tractor. My herd bulls are my tractors and I am not afraid to invest good money in a good bull if I see an opportunity for the bull to make money and improve my herd. Maybe I should just sit back and ***** and moan about how bad life has been like so many like to do.
The cattle business has been my only business, and it provided me with my livlihood and it is just that... a business and I treat it like that.
I have said for many years, that the more I deal with people, the better I like cows. I am becoming convinced that this is very true when people continue to beat a dead horse on a topic that has been discussed far more than all the important topics have been . Now Please give it a rest !


Feb 11, 2007
1st of all congrats to Sullivans yet again on another great sale....

2nd of all, holy smoke! You all are worked up over $20000.... wow lol...

I have spent-bought-sold& re-sold and pissed away $20000 on one steer a few times ....  At least this one sqirts, not like some of the steers I have bought lol....

Get over it, damn lol....


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
justintime said:
RidinHeifer said:
They're rounding to make it sound better...rounding to the nearest 10000. Sorry guys but if I spent that on a bull every stinking female would be getting papers and he would have a lot more calves than that and he would semen everywhere...ain't fair to him to not get to do his job butg on a few...if ya got something good market it and get every dime you can...but you've gotta be honest
Attn this is just a general statement

I have said more than enough on this subject, but again, I have to respond. Please go back and reread everything that has been posted on the Timeline topic. If you take the time to reread it you will see THAT I HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID that Timeline sold to a group of commerical producers. aj has said that numerous times and I have corrected him every time he said it. That is simply not true. I said that the group that bought him included one commerical producer. And that is totally the truth. When the bull walked into the sale ring, I had no idea what he was going to sell for. He sold for $20,000 and after the sale, everyone agreed that it should be split between the 8 partners. I maybe should have made it much clearer before the sale that I was retaining an equal interest, but I was not going to create an issue with a group that had just purchased the bull. In the end all it meant to me was that I paid commission on $2500 as I got the rest of the $2500 back when I got my sale proceeds. For the life of me, I just don't know what is so difficult to understand in this. As for promoting him as a $20,000 bull, I only mentioned this because that was what he sold for. I have never falsely promoted the sale price, as that was what he sold for. The contenting group bid $19,500 and the winning group bid $20,000.Sale commission was paid on $20,000 which was the exact selling price. Do I have to publish my sale returns on here to prove this?  Hopefully this will end this discussion as this has gone far past STUPID!

I have no idea why this has caused as much commotion on here. I have tried to explain this over and over, but I guess either I am not making it very clear or else some people refuse to understand what they read.
Timeline is the 4th hst priced animal I have ever sold. The highest priced animal was over twice this amount and no one has ever questioned that sale. The second high was also a bull that we sold privately. No one has ever questioned that sale even though it was over 30 years ago and the person who purchased him advertised what he paid for the bull. The 3rd highest priced animal was a female that sold in the early 80s and she went on to become a donor in the US and many thousand dollars of progeny were sold from her.

I have purhased two bulls myself for more than $20,000 and both were purchased over 20years ago, and to my knowledge no one has ever accused me of not paying that for them. They were good investments then and I would do it again if I saw opportunities to make money like they were. One of these bulls produed over $150,000 in semen sales, in his lifetime. The second bull had produced more semen sales that what I had paid for him before I had a calf on the ground for him.
As I have said many times on here, I don't know what is the big issue as there are lots and lots of animals each year that sell for more than this.I would expect most everyone on here as paid far more than this amount for a vehicle or a tractor. My herd bulls are my tractors and I am not afraid to invest good money in a good bull if I see an opportunity for the bull to make money and improve my herd. Maybe I should just sit back and ***** and moan about how bad life has been like so many like to do.
The cattle business has been my only business, and it provided me with my livlihood and it is just that... a business and I treat it like that.
I have said for many years, that the more I deal with people, the better I like cows. I am becoming convinced that this is very true when people continue to beat a dead horse on a topic that has been discussed far more than all the important topics have been . Now Please give it a rest !

if you pay yourself...  does it count? 



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I hate clubby bulls and most people- HW is fake & overrated said:
if you pay yourself...  does it count? 

it seems to me, all you investigators should be listing all sales ever transacted and scrutinize them.  your "selective enforcement" is hypocritical and personal, and rather boring.

did you lose anything?


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
I betcha all those people who used him thinking he's a $20,000 bull because they wouldn't use a $17,500 bull are feeling really embarrassed right now.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
Jeff_Schroeder said:
I betcha all those people who used him thinking he's a $20,000 bull because they wouldn't use a $17,500 bull are feeling really embarrassed right now.
<beer>Yep, they would probably have rolled that National Champion female if they had known.  This isn't like it was a $100,000 for half interest deal.  Breeding shares on bulls are going for $2,500 on up for 10 or 20 units.  This price isn't even a pimple.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
This whole thread is ridiculous. I have tried to read most of the posts but I pretty much feel they just repeat themselves over and over again.  <deadhorse> . If you are willing to spend top dollar on a steer, heifer, bull or cow or what ever it is, good job. I probably wont ever spend that kind of money, but I sure as hell would love to sell one for that much. I'm not implying that if you do spend that much your crazy, so don't freak out. People have different ideas, that's how it is. the only kind of criticism should be constructive.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Jeff_Schroeder said:
I betcha all those people who used him thinking he's a $20,000 bull because they wouldn't use a $17,500 bull are feeling really embarrassed right now.

lol !!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
If anyone is considering putting together a pen of Shorthorn bulls don't let cowz or frosbite or doc discourage you . Last year was a record number of Shorthorn pen bulls. They had more Shorthorn bulls down in the yards then they knew what to do with. I think they proscessed a hundred some bulls. Its a pretty friendly atmosphere down there. I think its more about displaying bulls in numbers than winning some showring show. Lets try and get 200 bulls there this year.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
aj said:
If anyone is considering putting together a pen of Shorthorn bulls don't let cowz or frosbite or doc discourage you . Last year was a record number of Shorthorn pen bulls. They had more Shorthorn bulls down in the yards then they knew what to do with. I think they proscessed a hundred some bulls. Its a pretty friendly atmosphere down there. I think its more about displaying bulls in numbers than winning some showring show. Lets try and get 200 bulls there this year.

I geuss I'm going to feed the troll , but here goes. How have I or cowz or frostbite ever discouraged anyone from displaying Shorthorn cattle???? I mean this is the 1st time I've seen your name on here in a long time aj & you're already trying to get something started with an untruth. I mean why can't you get on here & have some civil discussions?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
Doc said:
aj said:
If anyone is considering putting together a pen of Shorthorn bulls don't let cowz or frosbite or doc discourage you . Last year was a record number of Shorthorn pen bulls. They had more Shorthorn bulls down in the yards then they knew what to do with. I think they proscessed a hundred some bulls. Its a pretty friendly atmosphere down there. I think its more about displaying bulls in numbers than winning some showring show. Lets try and get 200 bulls there this year.

I geuss I'm going to feed the troll , but here goes. How have I or cowz or frostbite ever discouraged anyone from displaying Shorthorn cattle???? I mean this is the 1st time I've seen your name on here in a long time aj & you're already trying to get something started with an untruth. I mean why can't you get on here & have some civil discussions?

have you looked in a mirror lately?  Seems to me that you pick out a select few-- and contradict everything they say...  Glad to see Aj back= brings some needed divsersity back to the game.