swine banned from fairs

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Well-known member
May 18, 2010
What's everyone's county or state fairs doing in your area?  Is this really fair to ban pigs after you poured the show feed to them. Why not close the barns, show them and sell them.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Why are they being banned?  Once upon a time, I'd guess 20 years ago, give or take a little, there was an outbreak of pseudo-rabies in swine, and there were no swine shows at any of our Oklahoma shows that season.  I believe the concern there was that the disease was very highly contagious, maybe even to other livestock.  All I remember was that Oklahoma City was very quiet and un-crowded that year.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
At the Iowa state fair they are doing mandatory testing for flu at check in. Its by a vet. That is all I have heard.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
If they're sick they better be kicked out, no matter the species.  Do you want to pen next to something that's hacking its lungs up?


Active member
Jun 4, 2010
Its the "Swine Flu" H1N1 was the initial strain a few years back, and now this is another strain. it is passed in the air, and people can catch it thus the reason for the fairs to cancel swine shows. I know of a couple counties that still have the entire swine barns under quarantine almost 2 weeks after the fair has ended.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
nathan7522 said:
What's everyone's county or state fairs doing in your area?  Is this really fair to ban pigs after you poured the show feed to them. Why not close the barns, show them and sell them.

First hand knowledge here so this is what I know from the H3N2v flu that hit our fair.
Incubation is 24-36 hours
It spreads very fast in hogs and is spreading faster now in humans
Can be spread pig to human and human to pig
Our fair did not mandate the giving of vaccines to keep this a bay.  There is a vaccine but since the BOAH has issued numbers to farms the health requirements have lessened.  Can be vaccinated for with the H1N1
There have been comfirmed cases of it in people that had hogs at the fair.  I believe my "vintage" father had it and it has been amost 4 weeks before he felt better
fevers are high.  104 to 106.  A fever of 106 wil condemn a hog at the slaughterhouse meaning you don't get any turn price for them
We did not lose a hog at the fair to it.  Kids were allowed to sell hog if temperature was over 104 but had to treat and take home and then process
You don't get sick from eating the meat but who wants to eat a sick hog
Hogs were treated with draxxcin and recovered well

So why not close the barn and sell them?  one word.  MEDIA!  The media had a field day with this before all the facts were in and the general public was panicked by it.  In retrospect they should have closed the barn to all 4H kids and had 1 parent tending to the hogs as it seem to affect children and elderly.  They treated it very nonchalantly because they we alwasy have sick ones but 40+ pigs with temps is above the norm. 

So do we know if humans got the animals sick or if the pigs did?  We will never know that but if they have shut down shows such as the Indiana State Fair open barrow show, they made the right decision.  The livestock industry does not need to spread any disease  humans can suffer from and you are sick when you get this. 

Are there dissapointed deserving kids that cant show?  Yes.  Makes me sad to think of all the hard work but  this is preventable with the right prodical of vet care before we get to the show. 

As for 1 county starting this outbreak, I was at the neighboring county on ship out day.  Their hogs sounded just like ours and they put them on the truck.  So we will never know where is came from we jsut know it can be prevented and it is not worth bring this home to your farm


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
herfluvr said:
nathan7522 said:
What's everyone's county or state fairs doing in your area?  Is this really fair to ban pigs after you poured the show feed to them. Why not close the barns, show them and sell them.

First hand knowledge here so this is what I know from the H3N2v flu that hit our fair.
Incubation is 24-36 hours
It spreads very fast in hogs and is spreading faster now in humans
Can be spread pig to human and human to pig
Our fair did not mandate the giving of vaccines to keep this a bay.  There is a vaccine but since the BOAH has issued numbers to farms the health requirements have lessened.  Can be vaccinated for with the H1N1
There have been comfirmed cases of it in people that had hogs at the fair.  I believe my "vintage" father had it and it has been amost 4 weeks before he felt better
fevers are high.  104 to 106.  A fever of 106 wil condemn a hog at the slaughterhouse meaning you don't get any turn price for them
We did not lose a hog at the fair to it.  Kids were allowed to sell hog if temperature was over 104 but had to treat and take home and then process
You don't get sick from eating the meat but who wants to eat a sick hog
Hogs were treated with draxxcin and recovered well

So why not close the barn and sell them?  one word.  MEDIA!  The media had a field day with this before all the facts were in and the general public was panicked by it.  In retrospect they should have closed the barn to all 4H kids and had 1 parent tending to the hogs as it seem to affect children and elderly.  They treated it very nonchalantly because they we alwasy have sick ones but 40+ pigs with temps is above the norm. 

So do we know if humans got the animals sick or if the pigs did?  We will never know that but if they have shut down shows such as the Indiana State Fair open barrow show, they made the right decision.  The livestock industry does not need to spread any disease  humans can suffer from and you are sick when you get this. 

Are there dissapointed deserving kids that cant show?  Yes.  Makes me sad to think of all the hard work but  this is preventable with the right prodical of vet care before we get to the show. 

As for 1 county starting this outbreak, I was at the neighboring county on ship out day.  Their hogs sounded just like ours and they put them on the truck.  So we will never know where is came from we jsut know it can be prevented and it is not worth bring this home to your farm

Good report but not entirely accurate -

it is a human health issue not just a media issue

the virus (different from "human seasonal swine flu") does not spread easily among/between people - there is no evidence of sustained human to human spread (at this time, but of coarse viruses are capable of mutating)

H3N2v is a virus, as such Draxxin would not influence the disease

I don't know what you mean by "preventable with the right prodical of vet care before we get to the show." - according to USDA only 5% of weaned pigs are vaccinated for H3N2 - which is not for the variant disease H3N2v - so not sure how much cross protection would be offered by this vaccine; there is not apparently an H3N2v vaccine at this time

to date there have been 146 human cases of H3N2v in the 50 states in 2012, most in Indiana - the list is updated on the CDC website every Friday

from http://www.flu.gov/about_the_flu/h3n2v/index.html

H3N2v is a variant of H3N2 influenza virus that has recently infected some people in the United States. When this virus occurs in pigs, it is called “swine influenza.” The virus does not usually infect people or spread among people. It is very different from human seasonal H3N2 viruses.

    Since July 2011, 29 cases of H3N2v flu have been reported in eight states: Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, Pennsylvania, Utah, and West Virginia.
    Symptoms of H3N2v are similar to seasonal flu symptoms.
    The virus is not spreading easily among people in the general community.

Is H3N2v a threat?

Of the 29 cases of H3N2v flu reported since July 2011, 12 were reported during the week ending August 3, 2012. All of those cases occurred in people who had direct or indirect contact with swine before they got sick.

Of the 29 total cases, 23 were in people who had swine contact. Nineteen were linked to fairs where swine were present. Most cases have occurred in children.

Most cases of H3N2v infection have resulted in symptoms of flu: fever, coughs, runny nose, sore throat, and muscle aches. Three people have been hospitalized. All have recovered fully.
What are the symptoms of H3N2v flu?

So far, symptoms and severity of H3N2v are similar to the seasonal flu symptoms.
How does H3N2v spread?

H3N2v can spread to humans from infected pigs. In some cases, H3N2v also has spread between people. This happens in the same way that seasonal flu viruses spread—through close contact with sick people who may spread their infections through coughs or sneezes. Since the virus has not continued spreading beyond one or two people, it is considered less contagious among people than the seasonal flu. 
How can I avoid H3N2v flu?

You should follow everyday steps to keep yourself healthy this flu season. In addition, avoid close contact with animals, especially with pigs, that look or act sick. If you must come in contact with sick animals, you should take appropriate precautions such as wearing gloves.

A precautionary vaccine against H3N2v is in development and will likely be ready for clinical trials in the coming months.
Does seasonal flu vaccine protect against H3N2v?

Seasonal vaccine is not designed to protect against H3N2v.
Is there an H3N2v vaccine?

Not at this time, but research and development into an H3N2v virus has taken place. Clinical trials are planned for later this year. However, manufacturers are in a position to produce a vaccine that protects against this strain should sustained human-to-human transmission of H3N2v occur.
What should I do if I think I have H3N2v?

If you live in an area where H3N2v cases have been identified recently and develop flu symptoms, contact your health care provider (doctor, physician’s assistant, etc…). Tell them if you have had contact with pigs or with other sick people. Your health care provider will determine whether influenza testing and possibly treatment are needed. Influenza antiviral drugs can treat H3N2v infection, just as they can treat seasonal flu infection.
Who monitors H3N2v in the United States?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks cases of H3N2v in humans. The CDC reports H3N2v cases in its flu surveillance report. The CDC also reports all human cases of H3N2v to the World Health Organization (WHO). The USDA is responsible for tracking flu in pigs.
Can people get swine influenza from eating pork?

Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. For more information about the proper handling and preparation of pork, visit the USDA website fact sheet Fresh Pork from Farm to Table.
Related Links

    CDC Reports Cases 18-29 of H3N2v Virus Infection; Continues to Recommend Interim Precautions When Interacting with Pigs

from http://www.flu.gov/about_the_flu/h3n2v/index.html




Active member
Jul 14, 2012
i was at the ohio state fair this past week andwe were informed a vet found two pigs with swine flu. Just what i was told by a good amount of people. Thats crazy in my eyes.


Jan 12, 2010
I understand why they canceled the open barrow show at the Indiana State Fair, what I don't understand is why the barn wasn't under quarantine and closed to the public.  If they weren't allowing any hogs in, why were people still allowed in to look at the World's Largest Boar, Sow and Litter, and Championship row?  Couldn't these animals possibly have been contagious since they were in the barn with all the sick hogs?