JbarL said:
knabe said:
stimulus was not financed, that's why tea party doesn't want to raise taxes. dem's already spent the taxes they hadn't collected yet.
bull pucky.....
the tea party was an end to the spending party the " good ole boys" ran up on the gop tab( and a long standind repution that was begining to erode)......they dont want to raise taxes because republicians have always been "anti taxes"....
.'"read my lips" number 1 was another great "tea party" campagainer....but ended up losing his job over....."the pledge".......
clinton left.. "read my lips" number 2 a surplus ......and in eight years the economy was tanked.....remember tarp??...and other bush failed bailouts costs ....the tea party has pledged to balance the budget...by shrinking the government...cutting benifits of both social security and medicare..end the public school system......and never raise taxes>>....these freshmen statesmen/women are just replacing a weakanig republician agenda...and have now they got the "stripped shirt and whistle"....we'll see which oath or pledge they uill adhere...all for the protection of a lifestyle none of us would ever know....jbarl
Do you understand the value that numerals represent? Trillion has a lot of 0's behind it. Look at our deficit over the past 2 years. Look at our deficit the last 2 years of Bush, when who controlled the entire congress? And what does congress control? Can you say- spending? Out of curiosity, in your business when the market drops and your income drops- how do you handle the decrease in income? Do you go right out and buy a new truck or tractor? Or do you sinch up your belt a notch tighter? Does the bank give you more credit when you are consistently spending more than you generate? No! I dare you to wright the bounced checks these fools have been wrighting and see where you end up.
I don't like your last statement. It appears to be based in a line of thinking that is so wrong with many today. I am very much against dishonest gain, which is why I am so against the socialistic agenda of Obama- redistributing others wealth. But the words you continue to write at the end of your replies, " lifestyle none of us would ever know" has a hint of jealousy of someone else's success. I don't recall anyone saying that we are guaranteed or have a God given inalienable right to be rich. What I do recall is a right of freedom. You have the opportunity to work for yourself at any trade you elect. And further, it was designed to be without government interference, to the end you are not imposing on someone else's rights. The thing about America is that it "was" a place of opportunity. It mirrored the old testament Israel with God being our true leader. Now, too many people are asking to not be responsible for themselves. These fools want a king, and Obama is acting like one. Look at all the executive orders flying out of the whitehouse left and right, and no one is reporting on them. It is going to get us the same end.
There is no society where everyone will be rich, can't happen. But America was a place where you had a chance to make your own destiny- failure or success.
Furthermore, I am rather appreciative of lifestyle I do have. I thank God every day that I was born a child to some poor parents in the United States of America, where I may not have had name brand clothes, a big house, or any extra money. But I did have a full belly every night and by the grace of God the opportunity to make something of myself. There are too many people in this world that would give everything they have to trade positions with you. We all need to be a little more thankful for what it is that we do have, and looking less at what we don't. A lot of our problems with debt would disappear.