The resurrection of the 1980's simmentals

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
leanbeef said:
I remember all the cattle in those pictures. I used both Maximizer and 600U a little, and I remember Moon Glow well. Always had great respect for Signal & I consider him one of the more important forefathers in American Simmental. My dad bought a Signal son from Marwood Farms back around 1980 or '81...really good bull. He sired the first champion heifer I ever showed. Man, I loved that heifer!...

As far as those pedigrees go...that first bull is kinda interesting. I've been through some of Yardley's cattle a couple times, and that program is sound as they come. For us, I wish the cattle were stouter numbered, but the females are sure the right kind and I think they'd work anywhere! They're on my short list of programs I really want to buy from someday.

You wouldn't happen to have a picture of that Maximizer bull outta the Yardley cow, would ya?

The middle one could go either way based on his pedigree. I thought the Seigfrid in there was pretty interesting... And then that bottom one...prob not as optimistic about him!

Let me check with an old timer on a picture-- but I highly doubt it.

I believe the bottom bull to be red and white, and ironically--- he's the one with the most semen in my tank... go figure... 

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
Has anyone mentioned E.T.?  <alien>  Bred by Circle B Cattle Co. (IL) and co-owned with Burns (WI).  Son of Canadian Salvator and out of a Signal dam.  I remember he sired a lot of good show cattle mid to late 80's.  His most famous was Circle B Madonna, NWSS Champion Female.  I don't have a picture.  Maybe someone out there does.  Circle B also had L-7 Mr. Big-N-Tall and used him heavily.

My favorite heifer/cow from that time was Keepsake, a daughter of CPS who also happened to win Denver.  (clapping)  I know I had some pictures and old magazines somewhere but my dad probably threw them all out when he moved.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
I remember them, too! I always liked CPS...Or I thot I did. I was really too young to know what i liked lol. PBM Savior son? that right?

ET was one of those kinda mysterious bulls. I'm not sure if I ever saw a picture of him, but he had a little buzz there for a couple years. They were kinda ugly headed though, I thought.

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
leanbeef said:
I remember them, too! I always liked CPS...Or I thot I did. I was really too young to know what i liked lol. PBM Savior son? that right?

ET was one of those kinda mysterious bulls. I'm not sure if I ever saw a picture of him, but he had a little buzz there for a couple years. They were kinda ugly headed though, I thought.

CPS was another Mr. Clean son and out of a Signal cow.  Would make him a 3/4 brother to Singlenick Doubletime. 

I had an E.T. daughter out of a Lacombe Achilles cow that I showed in 1986.  She was not near as clean fronted as my Generation III heifer but she was big and great bodied.  But by todays standards she'd be considered pretty.  I sold her bred at 21 months at the state Simmental sale and she weighed just over 1700 lbs.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Saskatchewan, Canada
Cattle Cards you are going for the show ring genetics of the time.  They did have a lot of popularity then but I would not want much to do with them today.  Here is a picture of ET whose popularity was fairly short lived.  CPS was a Mr. Clean out of a Signal cow who I did not mind the picture I saw of him.  I definitely liked a lot of his offspring at the time and the were fairly dominant in the ring for a few years.  I have a picture of Keepsake as a cow.  Keepsake was bred to Lightning to produce Keystone, Countersign, Triple Threat, Vibration, and Kingpin who all had success in the ring and produced winning offspring.  Other notable sons were Triumph and GW Upside.

The dam of Black Max was mentioned as an outstanding cow and the one photo I saw of her definitely looked that way.

Leanbeef here is a photo of the JVS Black Star bull mentioned who was 1994 Denver champion.


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Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
We raised purebred and fullblood Simmental.  We bred for performance and had our own bull test.  But those kind didn't win.  After some discussion I was able to breed a number of cows to show sires.  They turned out to be pretty nice cattle and my Dad followed suit.  I used Singlenick Doubletime, Generation III, E.T. Transformer (a George Creek Ranch bull).  A couple of other  bulls that were popular but I didn't try were Papillion and Pineview Jazz.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
It is confirmed that is JVS Black Star-- the bull who walked the pastures right next to this house.  He was purchased as a mature bull from out west by my neighbor-- and within a week of arriving in IL-- had such severe cases of footrot, he could not walk, and most of his feet were ate away.  A threatening phone call was made, and it was agreed that the bull would be sent to UofI to be fixed.  Upon arriving at UofI, the bull was collected for his new owners- so he would not miss a breeding season to this bull.  The bull finally made the trip back to western IL after getting fixed up, and bred cows for a year or two before he died.  There is several canes of his juice in my tank, and maybe some still in the neighbor's. 

This is the same neighbor who's been buying up all kinds of powerful pedigreed and looking bulls in the last 40 years.  Matter of fact, last month he bought some 10,000 GCC Angus bull to use on his heifers- and some guy from TX offered him a 2 or 3000 profit 2 weeks later.  Not sure of that bull's name, but he's been collected and selling semen. 


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2009
Sullivan supply would have a hay day if these styles came back... would have to make and sell bigger blocking chutes, come up with a straw/yellow colored paint, and design "fitting stilts" for trimming top lines. the length of legs would mean more adhesive sold too! probably wouldn't seel as many fitting mats as you could stand up to fit these guys.. lol :)
i better get the patent office!



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Cattle Cards said:
leanbeef said:
I remember them, too! I always liked CPS...Or I thot I did. I was really too young to know what i liked lol. PBM Savior son? that right?

ET was one of those kinda mysterious bulls. I'm not sure if I ever saw a picture of him, but he had a little buzz there for a couple years. They were kinda ugly headed though, I thought.

CPS was another Mr. Clean son and out of a Signal cow.  Would make him a 3/4 brother to Singlenick Doubletime. 

I had an E.T. daughter out of a Lacombe Achilles cow that I showed in 1986.  She was not near as clean fronted as my Generation III heifer but she was big and great bodied.  But by todays standards she'd be considered pretty.  I sold her bred at 21 months at the state Simmental sale and she weighed just over 1700 lbs.

CPS worked really well on Hereford cows...

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
I also like that all of these old bull pics are of bulls, not fat calves.  And none of them were photoshopped.  Not that anyone does that today...


New member
Apr 3, 2014
Im from Australia and I believe these bull have there place they can be used as an out cross etc enable use to use new old genetics I use them and I have a signal daughter and shes an execptional footed animal ill include a photo of her when she was a young heifer im more then happy to get a mature photo of her she's turns off one of the best calves each ear and is pulling wher weight very nicely and she isn't very tall


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New member
Oct 26, 2015
It's my first time here.  The last post was a few years ago, but I did find this thread very helpful.

I ran across some Alpine Polled Proto (APP) semen.  Does anyone have a color photo of APP that they can post?  The only photo I find on the internet is a grainy black & white photo  (attached).

I'm considering using him to A.I. some cows that I have.  My cows have the "80's" Simmental color, and I'd like to A.I. them to produce a few heifers with this same color.  Light beige / white face.
  (NOT the darker red seen in Fleckviehs)

From what I read in various blogs, he sounds like he could match what I am looking for.



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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2013
NW Ohio
Here is a color picture of Proto - one good bull to add growth, muscle and some style


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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
My first foray into Simmentals, back in the late 1980s, were some Proto daughters I bred out of black commercial cows.  They were GOOD.  Saw some APP semen on 'clearance' at SEK recently...was tempted to buy it... but 25 years down the road, I'm still trying to breed away from the color dilution gene... and was afraid that in addition to that, I'd be 'going backwards' with regard to some of the progress I've made.

Still love those big red/yellow & white cows... but that's not what the stocker calf market wants here...

That said, I still have a handful of my old SimAngus cows, descended from a DS PollfleckXAlpine Polled Proto cow, and at 10-15 yrs of age, they're still some of the best producers in the herd.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2013
I have been working quietly on resurrecting some of the old fullblood genetics however my focus is very limited to only the very best, proven cow families and matings.

This is a one month old ET bull calf born in early September.....his dam and sire are from the 70's....almost entirely French with a touch of Swiss. His sire....Bar 5 Exodus was a moderate framed bull for the times and wasn't embraced by the show ring crowd of the day. His maternal pedigree goes back to the great RFG Tosca 1B. A beautiful pedigree for those who have knowledge of the foundation genetics.
He could be available if interest is sufficient. I might bring him to Louisville a year from now.


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New member
Oct 26, 2015
Thanks, and it's great to hear nothing but good reviews on Alpine Polled Proto.
Already took my first 3 heifers last week to be A.I. bred to Alpine Polled Proto -  hoping to build a nice herd of Proto females in the next few years, and then I can starting thinking about who I'll breed them to.

Can't wait.!


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
Ithaca, MI
Let’s see if we can activate this conversation again.
How did the Proto matings turn out?


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2013
NW Ohio
Never heard how the Proto mating turned out.  Here is a Parisien on Herr Otto that was born last year to celebrate ASA's 50th anniversary.  We also had calves out of Firn #8, Extra, Signal and Abricot.


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