The last post said exactly what was on my mind. Yes part of what is driving Lautner to put these bulls in the line up is what the market wants. But you also have to consider the fact that Lautner plays a very large roll in driving the market. Lautners are promotional geniuses, there are a few people starting to catch up, but there still isnt anybody out there that out promotes Lautner. As Brad Hooks said a few years ago, he was getting out of the promotional bull business because Lautner came in and completely changed the game and made it really hard to compete. The other thing to look at is where all the bulls Lautner typically come from. I cant remember off the top of my head one that doesnt go back to an older bull that he already owns. Lautner buys and promotes bulls that trace back to his older bulls, then he promotes the hell out of them, then he can say that the older bulls not only produce show steers, but bulls that produce as well. Its all a big circle of supporting his profit. And when you think that his bread and butter bulls that put him on the map were carriers, and that probably 90% of the bulls or more that he buys and promotes go back to those same few bulls(generally on both sides of the family tree) then you can see why so many of the bulls are carriers themselves.
I agree with GONEWEST also, I dont see why so many people are concerned with the industry, if the industry isnt affecting them. If you hate show cattle why are you even on this forum. If you are strictly a commercial cattleman you probably dont get a lot of helpful advice from this forum. I agree I think its sad that the cattle we are producing for the showring are less and less functional every year. But we are not the only show industry that has that issue. The AKC governs most dog shows, because of their lapse in registration requirements and judging criteria many genetic defects such as blindness and deafness have been proliferated in dogs. I dont remember when the last time I saw a world champion halter horse that wasnt crippled. How many breeding gilt shows do the champions look like market hogs that will never carry a litter that will amount to anything when it comes to numbers. but its all about producing that ONE great one in the show industry, functionality is out the window as long as we produce that one great one. Like I said I think thats a sad reality, but it is reality.
And like Chambero said, the other issue is not many people are making an effort to produce anything else, the ones that do produce a decent clean bull dont typically get to promote him like the big boys that are promoting dirty bulls, so thus the good clean bull only gets bred to 100 cows each year instead of 2,000 and he doesnt get bred to the best cows he gets bred to middle of the pack. So he never even really gets a fair chance to prove if he can do it or not.
Like was said earlier, this is all a self fulfilling prophecy. I think it could be changed and you could eventually have clean cattle that are as good as the carriers we see today, but it takes a long term breeding goal, realizing that you might give up a few good ones each year to make that happen. As I ahve said before it wont happen over night . But as long as dollar signs are rolling through peoples heads and they are looking for immediate turn around then the industry will continue to truck on just like its doing now.