The cost of Oil?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
the old rich families that thrived during the 30's crash....and made millions...even back then....and they are still around you can bank on that.

you mean like the kennedy's?  even their wealth is diminished.

most families lose their wealth.  you can bank on that.  

you want them taxed away, instead of them just wasting it on their version of a stimulus.

bet you can't think of the interruption to a company and therefore jobs if you tax the estate at 50%.  but then you were really never that interested in unintended consequences were you?

the family that keeps their wealth is a rarity.  look at john kerry, he needs to keep marrying to keep his.

look at cattle breeders, rarely are they multi-generational.

look at gore, he piddled his wealth away.

at least they don't give out money to their voting constituencies like the last stimulus (obama) and tarp (bush).

really, all democrats sole platform is class warfare.  take money from those who earned it and give it to people who didn't.

here's an expert on taking other people's money, contributing to global warming.

how does reducing 140 billion on the middle east to no good purpose create jobs?
lower the tax rate by that much?  the guy has no clue how to create a job.
and for certain, no democrat platform does either.  they don't understand what one is, how could they create one.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
JbarL said:
compassion for fairness is not to be confused with anger or revenge.....this 35 to 65 yr old generation has lost enough...savings gone/retirement funds drying up...home values benifits unattanable due to cost....if this generations economy has been ruined ...doesnt that tell us that more people in the middle class and working poor now are going to be the ones that are going to be needing most of the benifits in the near future as they prepare to "retire"...the same ones the tea party is wanting to disimantel??
the old rich families that thrived during the 30's crash....and made millions...even back then....and they are still around you can bank on that....andthe same families today and several of there generations  will never feel anthing of a  pinch of  this middle class nightmare....thats the lifestyle to which we will never see....and the tea party is pledged to protect it......jbarl

So having wealth is evil.  Check.    We should take it from them to give to everyone else.  Check   

That is called socialism, and was tried by mother Russia-  oh wait, that didn't work out to well did it?  Again, no one guaranteed you on the day you were born that you would have equal finances.  That mentality is slipping into our society with all this bunk about "every player deserves a trophy" crap.  It is driven by people not wanting to be responsible for standing on your own two feet.  You can give up your freedom for false security if you want, but you need to find somewhere else to do it. 

P.S.  China called and said you can come pick up your trophy. 


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
commercialfarmer said:
JbarL said:
compassion for fairness is not to be confused with anger or revenge.....this 35 to 65 yr old generation has lost enough...savings gone/retirement funds drying up...home values benifits unattanable due to cost....if this generations economy has been ruined ...doesnt that tell us that more people in the middle class and working poor now are going to be the ones that are going to be needing most of the benifits in the near future as they prepare to "retire"...the same ones the tea party is wanting to disimantel??
the old rich families that thrived during the 30's crash....and made millions...even back then....and they are still around you can bank on that....andthe same families today and several of there generations  will never feel anthing of a  pinch of  this middle class nightmare....thats the lifestyle to which we will never see....and the tea party is pledged to protect it......jbarl

So having wealth is evil.  Check.   

never said once wealth was evil....but its time now to pay the bills for presidents of already know....iraq...afganistan...perscripyion subsidizes....tarp.....stimulus....ect...
if you think you can balance a budjet without revenue your crazy....if you thiink the middle class is going to stand for a tax increase your generation of middle class cant be responsible for the economic turnaround of our our lifetime...theyve got our generations ..savings.401 and retirement piensions they want to take away your social security and medical care for when your to old to work anymore....taxing the rich more doesnt bother me a bit....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
50% of the 50% that don't pay federal income tax are low wage earners.

they can pay tax.

it doesn't make sense to tax social security.

means test social security.

taxing every bit of income doesn't bother me a bit.  but it bothers you. 

your solution is class warfare when you don't tax ALL income.

what is your solution to CREATE jobs in the private sector without government subsidy which never last.

buggy whips again?

nobody ever said 401's have to invest in the stock market.  that's a choice you want eliminated from social security, once again wanting it both ways just so long as you can complain about it and tax productivity to the level that they leave.