Ditto to frostback about the last 2 cents. Knabe where are the 2 hfrs, is my computer not showing them. qbcattle, genetic defects imo have been eradicated in history because of falling in lines and breeds of cattle that the seedstock industry relied on as well as the commercial inldustry. The club calf industry wasn't huge in some of these breeds that had these defects. A dead calf because of a defect for a commercial man that sells 500 dollar calves every year is not very popular. So, these seedstock producers work within the breed to get rid of the defect to survive becuse the end user of their product, the commercial man is gonna quit buying. Not true all in the club calf business where huge premiums are paid for pheotype, One dead, another worth 5 to 10 k. Agree with it or not. The end user is the family with the phenotype in the ring, n they don't care. So it survives. Do these defects do a small part for creating a plus for the economy. Does Dr. Beever wish hed never saw a defect calf? Does Al Gore wish global warming doesn't exist? Per this thread, seems some are on a power trip every post they make, some i sense are on the outside looking in, maybe jealous of the industry, and then those who want to manage a defect and make a buck or a living off of an industry that isn't going away and are happy doin it.