Sunday Night Football Bob Costas

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
-XBAR- said:
J2F said:
How many watched last night? I did not and will not if they don't do the right thing.

and what would the "right" thing be, Mr fear monger?   

Id prefer to embrance what we have in common, our love for football, as opposed to always focusing on our differences of beliefs.  Again, just because you support someone's right to an opinion, doesn't mean you necessarily agree or disagree with that opinion.  I have a small armory of guns and I don't fell threatened by Costas' opinion in the least.
Ha Ha. Funny. Name calling. good one.
1st. If your belief is to take my guns for protection and food or my bible there is no need coming to the house to watch football. We will not celebrate any thing we could possibly have in common. Those are deal breakers for me. How many times have Americans made fun of something and said there is no way that will happen and woke up one morning shocked that a law or a person could get elected or passed in the United States of America the land of the FREE home of the brave. The fact there is one person in our government that wants to out-law guns should be too many.  :mad: I don't know how my first statement was fear mongering but I sure hope this one makes people think a little bit. Why does Costas' get an opinion and myself and Hank don't?

2nd I invited a gun toting liberal to watch football and celebrate our love for football one time, He ate my food, drank my beer, used my tobacco and then stayed on my couch. I got up at 4:30 to do chores before work and he slept, left for work still slept and as near as I can tell took a shower before he left when ever he woke up. It is funny the only thing we had in common besides a love for football was my stuff.  ;D in-laws  ;)



Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
We have all known Costas was a Jack Wagon for years and there are many that believe he is right. While I believe he has a right to speak his mind I just simply will not watch him. What Costas and the fellow that he was quoting don't realize is that while if there are no guns then this crime would not have happened but in reality more than likely the crime would have taken place by some other means. He talks about the problems that people have with confrontation and that is where I see the beginning of the issue. It is against the rules for kids to settle their differences at school they cannot fight anywhere, the young people have no idea how to resolve differences.

I am not advocating fighting by any means but I know when I was young there was an occasional fight and the kids were taken given swats and sometimes suspended from school and later in life they found out they could get a long just fine. And I don't remember my generation taking care of their problems with guns.

I am not condoning Costas nor fighting but our society needs to wake up and smell the coffee that getting you A$$ paddled and getting grounded or being punished by your parents or an authority figure went a long way until it became an unacceptable practice.

Costas nor NBC will ever apologize for this and we can make our decision not to watch either of them or ignore their stance because obviously they ignore our beliefs.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Writing off someone because of their belief on one topic is a far bigger concern in our society than anything you mentioned.  That is literally biggotry by definition.

I grew up watching Costas on HBO's "Inside the NFL."  Ive always been a fan of the guy. He could be anti gun, gay, and worship buddha as far as Im concerned -Id still be a fan. 


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
-XBAR- said:
I grew up watching Costas on HBO's "Inside the NFL."  Ive always been a fan of the guy. He could be anti gun, gay, and worship buddha as far as Im concerned -Id still be a fan. 
  What if Mr. Costas raised doll house shorthorns and marketed them as the real deal?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
-XBAR- said:
Writing off someone because of their belief on one topic is a far bigger concern in our society than anything you mentioned.  That is literally biggotry by definition.

I grew up watching Costas on HBO's "Inside the NFL."  Ive always been a fan of the guy. He could be anti gun, gay, and worship buddha as far as Im concerned -Id still be a fan. 
What is the deal with you and name calling any time someone does not share your view point?
Standing up for an issue that you believe in 100% and fighting ( with facts and verbal arguments) back is what this country needs more of. Why are christian conservatives expected to sit back and take it but the liberals go to the streets with protest and (even violence at times) and the national media spins it like they are hero's. If this is no big deal to you and you want to keep watching and supporting him go ahead I am sure no one will call you names for it. Others of us feels like it is something worth standing up for taking a stand. I am tired of loosing my freedoms on the daily bases in this country. I am tired of the bible and constitution getting stepped on and I am going to voice my opinion and try to influence people to see the facts and start standing up with me.  <hero>


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Well at least we still have the freedom to choose what we want to watch and to not watch the things we don't. (unless it is my house than that rule is out the door when the wife has the remote)
X-bar you can be a fan of who you want, just like Mtnman can choose to no longer watch a show because he is not a fan. If you are a public figure and you take a stand on a controversial subject there will be backlash, That is the thing about free speech, if you choose to exercises that right you have to be ready for others to use that same right against you.

I do not think that a sports broadcast is the propper place to exercise that right, I do not tune into sports to hear it. There are plenty of other media outlets for that.

That is my $.02

(just like most people do not come on to cattle websites for politics, but here at least most worn you if their post is not cattle related)


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
J2F said:
-XBAR- said:
Writing off someone because of their belief on one topic is a far bigger concern in our society than anything you mentioned.  That is literally biggotry by definition.

I grew up watching Costas on HBO's "Inside the NFL."  Ive always been a fan of the guy. He could be anti gun, gay, and worship buddha as far as Im concerned -Id still be a fan. 
What is the deal with you and name calling any time someone does not share your view point?
Standing up for an issue that you believe in 100% and fighting ( with facts and verbal arguments) back is what this country needs more of. Why are christian conservatives expected to sit back and take it but the liberals go to the streets with protest and (even violence at times) and the national media spins it like they are hero's. If this is no big deal to you and you want to keep watching and supporting him go ahead I am sure no one will call you names for it. Others of us feels like it is something worth standing up for taking a stand. I am tired of loosing my freedoms on the daily bases in this country. I am tired of the bible and constitution getting stepped on and I am going to voice my opinion and try to influence people to see the facts and start standing up with me.   <hero>
where was I name calling? Tired of losing your freedoms? Imagine how those persecuted by 'conservative christian" doctrine feel?


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
-XBAR- said:
Writing off someone because of their belief on one topic is a far bigger concern in our society than anything you mentioned.  That is literally biggotry by definition.

I grew up watching Costas on HBO's "Inside the NFL."  Ive always been a fan of the guy. He could be anti gun, gay, and worship buddha as far as Im concerned -Id still be a fan. 

XBAR, I never wrote off anyone, I simply said I will choose not to watch the man, he has an inalienable right to his speech and that's fine and if you share his views that fine too. The last thing I am going to do is tell you who, what, where and when to watch or listen too. Have all of Costas you want and here is my share to go along with it.

Making a decision based on one thing they say or do is the bases for trust, so if someone comes to your ranch buys a calf from you writes you a check and a few days later it comes bouncing back to you and you cannot get the animal back or get your money, how soon are you going to let them drive up to your barn again? I'm sorry but is that bigotry? That may be an extreme example but in the end it is the same. In life you only ever get one chance to make a good impression.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
where was I name calling? Tired of losing your freedoms? Imagine how those persecuted by 'conservative christian" doctrine feel?

how many feel persecuted by islamic doctrine.  more to the point, if they get their way, how many will be?

i guess in a way, conservative christian doctrine to some is you have to work for what you get.

i feel persecuted by liberal progressive doctrine and i don't feel fine.

life's a two way street.  for some reason, freedom is increasingly despised and outlawed.

anarchy at some point in all societies throughout history is the only escape.  just look at the arab winter, i mean spring.