The cost of Oil?

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
knabe said:
seriously, we give subsidies to rural airports?  i'm sure a car is nowhere near as effective as driving to an airport some 150 miles or more in some areas for a lot less money.   this is pork on steroids.  if people won't give this kind of subsidy up, we are going to have 1789 here once enough people find out.

that is an easy cut and the democrats are holding this up?  what a joke.  why doesn't rockefeller just use his own money?  it would be a whole lot cheaper.  why does he need ours?
This is an area I never gave much thought to as far as subsidies,  I often wandered how and why we had these small airports  everywhere, and that they were advertising these low rates to destinations 100 miles away.  So if congress can't agree on getting rid of these subsidies what hope is there on less obvious ones?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
most tyrants see the error of the economics in their lifetime.

from the article.

The Islamists have two weapons on their side. Oil and the birth rate. But the former can’t be eaten and the latter must eat.

only two weapons?  people are fooling themselves that things are going to get better when the birth rate is released on the world.  america is committing genocide by not having children and losing it's culture if it isn't gone already.

suicide (diversity) seems to be the preferred option.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
knabe said:

muslim policeman reprimanded for not attending christian event or ordering his subordinates to.

oops, i mean non-muslim reprimanded for not attending muslim event or ordering his subordinates to.

that, is the cost of oil.

where is the muslim outrage?  the silence from the muslim community yells loud and clear they hate equality and freedom.

until they start demonstrating otherwise, it proves to me it's not a religion and therefore should not be protected as such.
Many immigrants come here as the appreciate the freedom and opportunities but many more come here as the freedom and opportunities give them a chance to set up and establish there own societies. Many have contemp for the majority that is here.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
knabe said:
suicide (diversity) seems to be the preferred option.
In this country this is diffenitely the path we are on, how to destroy the most powerful country in the world? From within. :(  Keep bending over backwards for the minorities and forget the majority, what is the difference in family size when comparing blacks, whites, hispanics, muslim?   I know the hispanics and muslims are a lot higher but don't the #'s.  However in Muslim dominated countries this (diversity)  is rejected, imprisioned, eliminated, hence their advantage and why they come here?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
muslims are not remotely receptive of diversity, particularly pointing out white elephants.

eventually, they too will commit suicide.

While British Pakistanis account for three per cent of the births in this country, they are responsible for 33 per cent of the 15,000 to 20,000 children born each year with genetic defects.

Read more:

PHA, TH, dwarfism, monkey mouth etc, don't even come close to the number of defects in muslim societies.

shh.  we can't examine islam, we can't understand it.

The problem is most serious in Bradford. A recent survey of 1,100 pregnant women in the city showed that 70 per cent have husbands who are first cousins — a higher percentage than the average of 50 per cent among Pakistanis across the whole of Britain.

It is no surprise therefore that more than six per cent of children in Bradford have health defects, with paediatric wards looking after countless children, including teenagers lying in nappies who are unable to speak and are fed through a tube.
Meanwhile, the city’s special schools struggle to cope with huge numbers of pupils with learning difficulties.

not only that, they are taught to hate the country they are living in at the mosque.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

The mission of the Bureau of the Public Debt is to borrow the money needed to operate the federal government, account for the resulting debt, and provide reimbursable support services to federal agencies.

the public debt started because of the revolution and to distribute that debt somewhat equitably between the states, even the one's who wanted to stay with england.

it was hamilton's downfall.

Thеrе іѕ a wide selection οf personal need grants thаt thе federal government offers. Thеѕе personal need grants include: utility bill аѕѕіѕtаnсе, medical bill аѕѕіѕtаnсе, food/nutrition, personal debt consolidation, home repair, rent аѕѕіѕtаnсе, аnd child care. Hοwеνеr, thе government dοеѕ nοt offer grants fοr personal expenses, οr fοr paying οff debts. In addition thеѕе grants аrе nοt available tο everyone, аnd essentially аrе always given based οn need.

the above sentence is one reason we are in debt.  they are financing personal debt even though they say they aren't.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
understanding the conflict of a defined contribution and an undefined benefit is key to understanding the debt.

we simply do NOT pay in enough for what we take out.  in a way, it's simply musical chairs.

the government EXPECTS to pay for all this debt with population growth, hence immigration as we "don't" have enough children.

at some point, the population has to level off, and it has except FOR immigration to be sustainable, something the greenies always talk about but refuse to to DO anything about.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
another interesting thing about the debt is that the left targets corporations as evil, yet it is those very corporations that pay their pension through stock market plans.

they are killing themselves by continually suing them, regulating them.  it's one reason they are SO keen on killing small business as small business typically do not have stock.

corporations are moving overseas in DIRECT response to liberal policies, the very policies that are hurting liberals when they retire.

it's WHY they want to raise taxes from a continually smaller pool of tax PAYERS as they simply have to only outvote tax PAYERS by enlisting voters using emotional issues.

unfortunately, this usually revolves around social issues like abortion, and republicans are only too keen to comply without understanding they are falling into the progressives lair.

the left is very good at messaging to insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions by keeping voting issues emotional.

i wish the right would address abortion by pushing to making adoption easier, almost but not quite as easy as having a child which requires no rules at all.

the other thing they could do is monetize drug penalties similar to a traffic ticket to reduce prison unions and jail expenses. 

it would lower the price of drugs and lowers the risk taking the financial incentive out of drug dealing and free up resources for people in that industry to support their families with a real job, placing pressure on hiring them instead of illegals.  yes their is a work ethic gap between them and illegals as well as other issues where there is no pressure to accumulate skills, but we can deal with that i think, unless a bunch of church goers after church go on rampages against white people at fairs in direct conflict of what they just heard at church unless it was obama's pastor.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
liberals lie too?  no way.

when it come to oil and "lies" can we forget the bush/rumsfeld/cheny promise that ...oil profits from iraq would covewr the cost of the war.....

that one seemd to hurt the country  a bit....its killin' us now finacially still today...8 yrs of bush and then comes the tea party...slick tricks like wars on credit, and subsdies in the pharmacutical industry/ medicare all on credit....
no wonder tea party was so adament about a new direction for the republican party.......problem is.....they came into washington ..wanting to "plant corn in the morning......and have roastaneers' for supper"....

they  want a balanced budget.....but refuse to accept a balanced approach.....what can you expect from a group of politicans who sign pledges "never" to raise taxes?? could you support someone who as a pledged  agenda "along with" a matter of a constitutional "oath"...makes no sense at all...
theis generation of 35 to 65 year olds, cant get us out of this mess in our lifetime....but our lifetime has sure been made a mess of ....home prices/ l401 ks./ benifits and pension concessions?? interest rates...

its not theeven  redistribuition of wealth....its the even redistribuiton of "debt"...thats the question now....i dont think that this generation is going to want to put there "retirement years" out of reach with no home equity/no 401k worth living on..all in jepardy...... if it means taxing the lifestyle of a world we'll never know...we will see tuesday how much "buyers remorse" is out there...after the wisconsin recall votes.on tuesday... jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
still with the 50% don't need to pay taxes mantra.

stimulus was not financed, that's why tea party doesn't want to raise taxes.  dem's already spent the taxes they hadn't collected yet.

dems are killing the companies that are financing their retirement.

keep it up, kill the golden egg.  you will offshore every company and all america will be is consumers.

no other plan other than taking money from those that earned it and giving it to people who didn't.

democrats don't seem to understand how to create a product in demand other than by mandating it.  THAT'S why they hate capitalism.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
stimulus was not financed, that's why tea party doesn't want to raise taxes.  dem's already spent the taxes they hadn't collected yet.

bull pucky.....
the tea party was an end to the spending party the " good ole boys" ran up on the gop tab( and a long standind repution that was begining to erode)......they dont want to raise taxes because republicians have always been "anti taxes"....
.'"read my lips" number 1 was another  great "tea party" campagainer....but ended up losing his job over....."the pledge".......
clinton left.. "read my lips" number 2 a surplus ......and in eight years the economy was  tanked.....remember tarp??...and other bush  failed bailouts costs ....the tea party has pledged to balance the shrinking the government...cutting benifits of both social security and medicare..end the public school system......and never raise taxes>>....these freshmen statesmen/women are just replacing a weakanig republician agenda...and have now they got the "stripped shirt and whistle"....we'll see which oath or pledge they uill adhere...all for the  protection of a lifestyle none of us would ever know....jbarl


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
JbarL said:
knabe said:
stimulus was not financed, that's why tea party doesn't want to raise taxes.  dem's already spent the taxes they hadn't collected yet.

bull pucky.....
the tea party was an end to the spending party the " good ole boys" ran up on the gop tab( and a long standind repution that was begining to erode)......they dont want to raise taxes because republicians have always been "anti taxes"....
.'"read my lips" number 1 was another  great "tea party" campagainer....but ended up losing his job over....."the pledge".......
clinton left.. "read my lips" number 2 a surplus ......and in eight years the economy was  tanked.....remember tarp??...and other bush  failed bailouts costs ....the tea party has pledged to balance the shrinking the government...cutting benifits of both social security and medicare..end the public school system......and never raise taxes>>....these freshmen statesmen/women are just replacing a weakanig republician agenda...and have now they got the "stripped shirt and whistle"....we'll see which oath or pledge they uill adhere...all for the  protection of a lifestyle none of us would ever know....jbarl

Do you understand the value that numerals represent?  Trillion has a lot of 0's behind it.  Look at our deficit over the past 2 years.  Look at our deficit the last 2 years of Bush, when who controlled the entire congress?  And what does congress control?  Can you say- spending?  Out of curiosity, in your business when the market drops and your income drops- how do you handle the decrease in income?  Do you go right out and buy a new truck or tractor?  Or do you sinch up your belt a notch tighter?  Does the bank give you more credit when you are consistently spending more than you generate?  No!  I dare you to wright the bounced checks these fools have been wrighting and see where you end up. 

I don't like your last statement.  It appears to be based in a line of thinking that is so wrong with many today.  I am very much against dishonest gain, which is why I am so against the socialistic agenda of Obama- redistributing others wealth.  But the words you continue to write at the end of your replies, " lifestyle none of us would ever know" has a hint of jealousy of someone else's success.  I don't recall anyone saying that we are guaranteed or have a God given inalienable right to be rich.  What I do recall is a right of freedom.  You have the opportunity to work for yourself at any trade you elect.  And further, it was designed to be without government interference, to the end you are not imposing on someone else's rights. The thing about America is that it "was" a place of opportunity.  It mirrored the old testament Israel with God being our true leader.  Now, too many people are asking to not be responsible for themselves.  These fools want a king, and Obama is acting like one.  Look at all the executive orders flying out of the whitehouse left and right, and no one is reporting on them.  It is going to get us the same end.   

There is no society where everyone will be rich, can't happen.  But America was a place where you had a chance to make your own destiny- failure or success.

Furthermore, I am rather appreciative of lifestyle I do have.  I thank God every day that I was born a child to some poor parents in the United States of America, where I may not have had name brand clothes, a big house, or any extra money.  But I did have a full belly every night and by the grace of God the opportunity to make something of myself.  There are too many people in this world that would give everything they have to trade positions with you.  We all need to be a little more thankful for what it is that we do have, and looking less at what we don't.  A lot of our problems with debt would disappear.     


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the emperor has no clothes.

should the 50% of the population that don't pay federal income tax continue to pay 0?

both GE and poor people should pay the same rate.

that way, effort and ideas can be rewarded rather than leached from to give everyone a ferrari.

again, does everyone deserve a ferrari?

at what point will you not reward sloth?  when the sloth lives a lifestyle someone else worked for?

revenge seems to be a motivator for you.

by the way, again, i did not vote for either bush.  they both did not understand fairness and thought they could buy votes, just like almost every politician.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
is it possible to tax at 110%?

at what point will job providers leaves states and the US?

oh wait, they already have.

how do you propose to get them back?

so far, your only answer is to tax more, spend more.  i take it you are against the concept of money and you should decide the value of services, which from all your arguments, has always meant those with talent and effort must pay for those without it.

you never offer solutions, just endless attacks on bush.  at some point your broken record will turn to dust.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
commercialfarmer said:
JbarL said:
knabe said:
stimulus was not financed, that's why tea party doesn't want to raise taxes.  dem's already spent the taxes they hadn't collected yet.

bull pucky.....
the tea party was an end to the spending party the " good ole boys" ran up on the gop tab( and a long standind repution that was begining to erode)......they dont want to raise taxes because republicians have always been "anti taxes"....
.'"read my lips" number 1 was another  great "tea party" campagainer....but ended up losing his job over....."the pledge".......
clinton left.. "read my lips" number 2 a surplus ......and in eight years the economy was  tanked.....remember tarp??...and other bush  failed bailouts costs ....the tea party has pledged to balance the shrinking the government...cutting benifits of both social security and medicare..end the public school system......and never raise taxes>>....these freshmen statesmen/women are just replacing a weakanig republician agenda...and have now they got the "stripped shirt and whistle"....we'll see which oath or pledge they uill adhere...all for the  protection of a lifestyle none of us would ever know....jbarl

I don't like your last statement.  It appears to be based in a line of thinking that is so wrong with many today.  I am very much against dishonest gain, which is why I am so against the socialistic agenda of Obama- redistributing others wealth.  But the words you continue to write at the end of your replies, " lifestyle none of us would ever know" has a hint of jealousy of someone else's success.     


when you find out exactually who the tea party is representing in the up comming "commission of 12" will find that the entire agenda of the tea party has nothing to offer but the same ole "trickle down economics" with protecting the pretense of the rich mush be will see them fight tooth and nail to save a loophole or tax credits and off shore advantages that none of "us" will every enjoy....and offer nothing for the middle class except sanctions and cuts in future benifits ......maybe you dont like the last statement because you no it may be true??...time is sure to tell....keep an eye on the preformance and agenda of your favorite tea candidate and see how much of it fits your present needs and plans for the jealousy ...just facts...jbarl


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
revenge seems to be a motivator for you.

by the way, again, i did not vote for either bush.  they both did not understand fairness and thought they could buy votes, just like almost every politician.

compassion for fairness is not to be confused with anger or revenge.....this 35 to 65 yr old generation has lost enough...savings gone/retirement funds drying up...home values benifits unattanable due to cost....if this generations economy has been ruined ...doesnt that tell us that more people in the middle class and working poor now are going to be the ones that are going to be needing most of the benifits in the near future as they prepare to "retire"...the same ones the tea party is wanting to disimantel??
the old rich families that thrived during the 30's crash....and made millions...even back then....and they are still around you can bank on that....andthe same families today and several of there generations  will never feel anthing of a  pinch of  this middle class nightmare....thats the lifestyle to which we will never see....and the tea party is pledged to protect it......jbarl