TAI Protocols

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
I've been hit with an unfortunate situation and need advice.  My AI tech is injured and can not AI this spring.  We have a few more to go and wonder what is best.  My ABS rep can do it but would like them synced to make one trip (TAI).  Here's the deal on the cows:
2 - were set up for embryo implant 5/16.  They had cyst on ovary and were rejected.  GnRh was injected.
2 - are first calf heifers 40 days plus post-partum.  I tried something by Cidring to get them to jump-start cycling but did not breed.  Intending to Lute 11 days post-estrus from Cidr and then breed on heat detection.  They cycled off Cidr 5/10.

Scenario #1 - Lute all 4 around 5/25 and schedule TAI 5/28.  This will eliminate repeat Cidr protocol, but will they TAI off just Lute?  I may use Estrumate.

Scenario #2 - Cidr all 4 again around 5/21 with TAI 5/31?  Are there any negative affects in repeat Cidring 3 weeks after first Cidr protocol?  All 4 would be Cidr'ed 11 - 13 days after last heat.

My objectives here are first setting them up for the ABS Rep to make one trip.  Second, trying to stay in a March calving period.  I have a clean-up bull to catch the misses, so they're being AI'ed just once.  Really appreciate your feedback.  Be honest, but not too brutal!!LOL


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2008
Peterson, MN
I would go with the 7 day CIDR protocol.  It's more of a sure shot where your cows are in different stages.
We usually don't start even trying to synch cows until 50 days post.  And figure a little longer for first calf heifers.
Just confirm your schedule with your AI tech before you start.



Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
I myself would go w/ the 5day cidr program.  Maybe it is just my cows and the cows I have done for others, but have had more success w/ this program. 

ai er

Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Eastern Ohio
hntwhitetail said:
I myself would go w/ the 5day cidr program.  Maybe it is just my cows and the cows I have done for others, but have had more success w/ this program.

I agree with hntwhitetail.  Been using 5 day for several years now.  Never had a problem with seven day, but cows seemed grouped closer with the 5 day.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2008
Peterson, MN
We too have had good luck with the 5 day protocol.
Lately it seems we have been going with 7 day just because we get in the rhythm of pulling CIDRS every Monday night and putting new in whatever is ready the same night.  Just works out good with the kids schedules to help.  Breeding on thursdays then.
But 5 day has worked great too!


Apr 8, 2015
There was a big research project done comparing TAI in 5-Day Cidr vs 7-Day Cidr, I believe that it was a multi year study from Ohio State. They found that there was not a significant difference in the two protocols, but there was  a pretty big range across the data. They did find a significant difference in pregnancy rates in cows that were in anestrus at the time of insertion, with the 5 day protocol being more effective.

If you are sure that they were all in heat 11-13 days then they should all have a CL, so Lute or Estrumate would make them all come in heat. So I would Lute them and have your Tech breed them 72 hours after Lute, with GnRH at breeding.

Some people argue that Estrumate and Lute have different results, but most of the time the cows just show better heats on Estrumate.



Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
I contacted an A.I. Tech that does A.I. full time and breeds pretty much all day, every day in the spring.  He likes Cidr and Gnrh, pull Cidr's 8 days later, not seven, give Estrumate for tighter heats when pulling Cidr.  He breeds nursing cows 60 hours after pulling Cidr and Estrumate.  Virgin heifers he breeds at 48 hours.

We Cidr'ed tonight, pulling Cidr's Sat., June 4 about 7 p.m., breeding Tues. at 7 a.m. (60 hours).  He's had this business for many years, at least 10 - 15 that I know, so if he didn't get respectable rates, he'd be out of business.

I'll keep you informed.