the truth about health care costs and our economy (not cattle related)

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
-XBAR- said:
Not a successful business in the world that operates with a balanced budget.  It's called leverage.   In the richest country in the world (our national income is 3x that of the next highest-Japan), the US, healthcare is now a right.   Undocumented residents are a net surplus on our economy.  Very few middle class families are struggling. Chances are, if you're struggling, you're not middle class. The point of a pell grant isn't to control education cost, but to make education more accessible.

There is an old saying that if you repeat something often enough, it becomes the truth. That can be a dangerous practice in the business world, especially when it comes to handling your money. So to help you separate fact from fiction, we are listing the three biggest myths about debt that need to be debunked. Here’s our top trio of non-truthfulness.

1. You can’t build or expand a business without debt.

Nonsense, baloney and simply not true. Just ask the founders of Apple Computer, Mattel Toys or Starbucks—all Fortune 500 companies that started with next to nothing. The truth is, according to the Census Bureau’s data, 60% of all small businesses opened in a given year need less than $5,000 to start . They don’t want to begin their dream saddled with huge debt.

2. A line of credit is needed to cover cash-flow fluctuations.

Once again, not true. With good accounting and budgeting practices, any business—even those that are seasonal or unpredictable—can forecast their cash flow and be ready for down times throughout the year. Plus, having cash saved (retained earnings) allows you to become your own line of credit.

3. Large purchases require debt.

Okay, you understand not going into debt for pretty much anything. But what about those big purchases, like real estate or expensive equipment, that can costs thousands and thousands of dollars? You have to borrow, right? Absolutely not. The same theory holds true for the big-buck buys. You don’t need to borrow. Instead, make a plan, save for them and pay cash.

Dave systematically saves toward a purchase goal and puts a very specific amount as a line item in the monthly accounting, almost as if it were an expense.

In the meantime, he:

Rents until he can pay cash.
Outsources to avoid going into debt.
Buys used instead of new at a significantly lower cost.
The best way to grow your business is to take a lesson from The Tortoise and the Hare. Slow and steady always wins the race. You don’t need to borrow money to make it big. Instead, save for what you need and then expand. It lowers risk and minimizes mistakes. And that’s the truth! No myths allowed.

All that is from a guy named Dave Ramsey. Do you still want us to believe not a single business in the world operates with a balanced budget?  I for one owned and operated a very successful business for 22 years, and never borrowed a dime!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Not a successful business in the world that operates with a balanced budget.  sample population is questionable as is definition of success.

It's called leverage. leverage can cause bubbles.

   In the richest country in the world (our national income is 3x that of the next highest-Japan), the US, healthcare is now a right.  not true.  not everyone is covered.

   Undocumented residents are a net surplus on our economy. uh huh.  please document.

Very few middle class families are struggling.  uh huh.  please document.

Chances are, if you're struggling, you're not middle class. leverage can initiate struggle

The point of a pell grant isn't to control education cost, but to make education more accessible.  the point of pell grants is to control the population and make control more accessible.  Pell grants only increase the cost of education.

your commentary resembles the symptoms of the noro virus.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Inching in the mkt is a recipe for disaster.   The success rate for players entering a mkt ready to compete with the 3 largest players is astronomical compared to that of business that do what you suggest...  the tortoise approach.

Just like nearly all tech companies, Apple operates with EQUITY FINANCING.  This means while they didn't 'borrow' cash, they sold shares of their company in exchange for operating capital.

Per their 10k, both Mattel and Starbucks operate with considerable LONG TERM DEBT as well as EQUITY FINANCING.  Look at their balance sheet. Look at their interest payable on their P&L or income statement.  What they started with on day 1 is completely irrelevant as to how they attained their success.  

While Dave is saving, Ryan borrowed the capital to kickstart his business and opened Dave's dream store the next week.  Business was great. Ryan's earnings were so strong the first year, he not only paid the principle and interest expense on his note, he was able to take the excess earnings and make a capital investment in store #2.  While Dave was playing the Tortoise game, Ryan continued to leverage his business and within 10 years had expanded his business to over 5 stores.  By the time poor Dave 'saved' enough to make a play, Ryan's success had created such a barrier to entry that poor Dave's dream was a thing of the past.

Perhaps success is a relevant term.  I tried to clarify -medium to large business- in my previous post.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the reason for barrier to enter markets is because our supposed representatives ask big companies to write laws that favor large companies.

really, your knowledge of the situation resembles tyranny.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
The success rate for players entering a mkt ready to compete with the 3 largest players is astronomical compared to that of business that do what you suggest...

too many failed products and companies litter the floor for that argument to hold water.  i guess innovation is just a tired concept.

at least 9/10 companies fail in silicon valley.  with that success rate, using your logic, the valley should be desolate and a waste land and return to apricot and prune orchards.

do you have your echo chamber on max?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
the reason for barrier to enter markets is because our supposed representatives ask big companies to write laws that favor large companies.

really, your knowledge of the situation resembles tyranny.
I'm not sure what you mean by my knowledge of the situation resembling tyranny but laws weren't the barrier I was referring to.  I was referring to the cost advantages associated with economies of scale- as in when quantity increases the average cost of each unit decreases.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
 I was referring to the cost advantages associated with economies of scale- as in when quantity increases the average cost of each unit decreases.

and when scale meets market saturation and flexibility diminishes and one is suddenly faced with excess inventory and inflexible manufacturing and corporate structure, turnover, and a whole host of other issues that are magnified with size, such as excessive salaries and compensation, yes men, boards without independence, the list goes on and on.  large companies spend millions, ok billions to mitigate these issues with legislation, regulation etc to maintain facism.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
 I was referring to the cost advantages associated with economies of scale- as in when quantity increases the average cost of each unit decreases.

and when scale meets market saturation and flexibility diminishes and one is suddenly faced with excess inventory and inflexible manufacturing and corporate structure, turnover, and a whole host of other issues that are magnified with size, such as excessive salaries and compensation, yes men, boards without independence, the list goes on and on.  large companies spend millions, ok billions to mitigate these issues with legislation, regulation etc to maintain facism.

File, restructure, never miss a beat.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
aj said:
The only way that us in the older generation will not crush the younger generation is a program called PANDEMIC. If it would wipe out 30% of us old bastards......the younger generation would have a fighting chance.jmo

Well AJ your generation raised us, and voted in the governments that got us here so who's fault is that.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
  You ask the lady doing account receivables at the hospital, I'll ask the developer who built the hospital. Foreign workers in this country raise GDP, lower prices- thus raising living standards, and sustain industries that would otherwise struggle for labor.  David Coates, a professor at Wake Forest ( You're familiar with the institution, right?) has a website- -that's dedicated to countering misinformation with accurate data and clear guidance to sources on numerous aspects of the immigration issues so you can educate yourself.

You call that web site fact? Why, cause it is a web site? i can make up a web site and put misinformation on it that people believe cause they want to believe it. Why don't you do your own actual FACT CHECKING instead of reading talking points. But you got one thing right  ILLEGAL ALLIENS (don't put words in my mouth I am not talking about legal immigrants) do drive down pay for low end jobs. Since they are here illegally their are tons of businesses that likes to take advantage of them. If your ok with them being taking advantage of and worked unfairly what is your stance on slavery?

I am starting to wonder do liberals act and say the things they do just in case they get caught breaking the law  some day and their aclu lawyer can use their past as a defense for insanity?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
J2F said:
  You ask the lady doing account receivables at the hospital, I'll ask the developer who built the hospital. Foreign workers in this country raise GDP, lower prices- thus raising living standards, and sustain industries that would otherwise struggle for labor.  David Coates, a professor at Wake Forest ( You're familiar with the institution, right?) has a website- -that's dedicated to countering misinformation with accurate data and clear guidance to sources on numerous aspects of the immigration issues so you can educate yourself.

You call that web site fact? Why, cause it is a web site? i can make up a web site and put misinformation on it that people believe cause they want to believe it. Why don't you do your own actual FACT CHECKING instead of reading talking points. But you got one thing right  ILLEGAL ALLIENS (don't put words in my mouth I am not talking about legal immigrants) do drive down pay for low end jobs. Since they are here illegally their are tons of businesses that likes to take advantage of them. If your ok with them being taking advantage of and worked unfairly what is your stance on slavery?

I am starting to wonder do liberals act and say the things they do just in case they get caught breaking the law  some day and their aclu lawyer can use their past as a defense for insanity?
Youre right, you can make any web site you want.  The difference is David Coates is an economist among othere things,  a professor at Wake Forest, and holds an Oxford education.  You on the other hand are a child that lives at home with your mother...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
-XBAR- said:
J2F said:
  You ask the lady doing account receivables at the hospital, I'll ask the developer who built the hospital. Foreign workers in this country raise GDP, lower prices- thus raising living standards, and sustain industries that would otherwise struggle for labor.  David Coates, a professor at Wake Forest ( You're familiar with the institution, right?) has a website- -that's dedicated to countering misinformation with accurate data and clear guidance to sources on numerous aspects of the immigration issues so you can educate yourself.

You call that web site fact? Why, cause it is a web site? i can make up a web site and put misinformation on it that people believe cause they want to believe it. Why don't you do your own actual FACT CHECKING instead of reading talking points. But you got one thing right  ILLEGAL ALLIENS (don't put words in my mouth I am not talking about legal immigrants) do drive down pay for low end jobs. Since they are here illegally their are tons of businesses that likes to take advantage of them. If your ok with them being taking advantage of and worked unfairly what is your stance on slavery?

I am starting to wonder do liberals act and say the things they do just in case they get caught breaking the law  some day and their aclu lawyer can use their past as a defense for insanity?
Youre right, you can make any web site you want.  The difference is David Coates is an economist among othere things,  a professor at Wake Forest, and holds an Oxford education.  You on the other hand are a child that lives at home with your mother...

Some of the dumbest people I know are college educated professors. That does not impress me. They make up "facts" to fit their vision of the world.
Ill ask the question one more time and then I am done. Why when you are confronted with facts and reality do you resort to name calling and insults meant to change the topic. Why do you think what you thinks matters to anybody else. Do you think they would give you control over their emotions to make them mad or something?  Again you should research your topics of discussions and have some sort a fact (please look fact  up in dictionary)  way before speaking. It use to be funny but now you are just making people sad.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
wow, I just read where you said you had a daughter.  unbelievable.   

Wow I read over and over you are inside an echo chamber.

Challenge your beliefs and cut the strawman arguments.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
J2F said:
-XBAR- said:
J2F said:
  You ask the lady doing account receivables at the hospital, I'll ask the developer who built the hospital. Foreign workers in this country raise GDP, lower prices- thus raising living standards, and sustain industries that would otherwise struggle for labor.  David Coates, a professor at Wake Forest ( You're familiar with the institution, right?) has a website- -that's dedicated to countering misinformation with accurate data and clear guidance to sources on numerous aspects of the immigration issues so you can educate yourself.

You call that web site fact? Why, cause it is a web site? i can make up a web site and put misinformation on it that people believe cause they want to believe it. Why don't you do your own actual FACT CHECKING instead of reading talking points. But you got one thing right  ILLEGAL ALLIENS (don't put words in my mouth I am not talking about legal immigrants) do drive down pay for low end jobs. Since they are here illegally their are tons of businesses that likes to take advantage of them. If your ok with them being taking advantage of and worked unfairly what is your stance on slavery?

I am starting to wonder do liberals act and say the things they do just in case they get caught breaking the law  some day and their aclu lawyer can use their past as a defense for insanity?
Youre right, you can make any web site you want.  The difference is David Coates is an economist among othere things,  a professor at Wake Forest, and holds an Oxford education.  You on the other hand are a child that lives at home with your mother...

Some of the dumbest people I know are college educated professors. That does not impress me. They make up "facts" to fit their vision of the world.
Ill ask the question one more time and then I am done. Why when you are confronted with facts and reality do you resort to n
ame calling and insults meant to change the topic. Why do you think what you thinks matters to anybody else. Do you think they would give you control over their emotions to make them mad or something?  Again you should research your topics of discussions and have some sort a fact (please look fact  up in dictionary)  way before speaking. It use to be funny but now you are just making people sad.
I present facts. You have not presented one. Over half of the people in this country disagree with you...including the wealthiest, most successful people I know.  I judge peoples' opinions based on their credentials. I'm sorry you find this insulting.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
258 here is your facts for what illegals cost our county.

I can't get you facts on businesses running in the  red because they only fact out there is don't do it or you will fail. Borrowing money is not an unbalanced budget, borrowing more money than your revenue can make payments on (or even just pay the interest on) is an unbalanced budget. Are you saying P&G has borrowed and paid out more money than their revenue can pay out for the last 50 years? Monsanto? DuPont? I think Chevy and Chrysler has, that is why they took the government bail out. May be your talking about them? You make your budget that may or may not include payments to an institution you borrowed money for an expansion or equipment "but not to supplement the lack of income to pay bills" and you have enough revenue  meet your budget is what I consider a balanced budget. If you can't make your payments and have to borrow money to pay bills due to lack of revenue then no that is not a balanced budget.  No successful business in the world works that way for long periods of time.(more than a year depending on the severity) Please show me one.

As far as the 50 percent well, all I have to do is look at the election map and see who I want to side with. I am fine with being like minded with the good hard working country folks in red with common sense. Cities and city folks are not for me, it's bad enough working in them I couldn't  live in one. If 50 percent of the country jumped off a bridge I would not follow.

I know you are concerned but no worries, you didn't insult me. You tried your hardest I will give you that. I guess you'll have to move on and find someone else to try and bully. Good luck.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I don't think government health care is about cost's. It is about controll. They now are talking about fines for smokers in the system. Fines for obesity. Its all about Barraks fantasy of Utopia. Socialism at its best. They will eventually control your diet. 100 years from now there will be no private property. It will be a government in "Pop's" eyes.jmo


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I present facts. You have not presented one. Over half of the people in this country disagree with you...including the wealthiest, most successful people I know.  I judge peoples' opinions based on their credentials. I'm sorry you find this insulting.

cause even if they are wrong, you still believe them.  sounds like religion to me.

Judging people on their credentials is tyranny.

With your logic, hitler was good because he had supreme credentials. Of course then you will complain about his accreditation.