The state of the planet

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Just think of bs'rs herd bull every time he posts and you realize he doesn't do anything seriously.

I would like to post his comments at his nrcs and see what his wife and the other women think.

Hopefully his boss is a woman. Apparently the one at home isn't.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Jason said:
Honestly this is the part of the site I struggle with.  I want people to be able to express their opinions, HOWEVER being disrespectful to other members while you do this is not acceptable.  

I don't get a chance to read every topic, but I read most of them.  I have empowered my current moderators with the ability to ban people.  

I will go ahead and clearly define better rules, sticky it to the top, and will make sure every moderator knows what we don't tolerate.  I am not picking on anyone, just want to make the site enjoyable for everyone.

This is the problem as I see it. This site is NOT enjoyable for everyone. Jason has done an admirable job of developing this site and it used to be a great place to come to visit with cattle people of all ages. I know of many people who quit coming here, because the conversation bothers them. Two days ago, I got a phone call from a person who used to post on here very regularly. He said he doesn't come here anymore because he doesn't need the added stress. He has some health issues and he said he found some of the conversation disturbing and it bothered him.  When you look at the number of former regular posters who have disappeared from this site, I think many of them have left for similar reasons. They don't like being treated disrepsectfully and/or bullied.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with good debate, in fact it is almost a requirement of a good forum. What is not acceptable is the rudeness, disrespect, ridicule, slanderous statements that some post. I know of many people who hesitate to even post anymore, becauise they feel it is just not worth the risk of being ridiculed or verbally slapped on the head. An example of what I mean is outspoken's comments in this thread to frostback. His comments to her were totally uncalled for, totally disrespectful, and insulting. As most of us know, frostback is quite capable of standing up to anyone, but these comments were, if nothing else in unbelievable bad taste. I could recite many other examples of these types of comments, but I think most have their own lists of them.

When I think back to the great discussions on this board when I first came to it, and what we see now, there is a huge difference. The quality of disscussion has taken a huge slide down the slippery slope of inappropriate comments and this is being caused by a few. If these people act this same way in public where they live, I feel very sorry for those who have to deal with them regularly.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Isn't there a thread celebrating 13000 members? More people, more comments. Good and bad. Life is to short to sugarcoat and blow smoke up someone butt. Take the good and take the bad for what it's worth. Maybe they are trying to help. Maybe they just get a kick out of the fun police gettin fired up. I see my share of idiots daily. If I feel the need I say it. Same goes if I see someone doing good. Broad shoulders, thick skin, and a open mind are required equipment in this crazy world we live in.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
Come on guys....don't be so hard on the kids that are questioning things. What may seem second-nature to you, because you've been doing it for more years than they've been alive, is no reason to bad-mouth them. Not everyone was born with a scotch comb and a can of adhesive in their hands. I know that my own kids get on here from time to time because showing cattle is important to them, and they want to learn.

I agree that the inferiority complex runs rampant on here (reminds me of the coffe shop), but bitching about someone/something on here doesn't do much good. Either do something about it, or pipe down is my opinion. If it's truly important to you, you'll spend your time trying to figure out how to beat them, rather than gripe and complain.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
You probably haven't seen many posts from me in a long time. Reason? read JIT's post. I remember when I first came on this site. Everyone talked about how much fun and how informative Steer Planet was. They also often commented on how refreshing it was compared to the "bashing and trashing" at Showsteers. Look at Steer Planet now!
Jason started a great site. He has done everything he can do to promote a good, tasteful forum. However, Jason can't control everything. I don't know what the solution is. But, Jason isn't the problem.
And no, it's not worth posting anymore. I still correspond with members through email or PM.
I just never see the point of the rude, disrespectful comments from anyone. Life is way too complicated to have to deal with such childish people.
This negative, hateful posting is robbing good education from young people searching for improvement and experienced people searching for the same.
There have been some awesome topics in the last year or so that, predictably, get railroaded into unreadable crap.
Why don't those of you that seem to thrive on this behaviour just GO AWAY?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
knabe said:
Just think of bs'rs herd bull every time he posts and you realize he doesn't do anything seriously.
enlighten me to which bull I 'own'... last time I checked, I don't own any herd bulls-- just helping promote a Maine.

and I'm highly considering a switch of jobs, so I guess you won't have that to bitch about. 


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
I hope some of the "old timers" continue to post on here because I have learned a lot since joining. I really enjoy when people post pictures of their cattle and talk pedigree so that I can figure out what's what in the purebred world. It's going to be a long time before I get the oppurtunity to see these herds in person so this is 2nd best option. You don't have to agree with everyone on SP but you should respect that there is another person on the other side of the key board. Respect is not an option.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
At one time I was also one of the active posters on this site. It was a place exchange ideas with other experienced cattlemen or maybe try to help someone that was just starting out. Today I am more of a "lurker". I still come to the site and read a few posts but seldom post on any of them because most turn into mud slinging contests that I choose not to be a part of. I think that many of us "older" posters get offended by some of the critisizing and bashing that goes on because we were taught to respect other people and their ideas as children. I'm afraid that some of the "younger" generation of posters were not taught that. They live by the rule that they can say whatever they want to whoever they want even if it's just for their own entertainment and being rude is apparently a part of their everday life. My theory is this - prove yourself as a breeder, fitter, whatever it is that you claim to be and then I'll give you my attention, until that happens you're just another "wannabe" that will likely never be in the real world. Anyone that is just getting started and needs some advise, feel free to PM me and I will be glad to try to assist you in any way that I can. RW


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I might throw this out there......don't post a picture and then complain that no one likes it but your extended family. This puts you in the catagory of "whiney little welp".


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
I'm with RW and JIT -- most every one who has been here for a couple years knows me -- or at least OF me. Good and bad == the web site was and still is at times a wonderfull place to come and be part of the cattle industry. I have seen it myself folks, it has very gradually declined in viable content, and not due in any part to Jason's efforts.

Used to be a REAL young person -- UGH UGH -- would ask and we would tell or try to inform. The problem I have seen lately -- I can't personally tell which poster is a REAL child or young person versus some imature - over sensitive and rude intelect -- seriously. Have any one noticed the smaller number of posts made by myself in the last 6 months??? It gets old I guess you could say, not that I have lost any desire to help, I always will and am glad to do it, but !!!!! -- I get very few requests any more, and even the ones I do post to do not respond back for the most part. I just checked my PM's tonight for the first time a week or so, and I have two to respond to -- I hope I can help who ever needs it.

PLease people, cut the BS (No pun intended for the former owner of that name on here) and lets get back to being the fun, enjoyable and educational place that Red, Jason, and Austin started now 5 years ago!




Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
aj said:
I might throw this out there......don't post a picture and then complain that no one likes it but your extended family. This puts you in the catagory of "whiney little welp".
The Canadians have never said anything rude or personal when someone dislikes a photo or calf when they post it, I w i l l  t y p e  t h i s  s l o w e r  t h i s  t i m e  a s  y o u  a r e  n o t  g e t t i n g  i t. T h e  o n l y  t i m e  w e  h a v e  a              p r o b l e m  i s  w h e n  t h e i r  i n t e g r e d y  i s  q u e s t i o n e d.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
That may be true......but when red run this deal the canadians weren't listing 40 photographs on a info mercial.  After Jamie and you and okie doakie posted over 1000 photos free of charge I noticed a change on the board. The Canandians tought they owned the deal.....not saying its right or wrong.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Never felt that way. I haven't ever felt there were too many picture post. There have been too few.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
aj said:
That may be true......but when red run this deal the canadians weren't listing 40 photographs on a info mercial.  After Jamie and you and okie doakie posted over 1000 photos free of charge I noticed a change on the board. The Canandians tought they owned the deal.....not saying its right or wrong.

I don't recall hearing of any rule which limited the number of picftures anyone could put on this site. If that is the case, I would ask aj why he doesn't post any pictures of his cattle on here. I might have missed siome, but I don't recall him posting any. Personally, I like people who post pictures on here. If you don't like what some people post don't bother reading these posts. I have bought and sold several head from pictures posted on SP. I have also bought and sold dozens of embryos. I know of many others who have done the same. How about you aj.... are you a bit jealous that some other people are using this site not only to learn what others are producing, but to promote their cattle and source new genetics?
Looking at pictures of good cattle, of any color or breed, never gets old to me. If I didn't like doing this, I probably wouldn't even look.

But then, I'm just a liar, so I probably will go to HELL anyways!